The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 897 The test from Loa

The plan was decided, and the fangs retreated while fighting, luring the enemy away from the Swift Cat's body.

With his skillful combat experience and familiarity with the terrain, Jian Ya managed to dodge Fina's attacks again and again despite being completely suppressed in physical fitness.

Occasionally, if it is really impossible to dodge, Fang will try his best to block it with his arms. As long as the internal organs are not severely damaged, relying on the forest troll's abnormal recovery ability, it only takes a few breaths to complete regeneration.

Compared with simply chasing and escaping, a head-on confrontation consumes a lot of energy, both physically and mentally. After about 10 minutes of fierce fighting, both Fina and Fang became out of breath, and their bodies were filled with exhaustion.

Logically speaking, Fang's endurance is much stronger than Fina's, but the regeneration and recovery from injuries is not without cost. A lot of fang's energy was spent on recovering from his injuries, and he felt a little unsustainable at this moment.

It felt like the distance was almost there, and the most important thing was that if it continued like this, Jian Ya was afraid that he wouldn't have enough physical strength to bring the prey back to the tribe. You know, there is no shortage of dangers of all kinds in the forest. He must reserve some physical strength to face the attacks he may encounter at any time.

He took out a small wooden bottle from his waist, bit off the cork with his fangs, and poured the liquid in the bottle towards Fina, who rushed at her again.

The liquid in the bottle quickly vaporized as soon as it came into contact with the air. At the same time, a very strong pungent smell came out, shrouding the unprepared Fina in a red cloud.


Fina let out a scream of pain. She covered her mouth and nose with her claws, and her tail danced wildly behind her. While protecting herself, she also tried to use the strong wind brought by the dance to blow away the pungent clouds and mist around her.

The attack that Fina was worried about did not come. The fangs that had been prepared for long time held their breath, and after pouring the potion, they rushed to one side without looking back, and soon disappeared into the dense forest again. middle.

Sindra grass extract, this is the name of the potion that Fang just used that has a similar effect to pepper water.

Sindra is a plant often eaten by trolls. As long as you put a Sindra into the pot and stew together when stewing meat, the final stewed meat will have a wonderful spiciness. The taste makes the trolls unable to stop.

However, it is such a harmless plant. If the grass juice is extracted directly without stewing, a very pungent gas will be formed. If inhaled in large quantities, it may even cause A fire ignited within him. Even a forest troll with an incredible regenerative ability would have no choice but to die in this situation.

It is not easy to obtain such a powerful potion. It's not that the number of Sindra grass is scarce. In fact, this seasoning, which is loved and feared by trolls, is still quite abundant in the forest.

The problem is that the juice of Sindra grass will vaporize immediately once it comes into contact with the air. Only the prophets in the tribe can use magical magic to prevent this vaporization phenomenon from happening.

But what a noble status the prophets have. They are busy studying magical magic and communicating with the great Loa gods every day, but they don't have enough free time. How can they waste their precious time on making Sindra grass extract.

Even this kind of agent that can emit a pungent smell can effectively target predators with a sensitive sense of smell, greatly improving the hunting efficiency and survival rate of the hunting team.

The bottle of Sindra grass extract on Sharptooth was from his father who died fighting for the tribe, so the prophet specially rewarded him with a bottle to keep with him.

In this important coming-of-age ceremony, Jian Ya, of course, brought all the treasures he had at the bottom of the box with him. But he didn't expect that he didn't use it when hunting the Swift Cat. Instead, he spent it on a strange beast that appeared out of nowhere.

No matter what, he remembered this matter today. Sooner or later, he would let the other party repay it with his hard fur!

‘Russing, rustling~! ’

The massive loss of physical strength made the movements of the fangs no longer as light and agile as they were at the beginning. Even though he had paid careful attention, he still inevitably touched many branches and shrubs while moving at high speed, making slight noises.

Fortunately, this area is the territory of the swift cat. The silver-white cat just spit out a lot of flames. All the nearby animals must have been scared away, so Fan Ya is not worried that he will suddenly Encounter danger.


Suddenly, just as he was close to Swift Cat's body, Fang was startled and hurriedly hid behind a big tree.

It turned out that not far ahead, through the gaps between the trees, Fang could clearly see several dwarfs with yellow-white skin and strange costumes standing next to the body of Xun Mao, looking down at it. His prey.

'damn it! What the hell is going on today! Why did I encounter some strange creatures! ? ’

Jian Ya cursed in his heart, and suddenly realized in the next second.

'I see! This must be a test given to me by Loa! ’

Fang once heard that some outstanding warriors would receive attention from Loa during their coming-of-age ceremony. Loa will give them more severe tests and let them encounter strange or powerful monsters.

Many trolls failed to pass the test of the Loa and died at the hands of those monsters. As long as they can pass the test, they will be loved by God Loa in the subsequent sacrificial ceremony and be given more powerful power. There are even some warriors who can gain the ability to cast spells after being blessed, and then become the prophets of the tribe.

In fact, all the existing prophets in the tribe came from this way.

Thinking of this, even Jian Ya, who thought he had experienced strong winds and waves, could not help but feel his heart beat faster at this moment. When he thought that he was about to master the magical magic, become the prophet of the tribe, and be promoted to the object of admiration of all the tribesmen, Jianya felt his blood boiling. Even the fatigue accumulated in his body was swept away at this time, making him feel as if he had regained his strength. Reached its peak state.

He stuck his head out and carefully observed several strange creatures not far away. The fangs were not at all careless because of the weak appearance of the other party.

Every qualified hunter understands one truth: ‘There are no weak creatures in the forest’.

Any creature that can survive in the cruel forest must have its own skills. Especially those creatures that look weaker and more harmless on the outside, the more likely they are to have deadly specialties. The most common one is poison!

The poison possessed by some inconspicuous little creatures will make even the most powerful troll, once bitten, die in despair after a painful struggle.

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