The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 906 ‘Expired’ idea

"Oh ho~! Let me get closer~ I'll get closer~~"

With a mean smile on his face, Bell gradually moved the blade of [Frostmourne] closer to Mud's face.

To be honest, before this, Bell didn't know whether his [Frostmourne] could restrain the Loa of the trolls. After all, these Loa gods are quite different from ordinary souls.

But now, Mu De's unexpectedly violent reaction directly informed Bell of the truth, saving him the effort of verification.

"No! Don't come here! You devil! You blasphemous devil!"

"...Okay, I won't tease you anymore."

Seeing Mu De's miserable look with tears and snot coming out of his nose, Bell suddenly had the illusion that he was indecently assaulting a woman from a good family. This instantly made him feel sluggish and even a little nauseous.

His left hand reached out and grabbed the top of Mu De's head. The exhausted Mu De couldn't even do any decent struggle and dodge.

【Soul Drain】!

"No! You can't do this!"

Mud let out a shrill roar, but was unable to stop Bell in the slightest.

Wisps of light flew out from Mu De's eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and converged into Bell's palm. After a while, a translucent figure was pulled out of Mu De's Heavenly Spirit Cap little by little as Bell's palm was raised. out.

The palm of his hand was raised firmly but slowly, and Mu De's fierce struggle made Bell's arms tremble slightly. It can be seen that Bell is not relaxed at this moment.

But no matter what, Mu De, who had exhausted both energy and physical strength, was ultimately unable to resist Bell's spell, and his entire soul was pulled out of his body.

Bell took a long breath. Without the support of his body, Mu De's soul was like a rootless duckweed. Although he was still struggling fiercely, he could suppress this level of struggle with just a flip of his hand, and it didn't cost much. strength.

"Brother, how is the situation?"

At this time, Shanna and the others came over curiously. After all, the soul of a living person is not easy to see. Things are rare and valuable. At this time, several people were staring at Mu De's soul with a look of curiosity.

"Not too optimistic."

Bell frowned and looked at the soul in his hand.

It should be said that the situation was worse than he expected.

At this time, Mu De's soul had taken on a completely different form from his body. The head has completely turned into the eagle head of the Loa god, the fingers of both hands have turned into sharp claws, and four strong wings have grown out of the back, giving the overall appearance of a half-eagle and half-troll.

Not only that, even now, it can be clearly seen that the parts of Mu De's soul troll's body are still being corroded slowly. Presumably, if the energy is not exhausted, the erosion speed should be even faster than it is now. Many times faster.

It is no exaggeration to say that if left unchecked, then maybe in 30 minutes, Mu De's soul will be completely assimilated by Loa. By then, Loa will emerge from Mu De's body and become more powerful. And Mu De's soul will completely die.

"You guys stand back, and I'll try to see if I can forcefully separate them."

Bell said.

After Shanna and others retreated as instructed, Bell's eyes suddenly lit up with ice blue light. He first stared at the soul in his hand for a while, then raised the magic sword in his hand and stabbed the opponent's chest hard.



Overlapping wailing sounds sounded from the mouths of the souls, one from the god Loa, and the other from the soul of Mu De.

Bell ignored the opponent's screams and controlled the magic sword in his hand to slowly slide down, cutting a wound on his soul.

A stream of dim light flew out from the wound, circled around the soul in Bell's hand for several times, and finally flew towards the troll warriors who fell on the ground not far away, and penetrated into the heads of different trolls. .

After freeing the devoured beliefs and souls of the troll warriors, Bell temporarily ignored the situation of those warriors and continued to concentrate on dealing with the souls in his hands.

The operation just now is just an appetizer, and the overall difficulty is not high. The next step is to separate the souls of Loa and Mu De, which is the real difficulty.

The runes on the sword flickered, and a powerful suction force aimed only at the soul suddenly came out. Bell's hand holding the soul contracted, and he tore it outward with force.


The soul-piercing wailing sound in his ears made Bell couldn't help but frown. Fortunately, he had heard similar sounds many times, and it did not affect his operation.

The wails were getting louder and louder, but also getting fainter, like a television suddenly losing signal. At the same time, the appearance of the soul in Bell's hand began to flicker and switch, sometimes it was the eagle head of Loa, and sometimes it turned into Mud's old face.

As time went on, the frequency of the flashes increased, and the wailing sound first became clear, then became clear again.

Finally, a weak tearing sound sounded, Mud's soul was swallowed by [Frostmourne], and in Bell's hands, only the Loa spirit body was still struggling.

The light in his eyes dimmed and disappeared. Bell put down the magic sword in his hand and pinched the fingers on Loa's neck to calm him down.

"Brother, did you succeed?"

Shanna asked excitedly.

"Unfortunately, it failed."

Bell's deep voice sounded, revealing a hint of regret.

Mu De's soul has been devoured and assimilated too much by the Loa God. Although he successfully tore off the parts that have not yet been assimilated, the remaining part of the soul alone is not enough to allow Mu De to continue to survive, or even just Can't even stay sane.

"Ah? What should we do?"

Hermione looked at the troll warriors lying on the ground with a sad face.

Who would have thought that today they just came out to select a city location, but they ended up encountering a magical native intelligent creature. Then this native intelligent creature called a forest troll suddenly attacked their group for some unknown reason. Then, the trolls started fighting among themselves for some reason, and a group of powerful troll warriors were killed by their own gods.

So why did things develop to this point?

‘Sure enough, Bell shouldn’t be in charge of diplomacy. If I had known, I would have been the one to negotiate with these forest trolls. ’

Hermione regretted it.

However, what Hermione didn't know was that not only should she not let Bell be in charge of diplomacy, she shouldn't have let Bell come with her at all!

After all, before the negotiations began, the 'nuclear bomb' was placed on the table. As long as this is a bit bloody, such threats and humiliations cannot be tolerated!

Of course, maybe it will have miraculous effects? Who knows.

"Well...yes! I thought of a good way!"

Suddenly, Bell's eyes lit up as he thought of something, and his brows instantly widened.

However, seeing this, Hermione became even more uneasy. After all, the ideas that Bell comes up with, especially those that come up with this kind of inspiration, are rarely 'not expired'.

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