The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 883 A friend comes from afar

Early morning, in the restaurant.

"Brother, where are we going to play today?"

Shanna asked.

During this time, she has been on a graduation trip with her brother. For more than half a month, they basically traveled around the world. Only yesterday, because their mother was temporarily busy, they stayed at home to take care of little Al. .

"I'm not going anywhere today. I have guests to entertain today."

Bell said with a smile.


Hermione looked at Bell confused.

She didn't hear that Bell invited anyone today. Moreover, with Bell's lazy temperament, wouldn't he avoid such troublesome matters whenever possible and blame them all on his father?

"Yes, there are some old acquaintances of ours among them. Eat first, and I will take you to meet them after dinner."

In fact, in the early hours of yesterday morning, Bell discovered that someone had invaded the tower.

The central tower is divided into five areas in total. The top floor is the residence of the Bell family, the middle floor is the residential area assigned to other members of the family, the lower floor is the office area responsible for city management, and underground there is an experimental area for magic research and the final area. The core area of ​​the island at the bottom.

You can basically move freely within each area, but if you want to enter other areas, you need to authenticate.

Of course, it was impossible for Harry and his party to pass the identity verification, so they were unfortunately blocked outside the residential area.

Of course, a few people were not willing to fail like this, so they tried to 'slip through the door and pick the lock' to open the door between areas.

Of course, Harry and others failed. Not only that, the moment they tried to interfere with the verification of the operation of the barrier, Bell received a notification from the [Tangling].

However, because it was late at night, Bell was too lazy to move, so after learning that the intruders were Harry and others, he turned over, hugged his Hermione and continued to sleep.

Full of curiosity, the Bell family came to sit down in the living room after breakfast.

Bell stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, and the screen on the wall of the living room lit up, showing the scene in the lower area.

"There's no one here?"

Hermione looked at Bell in confusion, wondering what the other person wanted to show them.

"That's because they're invisible."

As he spoke, Bell moved toward the screen and used magic power to briefly outline five short figures on the screen. At the same time, he also thoughtfully marked the names above the outlines of the figures.

Harry's invisibility cloak might be able to hide it from Bell without knowing someone was infiltrating. But after already knowing that someone had infiltrated, and even having a rough idea of ​​the infiltrator's location, Bell only needed to sense the location of the people on the ground to easily know the specific locations of the people.

Of course, Bell only knows three Harrys, and currently knows nothing about the identity of the other man and woman, so he only marked the names above the heads of Harry and the other two with 'A', ' B' instead.

"Is it Harry and the others!? Why are they here!?"

Hermione really didn't expect that the so-called 'visitors' would be her former classmates. What she didn't expect was that the other party's method of 'visiting' was so... death-seeking.

Thinking of this, Hermione looked at Bell worriedly.

From the behavior of Harry and others coming in without warning, it can be seen that these people must have evil intentions. But even so, after all, we have been classmates for many years, and Hermione still didn't want her boyfriend's hands to be stained with the blood of her classmates.

Facing the worried look in his girlfriend's eyes, Bell didn't say anything. He just smiled and patted Hermione's hand, telling her not to worry. Then, he took out snacks such as popcorn, melon seeds, drinks, etc. from his pocket.

Although they had just finished breakfast, Bell would always feel like something was missing if they didn't have some snacks while watching the excitement.

"Hello? Jennifer?"

Bell dialed the personal terminal of his general manager.

"Now, please quickly inform everyone in the middle-floor living area to return to their rooms. We have a half-day holiday this morning. Please be careful not to get close to the central hall on each floor. Also, tell the office staff on the lower floor that no matter what sound you hear, Don’t even come up.”

After ending the call with Jennifer, Bell dialed the personal terminals of several other people and gave instructions respectively.

Bell's series of operations made Hermione roll her eyes wildly. But since Harry and others were planning evil things first, she couldn't say anything. She just hoped that Harry and others could withstand Bell's bad taste, learn from this experience, and not do such stupid things next time. .

"Ha~! Ha~! Damn it! This tower is too high! That bastard Bell, isn't he afraid of lack of oxygen if he lives at such a high place?"

Walking up the spiral staircase with no end in sight, Ron complained breathlessly.

Before, the door in front of them opened for no apparent reason (perhaps it was time to open the door?). The group of them trembled in fear for a long time and did not notice that eight hundred wizards rushed out to chop them. , then passed through the gate and continued to move forward cautiously.

The group of people had not had a good rest last night. The double mental and physical pressure made several people feel out of breath. Now after climbing up the long stairs for more than ten minutes, they really almost couldn't feel anything. own legs.

"Look! There's a door there!"

Suddenly, Jack's cheers rang out from behind him. Harry looked in the direction of the other person's finger, and sure enough, he saw a wooden door connected to a spiral staircase on the side.

"Go in and take a look!"

To be honest, by now, Harry's little confidence had completely disappeared.

After all, this action was too hasty.

Obviously, the space inside the tower is much larger than it appears from the outside. Moreover, many of the arrangements in the tower are very unfriendly to intruders like them.

Of course, this was also expected. Let me ask, which owner of a house would entertain a thief with tea?

Even if there is that tea, it must be poisonous!

Therefore, although he and others had never met anyone else, Harry's instinct told him that they had been exposed.

At this time, they were like butterflies caught in a spider's web. As they struggled, they became entangled tighter and tighter in the spider's threads, and were eventually swallowed up.

But even knowing this, there was nothing Harry could do. We can't let him throw down his wand and raise his hands in surrender right now, right?

Knowing that they were bound to die, they could only struggle to their death, trying to seize a glimmer of hope that might not exist.

Just like now, whether it is the endless spiral staircase or the sudden appearance of the wooden door, there is obviously something wrong. But they can only bite the bullet and rush in to meet the unknown and dangerous future.

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