‘Clang! ’

The sound of weapons being unsheathed sounded. The next second, a thin black line appeared on the electric ball.

The electric ball was split into two halves, and a large amount of lightning compressed inside it escaped and struck a large area around it.

A shield emerged on the body's surface, easily resisting the greatly reduced power of the arc. But the violent troll warriors around them were not treated so well.

Even when the structure is destroyed and the power is greatly reduced, lightning is still lightning, and it cannot be easily resisted with just the physical body.

The troll warriors who were closer to Huang Quan and others were all trembling crazily as if they were having a convulsion. After a while, they were lying on the ground covered in black smoke. Looking at that look, I couldn't stand up for a while.

"Hey! I said, I'm still with you. It's inappropriate for you to ignore me like this."

Bell grabbed Mud's shoulder, and the inside of his arm deformed instantly. A huge force was generated, and Mud was driven into the ground below.

This wasn't over yet. After Mu De fell, hard and sharp thorns suddenly formed, piercing Mu De's body.


Mud let out a roar of pain. This level of trauma is not fatal to him now, but the pain he should feel will not be less.

"Ants! How dare you blaspheme the gods! I will peel your skin off and cramp you!"

Amidst the roar, Mu De raised his hand and pointed it in the direction of the troll warriors not far away. Immediately afterwards, painful wails were heard, and the troll warriors who had been fighting fiercely all held their heads in their hands, fell to the ground and rolled.

You must know that in a violent state, the perception of pain will be greatly weakened. Even if an arm or leg is broken, these warriors will not frown. But now, they are in so much pain that they can't even stand still. One can imagine the horrific pain these troll warriors are experiencing.

After glancing back and forth at the troll warriors and Mud, Bell frowned slightly, then took out a pair of magic glasses from his pocket and put them on his face.

With the help of magic glasses, Bell finally discovered the abnormality.

I saw wisps of white smoke of varying thickness floating out of the heads of those troll warriors. The white smoke seemed to be able to cross space. Not far from the head of the troll warrior, it appeared near Mu De and was inhaled into his mouth and nose.

After a while, the wailing gradually died down, and all the troll warriors stopped struggling, not knowing whether they were still alive. On the contrary, Mu De's aura suddenly strengthened a lot, a dazzling light burst out, the ground thorns in his body turned into powder, and the penetrating wound as big as the mouth of a bowl healed in the blink of an eye.

"go to hell!"

After breaking free from the confinement, Mu De raised his hands high, dark and thick clouds formed above Bell's head, and thick lightning bolts, like a thousand-year-old python, appeared and coiled in the dark clouds.

After a moment of brewing, dense lightning connected the sky and the earth, striking down towards Bell, leaving no room for dodge.

Facing this attack that seemed like the power of heaven, Bell did not choose to resist forcefully. He quickly fell to the ground, and then used the earth escape technique to sneak into the ground and avoid the lightning strike.

"Are you a mouse? There's no point in escaping anywhere! Today is the day you die!"

Mu De slammed his hands on the ground and activated [Earthquake Technique]. For a time, the ground cracked, trees fell, and even the troll village not far away suffered huge damage.

"This guy's methods are getting more and more brutal."

Bell got out next to Shanna, looked at the messy scene in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh.

Indeed, the opponent's strength has improved a lot, and the power of magic has also been greatly enhanced compared to before. But in terms of fine control of magic power, Mu De is now far inferior to before. The power of attacks is scattered and a lot of magic power is wasted.

"Hey! Are you Mude now, or that god Loa?"

Bell felt that the opponent's current state was more similar to the legendary body-fighting. If it were the old prophet from before, the other party would not be so unscrupulous. Not only would they attack without hesitation, but they would even take the initiative to attack the warriors of their own tribe.

Of course, Bell was not sure whether his speculation was correct, after all, he still knew too little about trolls. Maybe the trolls are a race that is willing to sacrifice everything for victory.

In fact, what Bell didn't know was that among many troll tribes, merging with Loa was a taboo among taboos.

First of all, merging with gods is blasphemy to the gods. No troll can tolerate this kind of thing.

Secondly, as mentioned before, as a creature born from primitive worship, Loa's body is full of bloodthirsty and violent instincts. Once a troll merges with Loa, this instinct will easily overwhelm the troll's own rationality and turn it into a bloodthirsty beast.

Even a being like the old prophet Mu De, who is powerful and has a firm mind, will inevitably be affected by the Loa God, and his will will be distorted, and even his personality will be recast.

Finally, the power of the gods is not so easy to bear. Once the power of the god Loa is borrowed through fusion, the person will be severely injured and unable to recover, or will die suddenly in the worst case.

Of course Old Prophet Mu De knew these things, but he really had no choice before. The soldiers were played with by the enemy, and he himself was powerless to fight back in front of the enemy. In order to increase the chance of survival of his tribe as much as possible, the old prophet did not hesitate to sacrifice himself and violated the taboo.

However, things went against his wishes. The old prophet, who did not hesitate to fuse with the Loa God to expel Bell and others, actually personally killed his own people. I have to say that this is really a tragedy.

"I am Mud, and I am also Loa. I am the omnipotent god! Go to hell, mortals!"

The attacks failed again and again, which made Mu De furious.

When a mind that was not very clear to begin with was burned with anger, the effect was comparable to the berserk spell.

However, no wizard has ever been stupid enough to cast a rage spell on themselves, which would only have a negative effect on their spellcasting.

Mud gave up casting spells from a distance, stepped on the ground hard, and appeared in front of Bell with a roar, as if teleporting.

‘Qiang~! ’

The fist glowing with white light was blocked by a slender sword, and only the strong wind stirred up slightly touched the corner of Bell's clothes.

"Leave this guy to me."

Counting the time, Huang Quan has not fought to his heart's content for a long time. Every time she fought against Bell, she was suppressed from beginning to end, and she almost fell into depression.

Now, such a high-quality enemy suddenly appeared, how could Huang Quan endure it.

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