The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 889 Get a hammer

The vastness of the universe is far beyond human imagination. Floating in the deep and boundless starry sky, everything seems to be at a standstill, and time seems to have lost its meaning here.

Faced with such a vast universe, even though the Menethil family has been exploring for nearly 10 years, they still only stay in a small corner, like a frog at the bottom of a well, unable to see the whole world.

As the saying goes, 'Ten birds in the forest are worth less than one in the hand.' It is no secret that the Menethil family has entered the outer space to explore and reap a lot of benefits. Now, in order to deal with the eagerly looking... Other wizarding forces, the Menethil family took the initiative to trade with other forces, using some basic technologies to exchange for many allies, magic materials, and gold galleons.

In just a few years, the solar system and its surrounding star fields have become lively, and the future of mankind has officially embarked on a new path of combining magic and technology.

Space travel is gradually on the rise. With the help of magic, the cost of navigation in near-Earth space is not high. Even an ordinary Muggle family can squeeze out a few tickets for a period of time.

And if you choose to travel to the magical city [Dalaran], the cost will be even lower. But because [Dalaran] has become the most famous magical city and tourist city in the world, there is an endless stream of tourists who want to go to [Dalaran] every year, so if you want to travel to [Dalaran], you need to Just make a reservation well in advance.

The world is changing with each passing day. Whether it is the technological innovation brought by magic or the numerous resources obtained in the universe, people's living standards have been greatly improved.

Tall buildings rising from the ground in an instant, teleportation devices across the earth in the blink of an eye, and food and vegetables maturing overnight, all of this means that more and more people no longer need to worry about food, clothing, housing and transportation, and can instead be free. Chase your dreams and find the meaning of life.

Of course, not all changes are good. At least the yearning for magic inevitably breeds feelings of envy, jealousy, and even hatred in the hearts of many ordinary people. The crime rate in various countries has been on the rise in recent years, and conflicts between wizards and Muggles are even more common.

Bell, who has been living in [Dalaran], has not been distracted by the 'prosperous age' he has created below. His gaze stays upward most of the time.

What makes Bell most dissatisfied now is that so far, they have not discovered even a single life planet.

(Desolate planets like [Dark Star] do not count.)

Bell has always believed that in this vast universe, there must be other life planets besides the earth. There are many lives on it that are either similar to or completely different from those on Earth.

Bell has been looking forward to it since the first day he entered the universe. However, after so many years, except for a bunch of moving ice lumps (ice elemental creatures), he has not found even a creature that can roar twice. .

How could this not disappoint Bell!

And the most important thing is that in the face of the vast universe, even if Bell thinks that his current strength is unprecedented and unprecedented, he still has no way to deal with the universe. After controlling the [Explorer] for two days, he couldn't stand staring at the dark screen all the time, so he decided to go home and take care of his children.

"Little Al, what gift do you think your brother brought you back today?"

"Huh? Ahhhhhh!"

Little Al said dancing happily.

What? You ask me what exactly little Al said?

How would I know!

"It's a hammer!"

As he spoke, Bell took out a golden two-handed war hammer from behind.

The total length of the warhammer is about 1.5 meters, with a sharp armor-piercing cone on the top. The head of the hammer shines with golden light, giving the entire warhammer a sense of sanctity.

‘I’ll do it~! ’

However, for such a domineering and sacred war hammer, the other women present were almost knocked down by the thunder.

So who would give a 2-year-old baby a warhammer as a gift? This toy is too hardcore!

"Bell! You're making a hammer!"

Elena glared at her eldest son angrily, and stretched out her hands to take her younger son away and stay away from the hammer.

However, little Al clung to the hammer given to him by his brother and refused to let go.

"Yes, I just got a hammer. Besides, Al, this hammer is not for eating, be careful of chipping your teeth."

Little Al managed to grow a few teeth, and Bell didn't want his little brother to have his teeth chipped right now.

"No, why did you give your brother a hammer? And this hammer is too big."

The 1.5 meter long two-handed war hammer stood more than twice as tall as Little Al now. Moreover, this hammer was so heavy that it was difficult for Elena to pick it up, let alone Little Al.

This is not something babies should be exposed to.

"This hammer was not originally meant for him to play with now, but was reserved for Al in the future when he inherits the family.

This warhammer is called [The Power of Menethil], yes, it is the name of our company.

Then, this is no ordinary hammer. It uses the same forging technology as [Frostmourne] and has powerful power.

Moreover, during the forging process, I successively added the blood of my grandfather, father, myself, Shanna and Al, so that this warhammer has the function of bloodline certification.

I plan to use this [Power of Menethil] as a symbol of our family from now on, and a token of inheritance from the clan leader. "

[Frostmourne] feels too evil after all, and can easily give people a bad impression, so it is not suitable as a symbol of the family. In comparison, this sacred [Power of Menethil] fits the image of their family very well.

"...Okay, then I will put away this hammer first and give it to your father later. When Al grows up, I will give it to him."

Although Elena felt a little uncomfortable about the fact that her family's inherited token was a hammer, her son had already made it, so she couldn't let Bell take it back and melt it.

"It's useless for you to give this to father. He's not in good health and can't use it. If you ask me, just hang it in the hall for now and use it as a decoration."

Bell shrugged and said.

"Give it to me! Give it to me! Brother, let me play for a while first!"

At this time, Shanna suddenly jumped out.

Ever since her brother had a big sword, she had always wanted to make a similar weapon. However, she is not good at making magic props, and she also doesn’t want to hang them around her waist.

"But haven't I already transformed your little bear Tibbers? You can just use the little bear as your own magic source. It's useless to use this [Power of Menethil]."

And what's wrong with a girl who carries a big hammer when she goes out all day?

"But the little bear can't be used to hit people!"

Shanna shook her bear with a look of disgust.

"But the little bear can bite!"

Bell tried to defend the Cubs.

Over the years, Tibbers the Bear has worked hard to protect his sister, no matter how hard it is, but also hard work. Bell sees all of this and remembers it in his heart.

Today, he will clear the name of Little Bear!

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