The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 905 Secret Sword

"You like it? Then go play with it."

With that said, Bell extinguished the magic light in his hand, found an open space and sat down, leisurely watching the duel between Huang Quan and Mu De.

Two figures, one red and one green, quickly intersected in the forest. The woodland, which had been messed up by the earthquake technique, was brutally attacked again in the blink of an eye, completely changed beyond recognition.

"Bell, can Sister Huangquan win?"

Hermione asked worriedly. The speed of the two of them was so fast that her eyes could not catch up with them.

"Don't worry, Huang Quan is no longer what it used to be, and he won't lose."

Bell put his arm around Hermione's shoulders and said nonchalantly.

Huang Quan's regeneration ability is the strongest that Bell has seen so far. As long as his spirit does not collapse, even if he turns to ashes, he may be able to regenerate, so Bell is not worried about Huang Quan's life safety at all.

Besides, with him here watching, if it really doesn't work, you can still turn on a 'cheat device' for Huang Quan, it's very stable.

After comforting Hermione, Bell turned to look at Zannah who was squatting on the ground studying something, and asked:

"How's it going, Zannah? Are those guys still alive?"

"Yes, brother, they are all still alive, but they only breathed their last breath."

Shanna said without raising her head.

"Can it still be saved?"

If these guys are all dead, and if word of what happened today spreads, then the bad reputation of Beltu Village will probably spread to other troll tribes. In this way, it will have a great negative impact on the subsequent subjugation of other trolls.

"I'm not sure either. Something in their bodies must have been sucked away by that god. If that god returns the thing, maybe they can still be saved?"

Zannah speculated that the wisps of white mist that the troll warriors were sucked away from before should contain part of their souls.

Of course, this is just her speculation. After all, she has not yet touched upon the related research on the soul. Her brother said that it would be best for her to wait until she is about 20 years old and her soul is fully mature before she can study the knowledge about soul spells.

"That's it, then let him come back."

If you can still spit it out.

Standing up, after a period of observation, Bell had basically figured out Mu De's abilities. There was no need to waste time here anymore.

"Huang Quan, it's getting late, we're almost here!"

Bell shouted towards Huang Quan's figure.

Hearing this, Huangquan suddenly exerted force to shake Mu De away, sheathed the [Lion King] sword in his hand, spread his legs, lowered his center of gravity, and assumed an Iai posture.

The scarlet magic power flowed into the scabbard of [Lion King] along Huang Quan's hands. The infusion of a large amount of magic power caused [Lion King] to emit a dazzling red light, which made the light on Huang Quan's body appear much dim. .

Suddenly, the red light shrank and was completely compressed into the scabbard. Only scarlet light appeared suddenly. The next second, the wind stopped and the rain subsided. Huang Quan straightened up and let out a long breath. His body was boiling with blood. The magic also calmed down.



A scene like the end of the world unfolded in front of Huang Quan.

The space was split, and dark space cracks were formed, greedily devouring everything around it.

Bottomless cracks appeared on the ground, and hot lava surged out of them.

Even the sky was like a broken mirror. The terrifying strong wind blew down, and countless earth, rocks, grass and trees were swept into the air by the strong wind, blocking the sunlight and allowing the night to fall early.

" can we deal with this?"

Bell stared blankly at the ruined battlefield in front of him, dumbfounded.

"I do not know."

Shanna spread her hands and responded to her brother's question. But she felt it didn't matter.

Fortunately, Bell didn't have a headache for too long. There was a faint sound of shattering in the space that had just been repaired, and a tall green figure crashed into the space and rushed back.

"Wow! Shattered Void!"

Bell was so happy to see Mu De again!

Just now, under the final explosion of Huang Quan, Mu De's body was cut into pieces together with the space, and then was sucked into the different-dimensional space by the space crack.

This made Bell very worried.

If Mu De is gone, then the white mist that was swallowed up by it will naturally not be recovered. What should he do with the troll warriors here.

Just when Bell started to think about murder and silence? Or murder and silence? still……

Then Mu De came back.

If the other person wasn't so ugly, Bell would have wanted to hug him and kiss him twice.

‘Poof! ’

Mu De, who had just rushed back, fell to the ground and struggled for a long time, but could not get up.

Although he completed the regeneration of his body in another dimension and rushed out against the terrifying space turbulence, this series of actions also exhausted Mu De's energy and physical strength, leaving him without even a single hair. It's hard to move my fingers.

"Tell me about you, why are you working so hard? You almost killed someone, and you also made yourself so weak. Shanna, come here and help your sister Huangquan."

After leaving Huang Quan, who was temporarily exhausted, to Shanna's care, Bell carefully avoided the remaining magma on the ground and walked to Mu De.

‘Boo! ’

With a tap of his finger, he wiped away the weak energy gathered on the opponent's hand, making a sound like the breaking of a soap bubble.

"You have lost. If you separate now, I can spare your lives."

Bell lowered his head and looked down at Mu De who was lying on the ground, and said sincerely.

"blasphemers, I, I will definitely kill you!"

However, Bell's kindness once again failed to be received by the other party.

Faced with Mu De, who was still stubborn even at this time, Bell had no choice but to choose another way of persuasion.

‘Qiang~! ’

There was another steely sound of a sword being unsheathed, but this time, the one who drew the sword was Bell.

[Frostmourne] was inserted into the ground in front of Mu De. The sharp edge of the blade and the cold air emanating from the sword body instantly caused goosebumps to break out on Mu De's face. His extremely exhausted body did not know what to expect again. Squeezing out some strength from somewhere, Mud's head jerked back, trying to stay away from Bell's magic sword.

"What, what is this! Take it away!"

Mud screamed loudly, his voice filled with extreme fear.

For some reason, Mu De felt a tremor coming from his soul from the evil magic sword in front of him. It was as if the sword in front of him was specially used to deal with him.

‘Sure enough, these monsters are blasphemers! He actually holds such a vicious weapon! ’

What Mu De doesn't know is that [Frostmourne] has the ability to cut and enslave souls. Loa is essentially a spiritual creature, which also belongs to the category of soul, and can be directly harmed or even enslaved by [Frostmourne].

It is no exaggeration to say that [Frostmourne] is the nemesis of Loa. It was precisely because the Loa God fused in Mu De's body instinctively sensed [Frostmourne]'s restraint on itself that caused Mu De to lose control of his emotions for a moment.

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