The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 879: Great Wise Ruo Fool

"Congratulations, Mr. Potter, you passed the interview. Please take this document. It will be checked when using the teleportation array. Please remember to carry it with you."

With that said, the interviewer picked up a magic seal, stamped the application form with Harry's magical image, and then sent the application form to Harry.

"You can go to [Dalaran] at 5 pm today, of course you can go later, but no matter what, your pass qualification will be calculated starting from early tomorrow morning, for a total of 15 days. I wish you good luck in [Dalaran] Have a wonderful time.”


Harry caught the flying document, glanced at the word 'permission' printed in the lower right corner, and walked out with his head lowered.

"Harry, how's it going?"

As soon as Harry walked out of the interview room, he saw Ron coming over eagerly.

"Well, I passed."

Harry showed the file in his hand to Ron.

"Then how did you..."

"Next, Mr. Ron Weasley!"

"Okay, they called me, so I went in first."

With that said, Ron didn't bother to ask why Harry looked so disappointed even though he had clearly passed the interview, and walked quickly towards the room that Harry just came out of.


"What, what's wrong, Harry? Are the interview questions too, too difficult?"

Looking at Harry who started sighing as soon as he sat next to him, Neville, who was already very nervous, felt that his heart was about to jump out of his throat.

You know, even Harry has no confidence in his Occlumency. Neville cannot even be said to have completely mastered Occlumency. On average, he will fail once every ten times he casts it. He has no confidence in himself to the extreme. .

To be honest, until now, Neville has not been able to understand why such an important task fell on him.

He really can't bear it!

Plus, interview, oh, what a scary word!

Even now, Neville still clearly remembers that when he just graduated two years ago, in order to find a job that would not bring shame to Longbottom's name, he participated in nearly ten interviews. However, in the end, he still relied on With the help of his grandmother, he entered a breeding farm without taking the test and was responsible for taking care of herbs and refining magic potions.

Originally, Neville thought that he had finally made it through in his life and no longer had to face Snape's cynicism or undergo horrific interviews. Who would have thought that, just a few days after the good days, he would be dragged in for an interview by his good brothers again! ?

In short, Neville would rather go home to his grandma and be scolded by her, and he really doesn't want to sit here and suffer anymore.

"No, the interview questions are not difficult. Rather, they are quite simple. Relax, Neville, you will have no problem."

Harry patted Neville on the shoulder and forced a smile onto his face.

Unlike Neville himself, Harry was not at all worried that the other party would make mistakes during the interview.

In fact, in Harry's opinion, among his three brothers, the one most likely to fail the interview was Ron.

Although Ron now has a girlfriend, his hostility towards Bell has not diminished for a day. If Ron accidentally showed his hostility towards Bell during the interview, he would definitely be banned from entering [Dalaran].

As for Neville.

Come on, what bad intentions could Neville have?

Even during the interview, Neville was so nervous that he couldn't say a word. After reading Neville's superficial thoughts through Legilimency, the interviewer must have realized that this little chubby guy was a better person than a white guy. Rabbits also want to exist harmlessly. So what reason did the other party have to reject Neville's application?

"Neville, are we really right to do this?"

Harry felt a little confused.

This question has been in his mind for a long time, but he can't ask Mr. Kingsley, Mr. Arthur, or even Ron. After thinking about it, he could only say these words to Neville.

At this moment, an indescribable feeling of loneliness suddenly emerged in Harry's heart.

"No, no, Bell is not a bad person."

Most importantly, Hermione is a good person.

But Neville was rather thin-skinned and was too embarrassed to say the second half of the sentence.

"I always thought you hated Belle too."

Harry looked at Neville in surprise. He didn't expect that the question that had been bothering him for many days would be answered in the negative so straightforwardly by Neville.

Could it be said that this is the so-called ‘great wisdom and foolishness’?

"No, I, I don't hate Bell, I'm just... just a little afraid of him."

Indeed, over the years, Neville, like Ron, would avoid Bell whenever he saw him from a distance, unwilling to meet him.

But unlike Ron who simply hates Bell, Neville is simply afraid of Bell.

Although strictly speaking, Bell had never hurt Neville, Neville would still feel his bladder tightening and his calves become weak every time he saw Bell.

Neville couldn't explain why he was afraid of Bell. If he had to say it, it was probably a psychological shadow.

"Then why are you still participating in this operation?"

Harry asked confused.

Neville was not a member of the Order of the Phoenix. In fact, Harry had thought about inviting Neville to join the Order of the Phoenix. However, after Neville went home to ask for his grandmother's opinion and was scolded, this matter Just let it go.

According to Mr. Arthur, Neville's parents were both members of the Order of the Phoenix. Later, after the incident between the two, Neville's grandmother began to dislike the Order of the Phoenix very much.

"Because you are here."

Neville said without hesitation.

Yes, the reason why Neville agreed to participate in this operation was not to liberate the Ministry of Magic, but also to solve the exposure crisis in the wizarding world. He didn't have such great ideals, he came just because his two best brothers were here.

In fact, unlike Harry and Ron, Neville did not think that his and others' actions would be successful from the very beginning when he learned about the contents of the operation.

Could it be that it was the psychological shadow of his childhood, or was he really a wise man? In short, in Neville's view, Bell is an insurmountable mountain, and the three brothers are probably not much stronger than ants in front of him.

Even with the addition of two other elite wizards who were said to be carefully selected from the Order of the Phoenix, Neville didn't think the situation would change.

Therefore, he came here this time to share the difficulties with his good brothers. By the way, if they were really in danger, he could beg Hermione for mercy.

In Neville's opinion, among the three of them, he and Hermione have the best relationship.


Harry was silent for a while, then put his arm around Neville's shoulders.

it is more than words.

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