The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 909 The site selection journey starts again

Next, Bell and the others helped Mud move the troll warriors lying on the ground back to the village. When Mud ran to contact the women and children who had left before, Bell also contacted the [Williams] 】 Captain Stuart informed the other party of what he and others had discovered, and asked him to quickly send relevant personnel to establish contact with Mu De.

Next, the mission focus of the Menethil family exploration team will shift from exploring and collecting precious magical animals, plants and magic materials on [Menethil Planet] to exploring the troll forest and secretly investigating the overall situation of the trolls. The quantity and specific strength come up.

By the way, the name Troll Forest was just chosen by Bell with an idea.

Bell, who felt that his hard work was a great success, rested for one night in the Cuifeng tribe under Mu De's arrangement. After experiencing the unique customs of an alien planet and an alien race, he set out again early the next morning and embarked on the journey of building the city. The journey of site selection.

But this time, the direction they were heading was slightly different from what they had expected before, flying straight into the depths of the mountains.

"Ah! Brother, tell me, are there really any orcs on the other side of the mountain?"

Taking a big bite of the blue oval fruit in her hand, Shanna asked her brother while eating.

"Aww~! Who knows, maybe it's a group of monkeys?"

After taking a big bite of the fruit handed over by her sister, Bell said casually.

I have to admit that although the social form of those trolls is a bit primitive, the ability of this fruit is very impressive. This kind of gada fruit grown by trolls tastes a bit like mango, but it has more water and a crisper texture, like apples. In short, it is very delicious. After eating it once in the Kingfisher tribe last night, the Bell brothers and sisters fell in love with this delicious fruit. Unable to resist the kindness of the trolls, they even ate and took a lot of it.

"Pfft~! Monkey, hahaha!"

Not knowing what she was thinking of, Shanna suddenly laughed.

As a driver, bursting into laughter is not a pleasant experience for other passengers. I saw the [Bena] flying car suddenly started to make irregular circling movements in the air, so that Hermione, who was sitting in the back seat of the car, was unprepared and almost hit the back of the front seat with her head.

"Bell! Shanna is driving, don't make her laugh all the time!"

Hermione lectured Bell angrily.


What else could Bell say?

One is his precious sister, and the other is his wife. He can't afford to offend either of them, and he doesn't want to offend either, so he can only endure it silently.

'So how can I make Shanna laugh...'

"Bell, if we really find those orcs later, I will be the one to negotiate and communicate with them this time. You stand aside and are not allowed to speak."

Hermione warned worriedly.

As the saying goes, 'Every time you learn something, you gain wisdom'. After yesterday afternoon's lesson, Hermione did not dare to let Bell be in charge of diplomacy anymore.

She would rather let Shanna go!

"Okay, okay, I'll just watch, I won't say anything, that's all.

Hermione, it's not clear yet whether orcs really exist. It might be fake, so don't pay too much attention to it. "

Bell said.

Last night, Mu De suddenly found him and said that while sorting out the inheritance books of the trolls, he found clues that might be the existence of other intelligent races.

However, forest trolls are a race that lives in a forest environment. Their primitive social form and productivity level determine that their exploration of this world is very limited.

Therefore, even if the trolls are all physically fit and have the help of magic and Loa gods, they still don't know much about what's going on outside the distant forest.

According to the records inherited from the Cuifeng tribe, the former great prophet Mude heard about a vast grassland outside the forest during his exchanges with prophets from other tribes (the current Mude does not have this memory). On the grassland, there lives a seemingly intelligent creature that is different from the troll.

Of course, this information was also heard by the troll prophet from the mouths of other trolls. The original source of the information could no longer be traced, and the accuracy of the information was not guaranteed. Therefore, after listening to it, the great prophet Mu De at the time He didn't pay much attention to it. After casually writing it down, he forgot about it.

After all, grasslands and other desolate areas without trees are not something they trolls care about. Presumably, the races living in that desolate area are all weak races that were expelled from the forest after losing the competition. Even if they did exist, they would not be a threat to the trolls at all.

However, this piece of information that the Great Prophet Mu De once ignored has aroused great interest in Bell and others. They are not trolls who only live in the forest, nor do they naively think that the animals in the forest are superior to those on the grassland.

And the most important thing is that it is an intelligent race! An intelligent race different from trolls! It’s so fun. Have you coughed?

Don't get me wrong, Bell is not the kind of person who loses his temper with things. He wouldn't do that kind of thing if he just puts aside the business as soon as he starts having fun.

He actually wanted to go to the grassland to see if there was a place suitable for building a city. After all, if he wanted to build a huge city in the forest, he would need to cut down a large area of ​​trees. It would be too damaging to the environment, wouldn't it?

Yes, that’s it!

After spending a whole morning traveling around, eating and drinking, Bell and his party finally left the rolling mountains. Looking around, a vast grassland extending to the end of the field of vision appeared in the field of vision of Bell and others. The scenery was very beautiful and spectacular.

Unlike the lush forest, after crossing the mountains, you can clearly feel the drop in temperature. At this time, the prairie has lost its summer attire and replaced it with autumn colors.

Different from the golden yellow color of autumn grasslands on Earth, the plants on this grassland all present a brownish-red color similar to maple leaves. The breeze blew, and the red waves surged with the wind, just like Hermione's hair blown by the wind, making Hermione, who was already a new mother, have a girlish and innocent smile on her face.

Although Hermione's age is technically still a girl.

"Bell, I like it here! Let's build the city on this grassland."

Things like rippling blue lakes were all deleted by Hermione with one click. Compared to this beautiful grassland with a hair color similar to her own, any scenery she had seen so far was nothing worth mentioning. She decided that she would live here from now on!

"Okay, let's look for a location with flat terrain near water sources and forests, and build the city there."

Bell said with a smile.

He also likes the beautiful scenery in front of him, and this area does seem to be suitable for building a city.

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