"Hello everyone, my name is Fast Fang. Fast means running fast in Troll language, and Fang is because my and my father's teeth are very sharp, so they are called by the tribe. The prophet named him Fang.

As you can see, I'm a warrior in the Kingfisher tribe...well, I'm not actually a warrior yet. But I will soon be a true tribal warrior.

As long as I complete the coming-of-age ceremony and successfully hunt a ferocious carnivorous beast alone, I can officially join the tribe's hunting team, become a brave warrior, and receive the blessing of the Loa god.

Originally, I was very lucky today. According to the information from the prior investigation, I lurked on the road where a swift cat often passed, and soon discovered the figure of the swift cat.

I don’t know if it was because I had just finished lunch, but the Swift Cat overall gave people a lazy feeling, and its movements were not as agile as usual. I successfully sneaked in and killed it with one blow.

Don't get me wrong, I am not a forest troll who relies on luck to hunt. Although I have not officially joined the hunting team, I am confident that I can defeat even some of the warriors in the hunting team.

After that swift cat entered my field of vision, its outcome was already doomed. The great success of the sneak attack only saved me a little more effort.

Up to this point, everything is going smoothly. As long as I bring the body of this swift cat back to the tribe, I can receive the blessing of God Loa at the sacrificial ceremony a few days later and officially become a warrior of the tribe.

However, just after confirming the death of the prey, a creepy sense of crisis came over me. I saw a ferocious and strange silver-white cat swooping down from above my head. The hurricane caused by the extremely fast movement made a penetrating whistling sound.

As a qualified hunter, when facing an unknown beast, I will certainly not be stupid and go head-on.

Without any hesitation, I abandoned the swift cat that I had finally hunted on the ground, rolled up and quickly hid in the forest.

I'm going to take advantage of the opponent's feeding on the Swift Cat's corpse, launch a sneak attack, and kill him with one blow!

If I can hunt such a ferocious beast that I have never seen before, then the other trolls in the tribe will definitely look at me with admiration. When the time comes, the beautiful female trolls will definitely be vying to throw themselves into my arms!

However, the idea is beautiful, but the reality is slightly wrong.

That silver-white beast actually chose to chase me instead of eating the ready-made food on the ground?

This big cat must be mentally ill!

But it doesn't matter. This little accident is not enough to change the ending of the story. As a forest troll who grew up in this forest, this forest is like my own back garden. I know where to go with my eyes closed.

This stupid big cat dares to chase me on my property. It is seeking death!

Not surprisingly, after a period of chasing and running, the big cat began to lose strength. In order to prevent the opponent from retreating, I also took the initiative to reduce my speed and pretended to be equally exhausted.

Real hunters always appear as prey. Now, it’s finally time for me to take off my disguise and reap the rewards~! "

The legs exerted force, and the fangs rushed out from behind the tree. Similar scenes, similar actions, similar goals, similar...

‘Qiang~! ’

The result was once again beyond Jian Ya's expectations.

The bone dagger, which looked extremely sharp from the fangs, quickly pierced the target's neck artery and successfully hit the target before it could react.

However, the dagger did not penetrate the target's neck and bring out a large amount of warm blood as the fangs expected. Instead, after a violent collision, the tip of the dagger was knocked off and almost died. Stab into his eyeball.


The sudden attack shocked Fina.

After a moment of daze, Fina, who survived the disaster, was completely out of anger. You know, since becoming an adult, no one has ever been able to give it a sense of danger.

(Mainly because this is the first time Fina has fought in a real sense since she became an adult.)

Now, a green-skinned monster appeared out of nowhere and brought it the fear of death in an instant, and most importantly, it made it lose face in front of its owner!

Even though she was thousands of meters away, Fina seemed to be able to feel the 'murderous aura' on Master Shanna's face. This time it will definitely be miserable when it goes back!

Fina, who was filled with grief and anger, rolled to her feet and immediately let out an angry roar at the attacker. Along with the roar, extremely hot dragon flames were sprayed out.

The surging flames instantly drowned the enemy's figure, but Fina did not feel any joy.

He used all his strength to jump to the left. As soon as he left the spot, a green figure fell from the sky and stepped on the spot where Fina was before, making a big hole in the ground.

Fina twisted around and whipped the several-meter-long steel tail whip behind her at the enemy, making a loud sonic boom in the air.

The speed of the tail whip was too fast for Fang to dodge. In desperation, he could only fold his arms in front of his chest to protect him, and then the next second he was blown away like a discharged cannonball. go out.


It broke several big trees in succession, and a mouthful of dark green blood spurted out from the fangs. Every part of the body was in pain.

Fortunately, the forest troll's recovery ability is outstanding even in dense forests where dangerous creatures emerge in endlessly.

In the short time of flying in the air, Fangyang's arms recovered from fractures to bone fractures, and then rolled on the ground a few times. When he stood up, except for the severe pain that still remained, his arms were basically intact. It has been fully recovered and will not have any negative impact on the battle.

The target's defense was too strong, and its speed and reaction were not weak. The most important thing was that its strength far exceeded his own. Faced with such a monster that completely crushed him except for his IQ, Jianya began to think about retreating.

However, even at this moment, Jian Ya did not forget that his main purpose of going out to hunt this time was to complete the coming-of-age ceremony.

The body of Swift Cat was still lying not far away. After a brief thought, Jian Ya decided to lure the unknown silver-white monster in front of him far away, then get rid of him, retrieve the body of Swift Cat, and return to the tribe.

After he accepts the blessing of Loa and becomes a more powerful warrior, he will definitely find the other party and hunt again.

No one can match the powerful Loa warrior. He must peel off the opponent's shining silver-white 'fur' and make himself a suit of leather armor. If you have the opponent's powerful defense, it is not impossible to become the chief of the tribe in the future.

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