The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 887 Bell has a headache

"Hey! Harry! I'm just waiting for you. I'm not telling you, your climbing speed really needs to be improved."

Bell, who was playing with his younger brother building blocks, greeted Harry enthusiastically.

"Ron! Jack! How are you two?"

However, Harry did not immediately pay attention to Bell, the host, but looked at a corner of the living room.

In that corner, the teammates who were supposed to be fighting downstairs were sitting motionless on the ground. Neville and Rose among them looked fine, but their faces were a little pale. But the situation with Ron and Jack didn't look good.

Jack was bruised and swollen at this time, but Harry still confirmed the identity of the other party through the process of elimination. Moreover, he didn't know if it was an illusion, but Harry always felt that the other person's body shape seemed to be fatter than before.

Ron, on the other hand, has a gray face, his red hair has been burnt black by the smoke, and there seems to be a few pieces missing. The clothes on his body have turned into beggar's clothes, full of large and small holes caused by the fire. Almost ran out of money.

"It's, it's okay, for the time being, hiss~! I can't die."

Jack struggled to open and close his swollen mouth, and when he spoke, he gasped in pain due to the injuries on his face.

"Ron? How are you?"

In contrast, Harry still has to worry more about his good brother's situation. Seeing Ron's eyes closed tightly and silent, Harry felt extremely worried.

"Ron was put under a sleeping spell because he kept making so much noise and fell asleep."

Just when Harry was so worried that his heart was about to explode, Neville, who was sitting next to Ron, gave an explanation.

As soon as Pu came to this living room, after seeing Bell, Ron yelled at Bell, with such a life-threatening attitude that Zanna almost lost his temper and helped him raise his ashes.

Considering that his brother was still young, his mother had specifically warned him before leaving, so Bell hurriedly stopped his sister's violent behavior and casually cast a sleeping curse, causing Ron to continue scolding him in his sleep.

Regarding Harry's behavior of ignoring her, Bell shrugged and didn't take it seriously. He looked at Luna and asked:

"How is it? Do you know their purpose of sneaking in?"

"Well, they sneaked in to catch you, then destroy [Dalaran] and hide the magic world again."

Luna said in a calm voice.

"No, it's so poisonous!?"


Little Al raised his hands in the air, happily echoing his brother's words.

Seeing this, Bell smiled and rubbed his brother's little head, and the unhappiness he had just felt disappeared.

"How about a quick chat to catch up on old times? Harry, Neville, and these two new friends. I don't know your names yet. But forget it, I don't want to know anyway."

Bell picked up his brother and put him in Shanna's arms.

Although the possibility is slim, if you are careful, you will never go wrong.

Then, with a slight wave of his hand, the four people in the corner, as well as Harry, flew to the open space in front of the sofa and sat down in a row.

"I didn't expect that our first meeting after more than 2 years would be like this. This is really unpredictable. By the way, how are you two doing recently? Are your work and life going well? ?”

Bell said first.

"It's very, very good. My grandma found me a job growing herbs at the chia farm. From time to time, I can get some free herbs, which I can use to refine my own magic potions. I quite like this job. "

Neville, the honest boy, answered Bell's question honestly. If his body hadn't been restrained and unable to move at this moment, it would have really looked like an old classmate came to talk to Bell about old times.

"Chia Farm...oh! I remember it! That farm's campanula is quite famous and the quality is very good.

Congratulations, Neville, on finding a job you like.

Harry, what about you? I heard that you got your wish and became an Auror? how do you feel? The job of an Auror must be pretty hard, right? "

"...Bell, stop beating around the bush and tell the truth. What exactly do you plan to do with us?"

Now that things have happened, everyone is a knife and I am a fish, Harry has completely let go of his worries, and he can kill or behead him as he pleases. Anyway, he is alone, has no family, and no girlfriend, so he will die if he dies.

But if possible, Harry hoped that Bell could let the other four people go. They were different from him, and there were people waiting for them to go back.

"Oh~! To be honest, Harry, you are really making it difficult for me. Don't you think it's not good for you to live your own lives honestly? Why do you have to come and make things difficult for me?"

Bell had a headache, a real headache.

Forget it if he doesn't know anyone, he doesn't even bother to show his face and just throws the intruder out to make flower fertilizer. But after all, Harry and the three of them are his classmates and acquaintances. Even if he puts aside the soft-hearted Hermione, he can't do anything to the three of them.

First, Harry.

In order to obtain the Black family's collection, Bell once made a deal with Sirius Black and promised the other party to protect Harry. Although the time limit has long passed, what he gained from that transaction did far exceed what he paid. It would be better to say that he didn't pay anything at all, so Bell has always been a little embarrassed.

Now, let alone compensate Black and Harry in other ways, at least he wouldn't be able to kill Harry.

Secondly, Neville.

Neville's self-perception is quite accurate. Among the three brothers, Neville and Hermione have the best relationship.

Of course, the good relationship here refers to a very pure relationship between classmates and has nothing to do with the things between men and women.

Moreover, Bell actually doesn't hate this silly little fat guy. Although he is grown up now and is not as fun and cute as when he was a child, he is still quite likable.

Moreover, Neville is the only member of the Longbottom family! His parents are heroes in the British wizarding world, and they are still lying in St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries. If something happens to Neville again, then Neville's grandmother, Mrs. Longbottom, may not I really want to run to Bell and fight for my life.

Bell didn't want a respectable old lady to lose her son, daughter-in-law, and then her only grandson. That would be too cruel.

Having decided, he would inform Old Lady Longbottom of Neville's behavior and let her take care of her grandson.

Finally, Ron.

Belle didn't like Ron, there was no doubt about it. Whether Ron lived or died, he didn't care at all.


The relationship between Bell and Mr. Arthur is pretty good, and the relationship between Zannah and the Weasley twins is also pretty good. As the saying goes, don’t look at the monk before the Buddha, even for the sake of Ron’s father and brothers, It's not easy for him to kill someone.

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