The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 877 The ‘braves’ gather

"Yes, my mother and brother came here early this morning."

Shanna said truthfully.

She had already played a lot in the city with her mother and brother. They came back after little Al fell asleep after playing tired.


William silently glanced at the quartz watch hanging on the wall. At this time, the pointer on the watch was pointing to 2:18 pm.


"Baby, can you call your brother over? I have something to say that I must tell him 'in person'!"

As a father, William really couldn't bear to see that brat Bell once again using his sister as a shield.

"But my brother just told me that he wants to help little Al unblock and expand the magic channels in his body while he is sleeping. He cannot be disturbed at this time."


William's energy and energy were almost drained.

So why does Bell, that little bastard, always have so many excuses? And the problem is, these excuses, even if he knows they are excuses, there is nothing he can do about them.

He couldn't really take the risk of injuring his youngest son and force Sanna to drag Bell over, right?

Sure enough, in this family, only my precious daughter is the best. She never takes the initiative to cause trouble (she just follows Bell to cause trouble passively), and she doesn’t need him to worry about her (Bell’s heart is fucked). She is well-behaved, smart, and sensible. , Obedient, why do you think his daughter is so popular?

"Honey, how have you been in [Dalaran] these days? Are you eating well? Are you sleeping soundly? Are you having fun?"

William asked Shanna pleasantly.

Since that little bastard Bell can't spare time to be scolded now, he will wait a while and chat with his precious daughter first. Speaking of which, his daughter was abducted by that little bastard Bell right after she graduated. He didn't even have time to have a proper chat with her.

While William was busy chatting happily with his baby daughter, the news that [Dalaran] was open was also discovered by some interested people.

At this time, the door to the Ministry of Magic's storage room quietly opened, and a young male wizard wearing glasses and an Auror uniform slipped into the storage room through the crack of the door like a thief.

After walking around piles and piles of unknown items, carefully trying not to make any noise, he walked for nearly 5 minutes. Finally, following the instructions, the young wizard came to an inconspicuous place in the storage room. corner.

"Harry, you're finally here. Come here quickly, I'm waiting for you."

As the voice sounded, a middle-aged wizard with dark skin walked out of the shadows and waved to Harry. It can be seen from the wizard's clothing that he is also an Auror of the Ministry of Magic.

"Ahem, Kingsley, let me say, can't we find a better place to meet? I think the coffee shop I went to last time is very good."

Harry fanned the tip of his nose vigorously, but his movement stirred up more dust. Dust was stuck on the lenses, making it difficult for him to see the face of the person opposite him.

Of course, this is also related to the dim light here and the other party's face being too dark.

"Stop complaining, Harry. The Ministry of Magic is full of lackeys from the Menethil family, and it's not easy to find a secluded place."

Kingsley raised his wand to disperse the dust in the air, and then walked towards the shadows behind him without looking back.

"But I don't think there will be lackeys of the Menethil family in an ordinary Muggle cafe... Well, you have a lot of experience, you have the final say."

After taking a few deep breaths, and seeing the other person walking away without looking back, with no intention of listening to what he said, Harry shrugged helplessly and swallowed the second half of what he said.

After passing through a short narrow passage between piles of piles, Harry suddenly saw an open space in front of him that could accommodate a dozen people.

At this time, a bright ball of light was floating above the open space, illuminating several figures below.

Harry looked around one by one and found that several people present were all people he had met before. Among them were Mr. Arthur, whom he was very familiar with, fellow Aurors he was relatively familiar with, and colleagues from other departments of the Ministry of Magic whom he had only met a few times.

"Okay, everyone is here, let's start today's meeting."

Mr. Arthur nodded kindly at Harry and then spoke.

As one of the first few members of the Order of the Phoenix, he will host this negotiation this time.

To be honest, Arthur really didn't expect that he and other members of the Order of the Phoenix would have the opportunity to reunite again after Voldemort was completely defeated. And this time, the target they wanted to target turned out to be Bell, who had saved the lives of Ginny and Harry and provided great help in eliminating Voldemort.

Even today, Arthur is still grateful to Belle for saving the life of his little daughter Ginny. The Weasley family will never be able to repay this kindness in their lifetime. So if possible, he really doesn't want to be an enemy of Bell.

But I don't know what Bell was thinking. He actually disclosed the existence of the magical world in front of the whole world that afternoon a week ago. As the Director of the Department of Muggle Affairs of the Ministry of Magic, Arthur has been extremely busy this week, trying to eliminate the influence caused by Bell.

However, even though hundreds of staff across the Ministry of Magic are busy day and night, the results achieved are still a drop in the bucket. Even due to their frequent actions during this period, they were also suspected by the British Muggle government, and had to spend a lot of time and energy arguing with the Muggle government.

Under such circumstances, as soon as Kingslap proposed the idea of ​​"overthrowing the rule of the Menethil family over the Ministry of Magic and destroying the magical city [Dalaran] founded by Bell", he successfully obtained the support of the majority of the Order of the Phoenix. members’ approval. Even if Arthur wanted to stop this, he was powerless.

"Mr. Arthur, do we really want to be enemies with Bell?"

Harry was the first to speak. His brows were furrowed and his eyes were full of unconcealable worry.

Bell was his savior and his classmate. Years of getting along with him made Harry believe that Bell was not a bad guy. Although he couldn't understand Bell's previous behavior, he believed that if there was any problem, everyone could sit down and discuss and solve it, why did they have to fight and kill each other as soon as they came up.

"It's him who is against us! It's the Menethil family who is trying to make the entire magical world an enemy!"

Kingsley angrily corrected the error in Harry's words.

"Harry, you have been working in the Auror Office for some time. I think you should also fully realize that the Ministry of Magic is now under the rule of the Menethil family. If you continue to let it go, One day, the ambitions of the Menethil family will destroy the Ministry of Magic, and even the entire world!"

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