The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 888 The Brave and the Demon King

"If you hadn't blatantly violated the "Secrecy Act" and made such a big fuss, how could we have taken action against you! Do you know how much chaos your actions have caused to the world?"

Harry wanted to live his life honestly, but the problem was that the trees were trying to be quiet but the wind was still blowing. It was obviously Bell who was having trouble with them, okay?

"Uh... I'm very sorry for the confusion I caused."


"But if I had to do it again, I would still do it."


Harry looked at Belle in disbelief.

The other party clearly knows that his behavior is wrong, why is he still stubborn?

"Because I want to do it, that's all."

Bell never thought that he belonged to the lawful good camp. If he had to say it, he felt that he should belong to chaotic neutral, and at most he was more lawful and good.

"You, how could you do this!"

Harry was so angry that he wanted to jump up and give Bell a bite, but he couldn't move now...

"Okay, let's stop chatting here. I have already thought about how to deal with you."

As the saying goes, it's enough to talk without speculation. Bell and Harry had nothing in common, and now that their positions were opposite, there was even less to talk about.

"Bell, let the others go. If anything, come at me alone! This plan was all planned by me. They were just lured by me. To you, to you Menethil, There is actually no hostility between the family!”

Harry said anxiously.

"Don't worry, Harry, we are all classmates after all, and I won't do anything to you. At least not this time.

Besides, you should keep lying to Neville for those kinds of lies that no one would believe. "

(Neville: ‘What does it have to do with me?’)

Ignoring Neville's confused expression, Bell continued:

"Hermione, please record this for me.

First of all, Harry, as punishment, I will confiscate your invisibility cloak. In addition, I will give you Blake's contact information later. You can tell him for me, and I will no longer owe him anything. "

Bell has also coveted the invisibility cloak, one of the 'Three Hallows of Death'.

In fact, at the beginning, Bell didn't pay much attention to the so-called "Three Hallows of Death". He thought it was just a slightly more powerful wand, a special invisibility cloak with a longer service life, and a Don't trick others, only trick yourself.

However, after studying the [Elder Wand] obtained from Dumbledore, Bell discovered that the power of the wand was far more powerful than he expected. For his successful forging of [Frostmourne], he provided a huge help.

Now, after discovering that Harry was able to sneak into his central tower without anyone noticing with the help of an invisibility cloak, Bell realized that this invisibility cloak not only had a long service life, but also had a long service life. There must be other unique hidden abilities among them.

It's a pity that the last of the 'Three Hallows of Death', the [Resurrection Stone], has been destroyed by Dumbledore. Otherwise, Bell would really want to study that 'cheating' stone to see if he can What's new to discover?

"Black? Which Black?"

Harry always felt that this name was familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"You'll know then."

Bell had no interest in explaining the truth to Harry, so this arduous task should be left to Black himself. As for what the final result will be, that's not what he cares about.

"Next up is Neville.

Neville, don't be nervous, I won't do anything to you. I will just add fuel to the fire about what happened today... ahem, tell Old Lady Longbottom everything, and let Old Lady Longbottom decide how to punish you. "

Bell said pleasantly.

However, Bell's 'kind' expression, in Neville's eyes, was ten thousand times more terrifying than the legendary evil ghost.


Neville let out a desperate cry. His fat face, which was already slightly pale due to nervousness and fear, had lost the last trace of blood at this time, and he looked more like a vampire than a vampire.

"Bell, please, don't tell my grandma, she will really kill me!"

The thing that scares Neville the most in the world is undoubtedly his angry grandmother. That was the shadow that had shrouded him for nearly 20 years since childhood!

"Don't worry, Neville. After all, you are also Mrs. Longbottom's only grandson. I believe that she... will let you die painlessly.

Okay, gentlemen, stop crying all the time. Next is Ron.

As for Ron, just hand him over to George and Fred. By the way, tell them about the store they bought in [Dalaran] and the 'Wolf Transformation Potion' they applied for before. All shares will be recovered. Of course, the Galleons already paid will not be refunded. "

This is called "brother pays brother's debt". I hope that Ron will not be teased by his twin brothers who have been dedicated to pranks for 100 years, making him regret coming into this world.

"As for the remaining two 'additional ones', let them be thrown to the trial court and punished in accordance with the provisions of the code. Remember to give a lighter sentence."

In fact, Bell didn't know what kind of crime Harry and his team would be sentenced for today's behavior if they were punished according to the code, but it would probably not be easy for them.

"Finally, Harry, please give me a message for your companions in the Order of the Phoenix.

If you were honest, I wouldn't bother to talk to you. But if you dare to trouble me secretly again, then don't blame me for being unkind.

Oh, by the way, I almost forgot one important thing. Hermione and I will hold a wedding here on the 9th of next month. If you have time, you are welcome to attend.

That's it, goodbye. "

After speaking, Bell snapped his fingers lightly.

"Wait! Bei~r~"

The space twisted and rotated, swallowing up the five Harrys. They will be thrown to the entrance of the tower, where there are security personnel ready to receive several people.

After Harry and the other five disappeared completely, Bell stretched out his hand again, and a bright silver invisibility cloak with a smooth surface that seemed to have rippling water appeared in Bell's hand. It was the special invisibility cloak that originally belonged to Harry.

"Zanna, you can play with Al in the morning. I'm going to study this invisibility cloak."

Bell explained.

"Okay, brother."

Shanna gently rubbed the little head of her brother in her arms and agreed happily.

"Everyone should be busy with their own business. I'll leave first."

After nodding to everyone in the living room, Bell disappeared instantly and ran to some corner to do research. Several people in the living room also said hello to each other and left.

In this way, a "thrilling" fierce battle of "brave vs. devil" came to an end with the "brave" side completely defeated.

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