The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 901 Intelligence attack


The sharp cry resounded through the sky again, causing the great prophet Mu De, who was about to say something, to turn around in shock and look at the center of the tribe.

In the center of every troll tribe, there will be an open space. In the center of the open space, a crude altar was built. A totem pole is inserted on the altar, and the image of the Loa god believed in by the tribe is carved on the totem pole.

The god Loa was born from the totem pole and usually sleeps in the totem pole.

Now, because Bell and his group of 'extraterritorial demons' are entangled and unwilling to retreat, the Loa of the Cuifeng tribe who had been temporarily appeased by Mu De can no longer bear the sense of crisis that is like a thorn in the back, and the spirit body rushes out again The totem pole rushed towards Bell and others fiercely.

"No! Great Loa! Please calm down your anger for now!"

Mu De let out a desperate cry, trying to stop his god from seeking death.

However, as spiritual creatures born from primitive worship, most of the Loa gods of the trolls are violent and bloodthirsty. Especially the Loa in the form of beasts, their intelligence level is generally low, and they cannot understand Mu De's kindness at all. Hard work.

‘Phew~! ’

When the Loa god of the Cuifeng tribe flew over Bell and the others, he opened his sharp beak and a beam of emerald green light erupted from his mouth and shot directly at Bell, the leader.

A translucent iron armor curse shield appeared in front of Bell, blocking the front of the emerald green light pillar.

The beam of light hit the Iron Armor Curse and was bounced back. Loa from the Cuifeng tribe hurriedly tilted his head, and the beam of light flew past his head. Several feathers flew in the air, and finally turned into green light fragments and dissipated in the air.

"The warriors of the Cuifeng Tribe obey the order! Attack!"

At this point, no matter how reluctant he was in his heart, Mu De could only issue an attack order, hoping that with their united efforts, they could repel the opponent.

After giving the attack order, Mu De looked at the two trolls behind him who had supported him before, and whispered:

"Rite, Senmang, you two should return to the tribe immediately, take away the children as quickly as possible, and go to Shelter 2."

These two trolls are both disciples of Mu De and the other two prophets in the Cuifeng tribe besides him.

As long as the prophet is still around and the children can survive, their Cuifeng tribe will not perish. In a few years, when the children are older, the Kingfisher tribe can be re-established.

"But, the great prophet..."

"No buts!"

Mu De glared at his disciple and interrupted him.

"I don't have time for your mother-in-law now, do as I say immediately, go quickly!"

After seeing the disciples obeying the order and leaving, Mu De turned around, took a deep breath, and his eyes were filled with determination.

He has lived for 300 years, which is quite enough. It's just a pity that these outstanding warriors in front of them are mostly still in their prime, and they will definitely become stronger in the future. I don’t know how many of these people will survive today.

But no matter what, fighting and dying for the tribe is the pride of every Cuifeng man. No matter how powerful the enemy is, they will not back down.

"Fight! Warriors of the Cuifeng Tribe! The Loa is with you!"

With an angry roar, Mu De grabbed a large handful of red powder from the pocket hanging on his waist. He vigorously sprinkled the powder in front of him, and the magic power in his body surged, and finally attached to the bodies of the troll warriors together with the powder.

The powder merged with magic power and penetrated into the bodies of the troll warriors. A faint red light emerged on the bodies of the warriors. In an instant, the warriors entered a violent state, and both their strength and speed were significantly improved.

After completing the casting of [Rage Spell], Mu De looked up at Loa in the air and briefly communicated with him using his mind. The next second, Loa stopped attacking Bell and others, and emerald-green light emerged from his body, turning into spots of light and shining on the troll warriors below.

The emerald green light spots passed through the tough skin of the warriors without any hindrance, and also integrated into the bodies of the troll warriors. Then, the already rough and tough skin of the troll warriors became even rougher. At first glance, it looked like tough tree bark.

[Bark Technique] is the favorite spell of Loa of the Kingfisher Tribe. It can greatly improve the defense capabilities of troll warriors and slightly improve the regeneration capabilities of trolls.

You must know that the regeneration ability of trolls is very powerful. After obtaining the blessing of [Bark Technique], unless the head is cut off directly or burned with flames, otherwise, these trolls are equivalent to obtaining The immortal body is almost impossible to kill before its physical strength is exhausted.

"This is... so interesting!"

Bell watched leisurely as the troll warriors in front of him roared and rushed toward him and the others. A pale golden protective barrier enveloped them, blocking all attacks.

"Brother, let me come!"

Shanna, who had long disliked these big trolls, planned to take action again.

Unlike the warrior profession, as a magician, Shanna can throw several fireballs at will. Therefore, the regeneration ability that the troll warriors were proud of was nothing more than that in her eyes.

In comparison, although the regeneration ability of werewolves is weaker than that of trolls, werewolves are not afraid of fire. In Shanna's opinion, they are a little more difficult to deal with than these big trolls.

Wisps of hot flames emerged in the void, and then gathered above Shanna's palm, condensing into a fireball the size of a basketball...

"No, no, no! Zanna, calm down, this is a forest!"

Set fire to the mountain and sit on the bottom of the prison. Bell had no doubt that if his sister threw this big fireball, she could turn the entire vast forest into a thousand miles of bare land. You must know that the power of magic flames is not comparable to ordinary mountain fires in nature.

And the main thing is, Bell doesn't want to kill these trolls. Although they are indeed 'evils from outside the sky', they do not come all the way here to commit massacre. On the contrary, their arrival will bring wisdom and civilization to these indigenous people.

As long as these natives are willing to obey...

"Guh~! But, to deal with these bad guys, flames are the most effective."

Zannah puffed out her cheeks in dissatisfaction.

Isn't it just a matter of setting two fires? At worst, after burning out these annoying trolls, she would have to put out some more effort to extinguish the flames.

"Actually, in this situation, there is another way, which is simpler and more effective."

As he spoke, Bell snapped his fingers, and a scarlet halo of light bloomed from Bell's fingertips, instantly swaying across all the troll warriors present.

[Bloodthirsty Fury]!

[Bloodthirsty Rage] is an enhanced version of [Rage], which can further increase the target's strength and speed, but at the cost, the target's sanity will also be greatly reduced, commonly known as 'intelligence reduction'.

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