The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 890 Living Planet

When the Bell brothers and sisters were conducting an in-depth and simple analysis on the advantages and disadvantages of 'beating the head' or 'biting the head off', Bell's personal terminal suddenly sounded, interrupting the discussion that should have been harmonized.

"Hello? Senior? What's the matter?"

Bell was a little surprised to find that it was Penello who called him.

"Bell! We found it!"

Penello's excited voice came from the personal terminal.

"What did you find?"

"Living Planet!"


"Really! I will send you the video data now!"

Bell couldn't wait to open the video sent by Penelo. As soon as the video was opened, a beautiful planet appeared in the center of the screen. Bell recognized at a glance that this planet was not the Earth.

As the progress bar progressed, the perspective soon switched to the interior of the planet. Through the Explorer's ultra-high-definition camera, you can clearly see the forests, plains, lakes below, as well as the occasional bird life flying in the sky.

"Great! Where is [Williams] currently? Forget it, no matter where it is, let it return immediately and return to Earth!"

Bell was so excited that even the magic power in his body leaked out unconsciously.

"Bell! Calm down! You scared your brother!"

Suddenly, his mother's scolding sounded in his ears, which made Bell calm down instantly as if a basin of cold water had been poured over his head.

He turned around and saw little Al burying his little head in his mother's arms, his little body trembling uncontrollably.

After all, Al is still too young. Even though he has a very good amount of magic power in his body compared to his peers, compared with Bell, the gap is completely out of reach.

Even a trace of magic power accidentally leaked by Bell was enough to make little Al feel a fatal crisis. In fact, if it weren't for the familiar scent of magic, little Al would have cried at the top of his lungs.

"Sorry, Al, brother is wrong, don't be afraid."

Bell took his brother and comforted him for a while, before Al finally looked at him with fear no longer in his eyes.

At the same time, after this period of precipitation, Bell's emotions have completely calmed down, and he will not be carried away by excitement.

"Mom, I plan to explore this newly discovered planet with life. I probably won't be returning home for a while."

"Go with peace of mind. I brought you and Shanna together back then, so I have no problem taking care of Al."

Elena rolled her eyes at Bell, feeling very dissatisfied that her eldest son dared to doubt her ability.

Bell smiled, then turned to look at Shanna.

"Sanna, do you want to go on an adventure with your brother?"


Without any hesitation, Shanna agreed. You know, she loves adventure the most. During this period of time, she had visited all the famous places on earth and was wondering where to go next. Now that she has discovered a living planet, she has absolutely no reason not to go!

"Hermione, go notify Jennifer and start gathering manpower immediately, including combat personnel and logistics personnel, just 300 people. In addition, all supplies must be prepared according to the highest standards, and the speed must be fast. When the [Williams] returns We will set off immediately after sailing."

Bell ordered.

"Bell, can I also go and have a look?"

At this time, Penello's voice came out from the personal terminal again, and Bell discovered that the communication had not been hung up yet.

"Of course. But you have to be mentally prepared. There will definitely be many dangers on such a primitive planet with life."

Although he had not yet had time to carefully explore the specific conditions inside the planet, Bell discovered two characteristics of the planet after just a few glances.

First, the vegetation on the planet is very dense, and no large-scale man-made structures have been found. This means that even if there are intelligent creatures on this planet, its social form and productivity should be in a relatively primitive state.

Second, by comparing the size of the explorers, Bell discovered that the animals and plants on this planet are taller than those on the earth. And judging from the appearance of various flying birds in the sky, it seems that the proportion of raptors is higher?

Based on the above two points, there must be no shortage of dangerous magical animals on this planet. It is not surprising at all that there are species whose strength far exceeds that of the magical creatures on earth.

Of course, the above are just Bell's simple speculations at present, and the actual situation is yet to be known. But you never go wrong with caution. Before entering a completely unfamiliar environment, you should always consider the worst-case scenario.

"Don't worry, Bell. Don't underestimate me. I have also passed the advanced training of family combatants. In terms of fighting, I will not necessarily lose to you."

Penello said with a smile.

Of course, she was just joking. Although she didn't know how strong Bell was, she also knew that it was not within her reach.

"Haha, that's really exciting. We must see the heroic fighting spirit of senior sister later.

So be it, senior sister, please prepare yourself and arrange your work and family affairs. This time, I don’t know how long it will take to return to Earth again. Hang up first, I have to start preparations quickly. "

After hanging up the communication, Bell started preparations without any delay.

After all, this time he was going to explore a completely unknown planet with life. The difficulty and danger were far from comparable to those desolate planets before, so he had to be fully prepared.

Including but not limited to food, drinks, and food and drinks...


Eating was a top priority. It was still unknown whether the animals and plants on that planet could be eaten by humans. Of course, he had to prepare more.

As for other magic props, potions, etc., to be honest, after having [Frostmourne], they really don't have much effect on him. Just pick one of good quality and powerful and put it in your pocket, it will be enough.

However, although Bell thinks that he is well prepared, it does not mean that William and Elena think so too.

Strictly speaking, this is Bell's first time away from home for a long time (not counting going to Hogwarts, which is a 'safe' place). As the saying goes, 'son travels thousands of miles and mother worries', when she thinks of herself Their children are going to explore a dangerous planet with life. William and Elena simply can't wait to throw everything in the family into the two of them to ensure their absolute safety.

In the end, under Bei Er Xiaozhi's persuasion with emotion and reason, he still had several sophisticated space bags on his body. Even he didn't know exactly what was contained in them.

Bell only knew that if he threw out all the destructive magic props in the space bag, there would be no problem in causing a global humanitarian destruction.

So my sister’s outstanding destructive talent is indeed not without reason!

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