The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 884 It’s a pleasure

Pushing open the wooden door, Harry found that he and his group were back in a familiar space. The floor under your feet, the walls on both sides, the rising sun outside the window, and the crystal lamp above your head, everything is completely different from the atmosphere of the spiral staircase where you were just now.

By the way, how did they enter the spiral staircase? Harry suddenly found that he couldn't remember anything at all.

Walking along the corridor, after a while, their eyes suddenly opened up, and a vast hall appeared in the eyes of several people.

There was nothing in the hall except for a tall figure standing in the center. Looking through this person, Harry and others saw that there was also a corridor in the direction of their group in the hall. It was also the only corridor other than the direction they came from.

"You're here now, I'm almost ready to fall asleep."

The tall figure stretched lazily, not surprised at all by the appearance of Harry and others.

"who are you?"

Similarly, Harry was not surprised at all by the blocker who suddenly appeared in front of his group. Rather, he felt a little relieved. At least it was finally confirmed that the whereabouts of himself and others had been exposed, saving them the trouble of being more cautious.

"I am Wang Shouqiang, one of the Four Pillars of Dalaran.

By the way, could you please take off that invisibility cloak? It makes me feel like I'm talking to the air, which is weird. "

That's right, what stood in front of Harry and his group was the friend Bell had made at Yandu Academy.

A few years ago, after Wang Shouqiang lost all his fortune in the UK and returned to the world of cultivation, he had no choice but to find a job, working nine to five every day.

However, anyone who knows a little bit about Wang Shouqiang will know that this guy is insulated from the word 'honest'.

The boring work day after day made Wang Shouqiang feel that his future was dark, his energy and spirit were getting worse and worse, and even his strength showed signs of deterioration.

Just when Wang Shouqiang was struggling and in pain, Bell seemed to be a ray of light, appearing in front of Wang Shouqiang again, making him feel like he had returned to those glorious years during the Fourth Academy Competition.

After the aerial projection of Bell and the majestic city disappeared, Wang Shouqiang resigned from his job without saying a word, and sent a message to Bell that night, and was eventually brought here by Bell.

"Four Pillars?"

The five people under the invisibility cloak looked at each other, and they all saw the same confused emotion in the eyes of the others.

So is this some new idol group?


Of course, Harry would not listen to the enemy's words, and obediently took off the invisibility cloak, exposing himself and others to the enemy's sight. The tip of the wand quietly stretched out from the corner of the invisibility cloak, and Harry fired an extremely skillful silent disarming spell at the enemy.

"Little tricks!"

Wang Shouqiang waved his hand casually, and a long whip made of armor extended from his back, intercepting Harry's spell in the air.

After blocking the disarming spell, the long whip quickly extended in the direction of the disarming spell, and struck Harry's head with a fierce whip.

Originally, although Wang Shouqiang could know that Harry and his party were in the corridor in front of him, he could not accurately grasp the specific location. So Harry took the lead in attacking without hesitation, which was actually a good thing for Wang Shouqiang.

"Spread out!"

With a shout, Harry threw the invisibility cloak that was in the way above his head, and then quickly threw himself to his side, narrowly dodging the whip's attack.

Rolling skillfully to his feet, Harry pointed his wand steadily in the direction of the enemy. However, after realizing that the enemy did not continue to attack, Harry hesitated for a moment and withdrew the spell that was about to come out of the wand.

Anyway, he and others have been exposed. Instead of moving forward in a hurry, it is better to get some information from the other party to see what the other party's plan is.

"This is the right thing. It would be great if we could talk face to face. By the way, are you all so short?

Oh, I don’t mean to discriminate against you, I’m just a little surprised. Please don’t get me wrong. "

Seeing the five little cubs suddenly jumping out of the deserted place, Wang Shouqiang almost thought they were five naughty children running in and running wild. However, the mature faces of these people are obviously not those of naughty children.

Magic power burst out from the body, and the five Harrys almost simultaneously released the human body transformation spell on their bodies, and their bodies quickly elongated and returned to their original shape.

"What's your plan for stopping us?"

Harry asked.

No matter how you think about it, the other party just jumped out to block five of them. There is obviously something wrong. Even if the opponent is a member of that idol group, they are all carefully selected elites. Anyway, Harry doesn't think that his side will lose at all.

"Plan? No, you misunderstood, I don't have any plan.

In fact, it was that guy Bell who just contacted me and said he wanted to play a little game with you, so he asked me to stop one of you. "

Wang Shouqiang spread his hands and looked at Harry and the other five with pity in his eyes.

These poor guys, who are they going to mess with, but why do they want to mess with that pervert Bell?

You know, as early as 4 years ago, he had already recognized Bell's "abnormal" nature, and thus unswervingly joined Bell's side in the game. It turned out that his choice was very correct, which saved him a lot of beatings in subsequent games.

The reunion four years later made Wang Shouqiang even more grateful for his decision. He didn't know what the 'pervert' Bell had been through in the past four years, but just looking directly at the other person's figure actually gave him a vague feeling of creepiness, and he felt a lot of pressure inside.

The guys in front of them don't look like bad people in appearance. I hope they can withstand Bell's bad taste and survive in the end.

"Stop one of us? Sorry, we won't let you succeed."

Harry said.

Harry would not let his companions separate when he knew the situation was extremely dangerous. Now they can only unite closely and rely on everyone's efforts to increase the probability of survival as much as possible.

"That's right! You can't stop anyone! We will rush in front of Bell together, push that bastard to the ground and beat him up!"

Ron raised his wand and fired a petrifying spell at the enemy.

Just kidding, they were so stupid that they were led by Bell to play some ridiculous games with each other. Since Bell was so arrogant and took the initiative to send an intelligence source to them, they certainly had no reason to refuse.

At this time, we should swarm up, subdue the enemy, and then pry out the information in the tower and Bell's location from their mouths, and complete this 'decapitation' operation in one go!

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