The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 876 A future full of ‘charm’

Bell pretended and ran away, leaving billions of people confused.

‘So you tell us how to get to that [Dalaran]! ’

And this feeling of 'dissatisfaction' reached its peak after seeing people flashing in the sky and recovering the strange projection equipment floating in the sky.

Some people were shouting at the top of their lungs. They didn't know why they were shouting, but they just wanted to shout.

There are also some people who are trying their best to deny what they just saw, and at the same time, their hearts are full of panic about the future. Once the world view that has been forged over a long period of time is shattered, it is understandable that you will feel confused.

Some people are filled with envy and jealousy, and cannot let go of the fact that they cannot cast handsome magic.

Some people clasped their hands around their waists and tried hard to release Qigong waves (did these people do something wrong?), but until their cheeks turned red, they could only hold in the fart.

More people kept looking around, looking for everyone who looked like a wizard. However, after a lot of mistakes, no wizard was found.

It can be said that at this moment, no one, from the governments of various countries to the wizards and civilians, is not panicking.

It is foreseeable that due to Bell's willful behavior, people's originally stable and peaceful life will be completely broken. Starting from today, the world will embark on another track, a track full of unknowns.

Compared to the chaos below, Bell felt completely at ease after placing the floating island in a position he had already calculated. He doesn't care whether the road ahead is an abyss or a smooth road. For him, the most important thing now is to accompany his sister to explore the city of Dalaran.

"Oh~! Let's go play~!"

No matter what happens, even if tomorrow is the end of the world, you can still live today as you should.

After governments of various countries deployed a large number of police forces to suppress the chaos, at least on the surface, the world returned to its original state again, as if nothing had happened.

But the calm on the surface cannot eliminate the turbulent undercurrents under the water. From time to time, a wizard's identity is revealed and magic-related incidents are discovered.

This is worrying the Ministry of Magic in various countries. Now whenever the name Menethil or Bell is mentioned, no one at the top of the Ministry of Magic in various countries will gnash their teeth with hatred.

But at the same time, many Bell's admirers also sprung up one after another, and soon formed a considerable momentum.

There is no shortage of lawless people among wizards. In fact, since the revolution led by Grindelwald broke out and the International Federation of Wizards was forced to compromise, very few adult wizards today have never violated the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy.

After all, a forgetting spell can erase the memory of Muggles. Even if you are accidentally caught by the Ministry of Magic, it will only be settled by paying a fine. Therefore, as long as you are not casting a powerful destructive spell in front of many Muggles, , it’s really not that big of a deal.

In this way, unexpectedly, Bell's reputation became obviously polarized between the official and the private sector. Many folk wizards are looking forward to Bell announcing the way to [Dalaran] soon, hoping to travel to this first magical city in history. Some are even ready to move their families.

However, a week has passed, and except for the occasional small blue-purple dot in the sky when people look up at the night sky every night, they have not received any news about Bell, as if The big move Bell made before was just an April Fool's Day joke.

So, why has Bell not made any movement after a week has passed?

In addition to preparing to receive visitors and immigrants, the most important thing is actually to take refuge.

After all, he had done such a "treasonous" thing, and Bell should naturally face the accountability of his father. In fact, if other people in the family hadn't stopped him, William would have really planned to kill his relatives out of righteousness.

Especially after the British Ministry of Magic was held accountable by the Ministry of Magic from various European countries, and the International Federation of Wizards also sent letters one after another demanding explanations and explanations from the Menethil family, William was so worried that his mouth was filled with bubbles. , I poured bottle after bottle of the potion to clear away heat and eliminate internal heat into my mouth, but my stomach was almost bursting, and it was still of no use.

"It's cleared! Patriarch! It's finally cleared!"

Suddenly, a secretary rushed into William's office excitedly without even knocking on the door, and shouted excitedly at William.

"What's going on? Also, don't you know you should knock on the door before coming in?"

William glared at the secretary who broke into the door. His mood has been extremely different these past few days. If the guy in front of him can't give him a satisfactory explanation, then he can go out and pack his things and get out.

"It's a personal terminal! Master Bell's personal terminal has finally been opened!"

"What!? That bastard Bell is finally willing to turn on the phone! Give it to me quickly!"

After hearing the report, William no longer cared about the trivial matter of knocking or not.

A week! He had been holding back his anger for a whole week! Whatever you say today, you have to pour it all on Bell's head and scold that little bastard bloody!


The secretary, who had no idea that he was almost unemployed, quickly handed the connected personal terminal to William.


As soon as he took over the personal terminal, William couldn't help but let out a loud roar. The sonic spell he had been practicing for so long was finally put to use!

"Dad! Why did you shout so loudly all of a sudden? You scared people!"

Unexpectedly, what came out from the personal terminal was not Bell's voice, but a clear and sweet female voice.

"Zanna!? Why are you? Where is Belle?"

William looked at his daughter's figure on the screen in surprise and quickly lowered his volume.

At the same time, he glared at the secretary beside him without leaving any trace. This bastard didn't even tell him that the person opposite him was his daughter, which made him yell at his good daughter just now. He must deal with this unreliable guy when he comes back!

Facing the cannibalistic look from her boss, the secretary felt extremely aggrieved. It was clearly Master Bell who received the communication just now, but he didn't know when it became his own lady's.

"Brother went to help mom take care of little Al. He asked me to ask dad what happened."

Shanna said truthfully.

"What!? You mean, your mother and your brother are also in that [Dalaran]? When did they go there!?"

[Dalaran] had blocked the external passage as early as a week ago. Only people inside could come out, but people outside could not enter. So after so many days, he still hasn't been able to settle the score with Bell.

As a result, his daughter suddenly told him that his wife, children, and youngest son, who were supposed to be at home, had actually entered [Dalaran] at this time?

Doesn't this mean that [Dalaran]'s external blockade has been lifted.

Why didn't anyone tell him? ! !

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