The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 882 Central Tower

Harry and others were of course very troubled by Bell's irregular lifestyle.

After all, Bell would rarely leave the tower at night, so it was difficult for them to know whether the other party would come back today. If they sneak into the tower and find that the other party is not there, will they have to stay there for another day?

Just when a few people were at a loss to do anything about this, and even began to consider whether to sneak into the tower at the risk of alerting the enemy, that afternoon, a piece of good news reached the ears of several people.

Just this afternoon, someone saw Zannah, Hermione and others playing together in the city's playground.

Harry and others guessed that since Zannah and Hermione were in the city, it would be impossible for Bell to travel alone. So if nothing else goes wrong, Bell will definitely stay in the tower tonight.

The opportunity must not be missed and time will never come again. Harry and others, who have basically completed the investigation of the terrain around the tower, immediately decided to carry out the 'decapitation' operation tonight!


Harry, who was walking at the front, whispered to the people behind him to stop.

At this time, the group of people had arrived near the central tower. Going further, they reached the central square outside the tower.

Not only is there no building covering the central square, the entire square is also equipped with numerous magic lamps, making the square brightly lit and beautiful. From time to time, tourists coming for a walk and patrolling security personnel will pass by, making the passage much more difficult than before.

"Change your shoes. Please be careful not to make any sound, and even your breathing should be slowed down as much as possible."

As he said this, Harry glanced at Neville without leaving any trace.

Among the people present, the one who was most likely to become nervous and lose his temper was undoubtedly Neville. In fact, the other party's face was very pale now, and he was sweating profusely from his forehead.

"Neville, are you okay? Do you want a drink of water?"

"No, no need."

Neville rejected Harry's offer. He was afraid that if he drank too much water, he would be tempted to go to the toilet.

"Well, relax, we will succeed tonight."

Harry comforted Neville, who obviously didn't believe it even more, with words that he didn't even believe.

After a short period of repair, everyone put on special soft-soled shoes and stepped into the square lightly.

This kind of soft-soled shoes can effectively absorb the sound caused by the impact and friction between the sole and the ground, preventing you and others from being exposed due to the sound of footsteps. The only drawback is that it is a little difficult to walk, as if you are stepping on clouds, and your whole body feels like you are floating.

It took Harry and his team less than an hour to cross several kilometers in the city. It was only about 1 kilometer away, but they stopped and walked. It took them more than an hour to finally reach the foot of the tower.

Staring at the entrance to the tower not far away, Harry and others knew that the moment to truly test them had arrived.

The central tower is always protected by a defensive barrier. If you want to enter it, there is only one way to go through the main entrance of the tower. There are security personnel guarding the main entrance of the tower at all times. It can be said that it is as difficult as climbing to the sky to pass through without anyone noticing.

After thinking hard for a long time, Harry and others still couldn't figure out a way to get through here safely.

No matter what chaos occurs outside, the two wizards guarding the entrance will not move, and there will be standby personnel inside the tower coming out to deal with the problem. Harry and the others had seen similar scenes twice in the past few days, and one of the chaos was deliberately caused by them.

The strategy of diverting the tiger away from the mountain is ineffective, and magic spells such as the Soul-stealing Curse cannot break the defenses of protective spells such as the Iron Armor Curse. If they attack by force, they will be exposed, and by then even their escape may become a delusion.

In the end, it was Harry who gritted his teeth, stamped his feet, and made the decision.

Since there is no safe way, we can only take a risk!

Therefore, Harry, who has grown up to be reckless since childhood, decided to once again promote the traditional virtues of their Gryffindor house and survive!

The group of five people held their breath and moved towards the entrance inch by inch under the eyes of the two guarding wizards.

If Harry were asked to describe his feelings at this time, then he felt that it was probably more similar to the feeling he had when he confessed to Senior Qiu Zhang.

He still remembers that after he expressed his inner feelings, he held his breath and waited for the other party's 'sentence'. It was only a few seconds, but it felt like hundreds of years had passed.

‘Ha~! ’

To be honest, none of them knew exactly what they had experienced just now.

The lack of oxygen caused the brain to go blank. It moved little by little based on the instinct of the body. The only obsession in my heart was to never make a sound. The sound of breathing, the sound of dripping sweat, the sound of wind caused by movement, and even the sound of heartbeat must be completely eliminated!

Perhaps even Merlin was moved by the obsession of a few people, so he pulled out two of his own leg hairs and blocked the guarding wizard's ears? In short, Harry and others successfully passed the first difficulty tonight and sneaked into the tower without alerting anyone.

In fact, what Harry and others didn't know was that the barrier at the tower gate was far from simple as it seemed.

Although the barrier here will not block people's passage, it will detect all magical reactions on those who pass through. Whether it is a magic prop worn or a continuous spell attached to the body, it will be detected by the enchantment and a prompt will be given.

Therefore, normally speaking, invisibility, disguise, and other methods cannot escape the barrier.

But I have to say that this invisibility cloak passed down from Harry's family is indeed worthy of its name as the Three Hallows of Death, and is tied with the [Elder Wand] for its strength.

Not only was the invisibility cloak not detected by the barrier, it also blocked the magic reaction from Harry and others inside, making the barrier's scanning function ineffective. This allowed Harry and his group to successfully sneak into the tower.

Finding a deserted corner, a few people sat on the ground, looking at each other, their faces filled with uncontrollable joy.

Fortunately, they also knew that it was too early to celebrate at this time, so they all controlled their emotions tightly and did not make any strange noises.

After resting for more than ten minutes, the few people who had recovered their physical strength stood up again. They hadn't heard much about the situation inside the tower before, and what awaited them next would be completely unknown.

But it's not that there's no good news at all. According to the intelligence gathered by Harry and others, the security personnel were basically concentrated on the bottom floor. As long as they went above the second floor, they would not need to be on guard all the time.

I wonder if it’s because it’s early in the morning, so most of the security personnel are resting? Or is it because you have full confidence in the guards at the entrance?

In short, Harry and others discovered that the defense inside the tower was very lax, far inferior to that in the square outside, or even in the city.

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