The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 898 Trolls are indeed a kind-hearted race

As an excellent hunter, Jian Ya naturally understands the principle of "a lion fights a rabbit with all his strength".

After a brief observation, Jian Ya was even more grateful for his caution. Because he discovered that those unknown creatures were actually communicating with each other!

Fang couldn't understand the language of the unknown creature, but he was sure that the other party must be communicating. This also means that this unknown creature is an intelligent creature. As for any intelligent creature, there is nothing easy to deal with. The most typical example is their forest trolls.

But then again, when did an intelligent creature appear in this lush forest? Could it be that it came from outside the forest?

It seems that he will need to leave one or two alive later and hand them over to the prophet for interrogation. With magical magic, the prophet must be able to learn the origin and purpose of each other from the minds of these guys.

"Hey~! That little brother over there~! Can you hear me~!"

While Fang was thinking a lot in his heart, Bell was trying to convey his peaceful and friendly thoughts.

He had already noticed the other party as soon as he approached, but he was busy studying the corpses on the ground, so he didn't say hello to the other party immediately.

"If you use the language of the earth, the other party can understand it."

Hermione rolled her eyes at Bell silently.

"But I can't speak alien language either."

Bell said aggrievedly.

Just kidding, he doesn't know a few languages ​​on Earth. Now that he's on an alien planet, he's even more confused when it comes to language issues.

Of course, even if there is a language barrier, Bell can still communicate with each other. The spells he had learned over the years were not in vain.

But the problem is that the other party is obviously full of hostility and wariness towards their group. If he suddenly transmits his thoughts directly into the other party's mind at this time, there is no guarantee that the other party will not be frightened. If the other party is scared away, in this dense forest, even if he wants to lock the opponent's figure, it will be more laborious.

"Brother, let me catch him!"

For this bad guy who dared to bully her cute pet, Shanna didn't like her at all.

Through the previous battle between the opponent and Fina, she had also learned about the opponent's specific strength, which was still far behind her. Even if the opponent still has some hidden tricks that he has not used yet, she is not afraid at all.

"Don't be so grumpy, Shanna. As the saying goes, be polite before fighting. Maybe this is an alien creature with a kind nature. We are new here. If we can have a good relationship with these creatures from this planet, it will save us a lot of trouble. of."

Stopping his sister again, who seemed to be a little irritable in recent days for some reason, Bell used a floating spell to control the corpse of the beast at his feet and threw it near the humanoid creature.


The sudden heavy object falling next to him startled Fan Ya.

He was just thinking about how to take action, but unexpectedly, the other party had already discovered him.

He looked warily at the creatures not far away, his fangs tense, ready to attack or escape at any time.

"Hello, please don't be nervous, we don't mean any harm."

Bell waved his hand and pointed to the Swift Cat corpse on the ground, indicating that it belonged to the other party and they would not rob it.

In addition, while speaking, he also used magic spells to transmit the meaning he wanted to express into the other party's mind. In this way, although the other party still could not understand what he said, the corresponding words would automatically appear in his mind. the meaning of.

What? Are you saying he's not afraid of scaring the other person?

Obviously, he has already scared the other person, so there is no need to scare him more.


Suddenly being spoken to by an unknown creature, and suddenly being able to understand the other person's language, this bizarre encounter made the barely adult fang tremble.

If the other party hadn't shown any hostility, Jangya would have definitely escaped by now without looking back.

"Who are you? And why can I suddenly understand you?"

Glancing at the corpse at his feet, Jian Ya swallowed twice, and finally suppressed the greed in his heart and did not move.

Although strictly speaking, this corpse did belong to him, but at the moment the enemy was unknown, and he did not want to carry a heavy burden on his body during the battle.

"My name is Bel Menethil, you can call me Bel, these are my family members. We are humans and come from other planets. You can understand my language because I use magic , directly conveying the meaning I want to express into your mind. By the way, do you know magic?"

The magic power on this planet is so abundant. According to Bell's observations during this period, about one tenth of the animals and plants on the planet can simply use magic power. As a rare intelligent creature, the possibility of the other party possessing the concept of magic is quite high.

"Magic!? You can actually use magic!? Are you a prophet?"

Those words like 'human being' and 'planet' that I had never heard of before had no idea what they meant. But he understood the final 'magic'.

It can be said that the admiration and yearning for magic and prophets have been deeply engraved in the body of every forest troll. Even if they are hostile tribes, forest trolls often will not show disrespect to the prophets of the other tribe. . At this point, it is not an exaggeration to say that the prophet is more comfortable than the Loa.

If it were the Loa gods of the hostile tribe, the forest trolls would never bow to them even if they died.

"Prophet? Well... that's about right. You can understand it that way."

Bell briefly browsed through the other party's memory and found the concept of 'prophet'.

Unlike the prophets of wizards, the prophets of forest trolls do not have the ability to predict the future. They can only control magic freely and cast magic. It's basically the same concept as a wizard.

What? You asked Bell how he knew the other party’s racial name was ‘Forest Troll’?

Ahem, this... I saw it accidentally just now.

It was really an accident!

"Hello, respected prophet, Fast Fang of the Kingfisher tribe salutes you. I wonder if the prophet came near our Kingfisher tribe. What's the matter?"

After learning that Bell was really a prophet, Jangya immediately stood up straight and bowed respectfully to Bell.

"No need to be so polite."

Bell waved his hand before continuing:

"We were just passing by and didn't know that there was a forest troll tribe nearby. But now we have met by chance. I wonder if we are lucky enough to be able to visit your tribe? I am very interested in forest trolls!"


Faced with a request from a stranger who appears out of nowhere and wants to visit his or her home, of course, no one would easily agree. Neither do trolls.


"Okay, please follow me."

Don't ask why, just ask that magic is amazing!

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