"Next, Mr. Harry Potter!"

Hearing his name coming from the room, Harry stood up quickly, opened the door and walked in.

"Please take a seat, Mr. Potter."


Harry followed the instructions and sat on the chair in the center of the room, looking slightly nervously at the three interviewers in front of him.

That afternoon, in a secret meeting of the Order of the Phoenix held in a hidden corner of the Ministry of Magic's storeroom, after everyone's discussion and final vote, the Order finally decided to take action against the Menethil family and liberate the British Ministry of Magic and the United Kingdom. Magical world.

The first target chosen by everyone in the Order of the Phoenix is ​​Bell and the magical city [Dalaran], which has been popular recently.

Everyone believes that as long as Bell is imprisoned and the heavenly [Dalaran] is destroyed, then with the joint efforts of the Muggle government and wizards, it will not take long before the impact of the previous incident can be minimized and the Let the wizards hide again.

However, although the idea is good, there are many problems that must be solved if it is to be realized.

First of all, [Dalaran] is floating in the sky. It is really unrealistic for them to pass through the defensive barrier that surrounds [Dalaran] and sneak into the city secretly.

Secondly, there are a large number of 'running dogs' of the Menethil family stationed inside [Dalaran]. If they carry out large-scale operations, it will be difficult to hide from the city's defense forces.

Finally, the members of the Order of the Phoenix all have formal jobs. Kingsley, Arthur and others are all employees of the Ministry of Magic. If these people asked for leave at the same time, it would be too much of a coincidence. It would be difficult to get approval without telling them, and it would probably alert the snake.

To sum up, after everyone's collective efforts, it was finally decided to send a small number of elite troops to enter [Dalaran] openly through official channels, and then find out where Bell was and carry out a beheading operation.

The others are responsible for helping the elite team provide cover, collecting intelligence, and ensuring that all members of the elite team can successfully enter [Dalaran].

"Mr. Potter, before the formal interview, according to regulations, we need to give you some basic explanations."

At this time, the interviewer's voice sounded, interrupting Harry's memories. Harry cheered up, temporarily forcing himself not to think about the bad things he had done before, and listened carefully to the interviewer's explanation.

"During the interview process, in order to screen out some people with ulterior motives, we will always maintain the Legilimency spell. Please rest assured that we will only read the most active thoughts on the surface of your brain to determine whether your answer is true. It will invade deep into the brain and invade personal privacy."

Harry nodded.

Regarding the fact that the interviewer would use the Legilimency spell during the interview, he had already learned about it from the information collected by others, so he was not surprised by it.

At the same time, in order to cope with this situation, he had been practicing Occlumency day and night with the help of others in the past few days. Although he didn't know whether his Occlumency could deceive the interviewers in front of him, he had really tried his best. The rest, he could only do his best and listen to fate.

"In addition, even if you pass our interview, you have only obtained the qualification to visit [Dalaran]. The qualification is valid for 15 days. After the deadline, if you still want to go to [Dalaran], even To officially move into [Dalaran], you need to apply separately."

Harry nodded again.

According to the plan, regardless of whether their operation is successful or not, they will evacuate from [Dalaran] within a week. 15 days is more than enough time.

"Finally, the teleportation circle leading to [Dalaran] is currently only opened regularly at 8 o'clock in the morning and 5 o'clock in the evening. At other times, non-official members are prohibited from entering and exiting.

Of course, if you encounter an emergency and must leave immediately, you can also apply to the city hall and we promise to review it as quickly as possible.

Also, this time-limited entry and exit situation is just a temporary policy currently adopted. It won't be long before [Dalaran] will be completely liberalized like other cities, and you can enter and exit at any time. "

Harry was silent.

If their plan can be executed smoothly, after successfully capturing Bell, they will search for the core of [Dalaran] from his mind and completely destroy this magical city.

By then, I'm afraid the day when you can enter and leave [Dalaran] at any time will never come.

Thinking of this, Harry glanced at the three pleasant interviewers in front of him and felt inexplicably confused.

"The above is the complete content of the basic explanation. Mr. Potter, do you have any questions?"


"Good, then let's officially start the interview. Please relax, the interview questions are very simple and will not take you too much time.

First of all, let me ask Mr. Potter, why do you want to enter [Dalaran]? "

"Because I'm curious, I want to know what this magical city is like, and why Bell built this city.

Well, Bell and Hermione and I are classmates, in the same grade, and Hermione and I are in the same house, Gryffindor House. This time when I go to Dalaran, I also want to visit Bell and Hermione. "

This is the way everyone in the Order of the Phoenix came up with for Harry to hide Legilimency.

Every word he said was true. He was indeed very curious about [Dalaran] and wanted to know what purpose Bell had behind exposing [Dalaran] in front of the whole world. , exposing the existence of the magical world.

At the same time, his main purpose of going to [Dalaran] this time was indeed to visit Bell, but the way he visited might not be so friendly.

In this way, by speaking true words and using Occlumency to slightly cover up some of your thoughts, you can make what you say and what you think perfectly match without revealing any flaws.

It is said that this technique of using Occlumency was acquired by everyone after finding Snape at a great cost. It is especially suitable for use by half-hearted wizards (Snape's words).

"Of course, we have all heard of Mr. Potter's name, and we also know the relationship between you and Master Bell as classmates. I think Master Bell will be very happy to know that you came to visit him specially."

The interviewer said with a smile.

'He will be so happy that he wants to kill me. ’

Harry thought silently.

"Then the next question is about..."

The interview lasted for about 10 minutes in total. Indeed, as the interviewer said at the beginning, the questions asked were not complicated. If you are not hostile to [Dalaran] or the Menethil family, , I think you can answer it easily.

However, although Harry was not hostile to Bell, he did come to cause trouble for Bell, so Harry felt very tortured throughout the interview process.

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