The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 900 Cuifeng Tribe

"What the hell is going on?"

Bell, who couldn't figure out the situation, was at a loss.

On the way here, he imagined various situations that he might encounter, which naturally included the possibility of encountering hostility. But even if you are being treated with hostility, you won’t resort to using knives or guns without saying a word when it comes to it, right?

Are all these trolls so sensitive?

Just when Bell was thinking about whether to take action directly and defeat this group of unreasonable trolls, the trolls in front of him suddenly retreated to both sides, making way for a passage.

At the end of the passage, there was an old troll walking slowly with the support of two other strong trolls. The folds on this old troll's face could pinch mosquitoes, and he walked tremblingly, as if he would fall down in the next second and never get up again.

But it was such an old troll who looked like he might die at any time, which made Bell frown.

The magic power fluctuations on the opponent's body are too powerful!

Among Bell's group, only Bell himself could surpass the opponent in terms of total amount and intensity of magic power.

Of course, this does not mean that everyone except Bell is no match for this old troll.

On the contrary, it is precisely because this old troll is exuding magic power unscrupulously that it shows that the other party's ability to control magic power is very limited. Although powerful magic can greatly enhance the power of its magic, low control also prevents the opponent from casting too precise magic.

When the two offset each other, overall, this old troll is strong, but his strength is limited. At most, it is equivalent to the level of a member of the special operations team.

Of course, the members of the Bell family's special operations team are nothing compared to Bell, but if placed in the magic world, there is no doubt that they are powerful wizards who stand at the top of the entire magic world.

Now, an old troll that Bell meets randomly has the strength to stand in the upper echelon of the earth's magic world. So God knows how many existences in the entire troll group have the same or even stronger strength?

In addition, although the other troll warriors have not mastered the ability to cast spells, their strength is not inferior to that of ordinary wizards even if they rely on hand-to-hand combat alone.

The strong overall strength of the troll clan is the real reason why Bell can't help but frown.

If he wants to develop this planet into his own private domain, he has to completely subjugate the native intelligent creatures on the planet. And no matter how strong he is, there is only one person. With no skills, it is impossible to subdue the unknown number of native intelligent creatures on this planet by relying on his own strength alone.

"Stranger, you are not welcome in the Cuifeng tribe. Please leave immediately."

The old troll came to the front of the crowd. He first glanced at Fang, who was standing in the middle of Bell's group and the troll warriors, with a bewildered expression on his face. Then he ignored the little guy in his tribe who had just grown up, and turned to He focused his solemn gaze on Bell and his party.

Mude Cuifeng is the great prophet of the Cuifeng tribe.

(Each troll will change his last name to the name of his tribe after becoming a prophet.)

It has been nearly 300 years since he became a prophet.

300 years can be said to be a very long time for trolls, and few trolls can live to this age.

Thanks to his long life and the bonus of his status as a prophet, he is very famous among several nearby troll tribes and is respected by many trolls.

It can be said that thanks to his reputation, the Cuifeng Tribe, as a small troll tribe, has been able to live peacefully in this forest over the years.

The long life not only brought Mud the respect of other trolls, but also brought him powerful spellcasting ability and extremely rich experience.

In fact, Mud had already sensed Bell's existence long before the Loa god of the tribe discovered Bell and his party.

In his keen perception, it was as if a dark cloud covering the sky was spreading from the sky towards the tribe. This feeling of fear and despair could only be felt by him when the tribe was invaded once before he became an adult. Been there once.

He would never forget the scene of that day, so he knew that disaster would probably befall the Cuifeng tribe for the first time in a long time.

As the great prophet of the tribe and the spiritual leader of the Cuifeng tribe, Mu De is ready to sacrifice everything.

After the Loa god of the tribe appeared and screamed hostilely at the visitor, Mu De was instantly frightened and broke into a cold sweat. Without knowing the other party's intentions, if one's own side takes the lead in attacking, it will really be a disaster.

At any rate, we should first find a way to deal with the opponent and buy time for the children in the tribe to evacuate.

So Mu De hurriedly appeased the angry God Loa, stopped the other party from issuing an oracle of attack, and rushed towards the entrance of the village, fearing that some ignorant Guawazi would do something stupid.

Fortunately, things did not develop in the direction that Mu De was most worried about. Although the two sides were at war with each other, they had not really taken action yet.

"Don't be so indifferent. After all, we have come all the way here. It's not too much to ask for a drink of water."

Just kidding, Bell wouldn't just leave like this.

Where is this place?

This is [Star Menethil]!

It's his family's territory!

Although he only announced this unilaterally, he doesn't care about that much!

On his own territory, someone actually wanted to drive him away?

This is really unreasonable!

"Stranger, what is your purpose? The Cuifeng tribe is just a small tribe. We don't have any treasures here."

To be honest, Mu De really wanted to forcefully drive the other party away, or even kill him directly. But his strength didn't allow it, and he really couldn't be tough.

After seeing Bell with his own eyes, Mu De realized that he was wrong, and he was so wrong! The weak-looking little man in front of him was far more dangerous than he had expected!

Now just standing in front of the other party, Mu De felt that his energy was declining rapidly, and he wanted to turn around and run away immediately.

But he can't escape. Behind him is his tribe, hundreds of his compatriots, and most importantly, there are many underage children among them. So even if he dies today, he must not take even one step back!

"Oh! Don't be so nervous. People who know me call me 'honest and reliable young gentleman'. I never lie. Seriously, if you don't believe me, just ask them."

Bell pointed at the women behind him, and then continued to talk under the blank stares of a few people:

"I came here this time. I'm really just curious to see what life is like for you forest trolls. By the way, I'd like to chat with you again and learn about the situation on this planet."

Of course, the main purpose is to find a way to conquer these trolls. However, due to the lack of information, Bell has not yet figured out how to do it specifically, so there is no need to come up with it now.

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