The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 880 Infiltration Successful

The interview went more smoothly than expected. All three Harrys passed in one go and successfully obtained the qualifications to go to [Dalaran]. This made all the emergency measures prepared by the Order of the Phoenix useless.

Of course, this was a good thing, at least Harry didn't want to use those messy emergency measures at all.

Walking into the building together, Harry and the three of them disapparated without any hesitation and moved to the vicinity of the Leaky Cauldron.

One of the teleportation circles heading to [Dalaran] is arranged in Diagon Alley. Is this some convenience provided by Bell to the British wizards?

Walking into the Leaky Cauldron, Harry nodded to a certain wizard who was sitting in the corner drinking alone, and then walked towards the backyard of the bar without stopping.

After skillfully passing through the wall, what appeared in the eyes of the three Harrys was an unusually turbulent flow of people.

Harry swore that he had never seen such a dense crowd, even outside the Quidditch World Cup that year. Maybe the total number of wizards was more, but the density was definitely not as dense as it is now.

"Damn it, why are there so many people! It's just a broken magic city, what's there to see?"

Looking at the endless team in front of him, Ron curled his lips in displeasure.

In his opinion, Dalaran is nothing more than a larger Hogsmeade village. It may not even be as good as Hogsmeade Village. Why are there so many people vying to go there?

In fact, what Ron didn't know was that they were not the only three people with ulterior motives.

Spies from the Ministry of Magic of other countries, dark wizards hiding in the dark, and spies bribed by the Muggle government can be said to be all kinds and diverse. On the contrary, they are just people who come to visit and have fun, and the proportion is the lowest.

In fact, the interview review standards set by Bell were not very strict. He had never thought of blocking out all those with ulterior motives through interviews.

Today, Bell has sufficient self-confidence, and with his current strength, he is enough to cope with all challenges.

Therefore, the 'braves' who want to brush him off, feel free to come over, it can just provide some fun for him who has been relatively leisurely recently.

"Hey! Harry, this way!"

Suddenly, a shout came from a drink shop on the roadside. Harry followed the sound and successfully saw two... unfamiliar faces.

"Ron and Neville, let me introduce to you. These two are Jack and Rose, our other two teammates in this operation.

Jack, Rose, this is Ron, this is Neville, they are my best brothers. "

Harry introduced each other.

"Hello, nice to meet you."

Jack showed a hearty smile and shook hands with several people.

"By the way, Rose is my girlfriend. You can't even try to catch her attention!"

Rose punched Jack, then nodded shyly to the three Harrys.

"Harry, are these two members of your organization?"

Ron asked quietly. His tone was full of pungent jealousy.

In fact, he had long wanted to join the Order of the Phoenix. Members of a secret society are secretly saving the world, maintaining peace, and so on. As soon as I hear it, I think it's super cool!

It's a pity that his abominable father refused to agree no matter what. Why did he say that the Order of the Phoenix was about to be disbanded?

Mao’s group is ‘about to be disbanded’, so what are they doing now?

Ron has decided that after this operation is over, he will expose his father's lies when he returns, and then with this meritorious service, he must join the Order of the Phoenix!

"Jack is, and Rose is Jack's girlfriend, so like you and Neville, she is here to help this time."

Harry explained quietly.

It has to be said that it is not unreasonable for Mr. Arthur to say that the Order of the Phoenix is ​​on the verge of dissolution.

Since Dumbledore's death, there has been no Phoenix in the Order of the Phoenix. After Voldemort was completely eliminated, the Order of the Phoenix even lost its goal. If it hadn't been for what happened to Bell this time, I'm afraid the Order of the Phoenix would have disappeared naturally in another three to five years.

This also led to the fact that for such an important operation, the Order of the Phoenix could not even assemble an elite team to carry out the 'decapitation' mission. Only 2 of the 5 people were members of the Order of the Phoenix, and the foreign aid was more than the official members. More.

After a few brief greetings, Harry and Jack confirmed the meeting place, and then the two groups separated again.

They will go to [Dalaran] separately, and after collecting relevant information, they will reunite again and carry out the final 'decapitation' plan.

The three Harrys arrived at Diagon Alley at around 3pm. After more than an hour of waiting, the team finally started to move forward.

The only good thing is that the teleportation speed is very fast. It only took less than half an hour for the team of thousands of people to be teleported to [Dalaran].

"Oh~! Merlin's beard!"

As soon as they walked out of the teleportation array, before they could get rid of the faint dizziness in their minds, a series of exclamations reached the ears of the three Harrys, making them look forward curiously.

At this time, they were standing on a large open-air platform. There were four thick and long stone pillars standing on the four corners of the platform. The stone pillars are carved with exquisite patterns, and magic words and formation patterns are hidden in these patterns, which together form a protective barrier to protect the teleportation circle.

You can see through the lavender barrier that the platform is surrounded by a dense forest. The breeze blows, and colorful flowers occasionally appear among the emerald green plants. The scenery is quiet and beautiful, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

But what made everyone exclaim was not the natural and fresh scenery around them.

Directly in front of the teleportation platform, there is a spacious road. Looking forward along the road, at the end of the line of sight, you can see a majestic city - [Dalaran].

In fact, everyone present had already seen the overlooking scenery of [Dalaran] during the 'live broadcast' more than a week ago. Logically speaking, they should not be surprised now.

However, although projections can perfectly reproduce the scenery of the city, they cannot simulate the magic that pervades the city.

At this time, in the eyes of everyone who is a wizard, the city in the distance looks like a sleeping dragon, full of majesty and oppression, and also like a large piece of delicious cake, exuding sweet and delicious fragrance. The smell is full of temptation.

"Please move forward! Don't stay where you are and block the exit!"

Under the guidance of the staff, everyone moved forward in an orderly manner, and soon left the barrier and came to the bottom of the teleportation platform. Here, there are several magic cars like buses parked, responsible for picking up and dropping off tourists.

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