"Zanna, call Fina out and let her test the strength of this creature."

With just a glimpse, the judgment of strength will inevitably be biased. It may be that this creature is very good at ambush and sneak attacks, but its frontal combat effectiveness is actually very average. Of course, it is also possible that what was shown before is just the tip of the iceberg, and its actual strength is even stronger.

No matter what, let Fina test it out, and the result will be clear soon.

By the way, it can also let the little guy who is addicted to Internet addiction and cannot be treated to move his body, so as not to be really spoiled.

"Fina, remember to put on the armor I made for you and be careful, otherwise if you are pierced through a vital part, you will suffer the consequences."

Bell patted Fina's big head and warned her earnestly.

"Ouch~! (Don't worry!)"

Fina raised her head proudly and let out a confident roar.

However, when it flew over the humanoid creature, it still touched the collar around its neck with its claws. Then, pieces of armor were seen extending from the collar, which quickly wrapped Fina completely, and finally formed Got a set of handsome and ferocious personal armor.

This set of Fina's special armor was tailor-made for Fina after Bell thoroughly studied the Wang Shouqiang family's armor-making methods.

After all, this little guy only knows how to play games on the sofa all day long, and his fighting skills are really not very good. Bell is afraid that one day his cute pet will suffer a loss, so he can only prepare a few powerful magic equipment for him.


With a roar, Fina, who was covered in armor, was now full of confidence. After warning the enemy that it disdained sneak attacks, it dived straight towards the enemy, trying to confront the enemy head-on.


The humanoid creature let out an unexplained exclamation. It was probably the first time it saw this steel monster covered in armor.

He fell to the ground and rolled nimbly, avoiding Fina's frontal charge. Then he slammed the ground hard, got up with the help of the reaction force, and disappeared into the forest with a few leaps, not even caring about the prey on the ground. take away.

Facing the unknown powerful creature, this humanoid creature chose to retreat temporarily.


Fina, who was already prepared for the enemy's attack, immediately let out a roar of dissatisfaction when she discovered that the opponent did not fight back but ran away in cowardice.

You know, its owner lets it test the opponent's strength, not the opponent's ability to escape. If you let the other party run away like this, where will it lose its face?

If something goes wrong, the game time that has been compressed repeatedly will probably be shortened again.

Absolutely not!

Her limbs were slightly bent, and after a short period of energy accumulation, with the splash of soil, Fina flickered in the forest like a phantom, quickly chasing after the enemy's scent trail.

"This guy Fina is really too trusting."

In the air above the forest, after seeing Fina's actions, Bell sighed, half angry and half helpless.

How could he pursue the enemy so recklessly in an unfamiliar forest with complicated conditions? What if there are traps laid by enemies along the way? What if the enemy suddenly turns around and counterattacks? just in case……

"You have the nerve to say it, it's not all because of you!"

Hermione rolled her eyes at Belle angrily.

If anyone in the family loves Fina the most, it is undoubtedly Bell. Both she and Shanna have talked to Bell many times about Fina's education, but every time the other party only promised to be nice, but once it was implemented, the true colors would soon be revealed.

"Uh... ahem, let's hurry up and follow. Maybe we can find the lair of that humanoid creature."

From the simple leather clothes on the humanoid creature and the simply polished bone knife in its hand, it can be seen that this creature should come from a small primitive tribe. Bell is very interested in the other party's social form and lifestyle, and does not want to let it go. Run each other.

The maneuverability of both a 'man' and an animal is extraordinary. In just ten minutes, they ran a distance of nearly 10 kilometers in the dense forest.

However, Bell's plan of following the humanoid creature to find its lair unfortunately came to nothing. Because the other party has been circling around the hunting location. I don’t know if he doesn’t want to bring danger back to the tribe, or if he is reluctant to abandon the prey where he was.

In short, after a period of fierce chasing, the humanoid creature was still at home in the forest, fully demonstrating its powerful endurance attributes, but Fina, who had been training for a long time, was the first to be defeated.

The unfamiliar forest, the hot and humid climate, and the armor that was actually not very heavy on her body were all violently consuming Fina's physical strength, making her breathing become more and more rapid and her steps becoming heavier and heavier.

I don’t know if they noticed the decline in Fina’s physical strength behind her, but the humanoid creature quickly cooperated and slowed down, giving Fina the feeling that she could catch up with her if she pushed harder, but in reality, she only needed to push 10 more times to catch up. It's impossible to catch up.

In this way, in less than 20 minutes, this humanoid creature relied on its rich hunting experience and long physical strength to completely reverse the situation.

On the surface, Fina is a hunter, pursuing her prey. However, Bell and the others, who were looking down from the air, could clearly see that the roles between Fina and the humanoid creature had been swapped. Now the humanoid creature is the hunter, and is skillfully wearing down the physical strength of the 'prey'. Waiting for the moment to strike the final blow.

"Brother, let me kill that guy!"

Although he criticized Bell for doting on Fina too much, in fact, there was no one in Bell's family who didn't dote on Fina.

(Fina: ‘My title as [the Menethil family’s cute pet] is not in vain!’)

No, when she saw that Fina might be in danger, Shanna was the first to become unable to sit still. After patting the bear hanging on her waist, Shanna was ready to take down this cunning humanoid creature.

"No rush, just wait."

Bell stretched out his hand to stop his sister.

With the armor he made tailor-made for Fina, Bell was not worried that Fina would be fatally injured. This was also the reason why he specifically reminded Fina to put on the armor.

As long as the injury was not fatal, Bell felt that it would be good to let Fina, the 'Internet addicted cat', learn a lesson. Anyway, if this humanoid creature didn't appear to be electrically charged, there wouldn't be any big problems.

"Hmm~ Okay then."

Putting down her hands, Shanna looked at Fina's figure worriedly.

She decided that after going back today, she must formulate a Spartan-style training plan for Fina. This time, no one tried to persuade her, not even her brother!

She must train Fina to become a top hunter!

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