The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 910 Augu Tribe

Riding on Zanna's flying car, the group of people hovered in the air for a while before choosing a satisfactory location.

It is close to mountains and forests and has abundant wood, animal and plant resources. A wide river flows out of the woods, bringing abundant water from melted snow on the top of the mountain and fish in the water.

Such a place with abundant water and grass is naturally loved by other creatures. When Bell and his party arrived here, they found that the indigenous people here seemed to have been waiting for them for a long time.

The flying car came to a slow stop, and Hermione was the first to step off the flying car.

Standing on the vast grassland, looking at the thatched huts scattered one after another in front of her, and the humanoid creature looking curiously at her outside the thatched hut, Hermione was extremely nervous at the moment.

‘By the way, these guys won’t suddenly pounce on me and eat me, right? ’

Noticing the protruding fangs of the humanoid creature in front of her, Hermione couldn't help but worry.

Different from the fangs of the trolls that protrude forward, the fangs of these humanoid creatures with brown-red skin in front of them grow on their lower jaws and protrude upward. Therefore, the tusks of these creatures are much shorter than those of trolls.

Similar to the fangs, the height of these creatures is shorter than the trolls, with an average height of about 2 meters. However, compared to the slender limbs of trolls, the bodies of these creatures look stronger and very powerful.

‘I don’t know if these creatures are the orcs recorded by the trolls? ’

In the Cuifeng tribe's records about the orcs, it is simply described as "walking upright with both hands and feet". Other than that, there is no description of the body shape and appearance. Therefore, Hermione didn't know whether the creatures in front of her were the orcs the trolls called them. Let's just call them orcs for now.

"Hello, most precious guests, welcome to the Aogu tribe."

Seeing Hermione standing there in a daze and saying nothing, Nerela, who wondered if this was the other party's peculiar custom, finally couldn't bear it after waiting for a while and took the lead in saying hello.

However, although Nerela said that he welcomed the arrival of Bell and others, it could be seen from the hands of the orcs behind him holding weapons that it was obvious that these orcs were more wary of Bell and others. and hostility.

"H-Hello, I apologize for taking the liberty of visiting."

Hermione, who didn't expect the other party to greet him first, hurriedly returned the greeting.

After saying that, she introduced several people on her side one by one, and at the same time learned the name of the old orc opposite - Nerela Summer Grass, as well as the name of another strong orc standing side by side with the old orc - Victor Bloodblade.

Elder Nerela is the great shaman of the Ogu tribe, and Victor is the chief of the Ogu tribe.

"Elder Nerela, did you know beforehand that we were coming?"

After comparing Victor with his sinister face, Hermione finally chose to communicate with the 'kind-faced' old orc.

"Yes, the soul of the ancestors informed me of your arrival in advance and ordered me to entertain you well."

Nerela said gently.

Unlike the trolls who worship nature gods, the tradition of the orcs is ancestor worship. The orcs believe that after the death of an old orc with rich experience and knowledge, his soul will still linger around his descendants and continue to use his wisdom to guide and watch over the descendants.

But at the same time, the orcs also pay attention to resting in the earth. They believe that the dead should return to the earth to experience the cycle of growth of all things.

It is under the guidance of this slightly contradictory ideological concept that some of the souls of the orcs have successfully survived under the prayers of the orcs. But unlike ghosts in the conventional sense, these orc souls do not possess complete reason and thinking during life. What remains is only knowledge and wisdom.

It can be said that the so-called soul of the ancestors of the orcs is an echo composed of soul fragments containing various knowledge, which can provide some guidance to the orcs when they are confused and at a loss.

With the accumulation of knowledge, coupled with the long-term worship and prayer of the orcs, these ancestral souls will occasionally give birth to some magical special abilities, such as: 'prophecy'.

Just yesterday evening, when Bell and his party learned about the existence of orcs on the grassland from the Cuifeng tribe, Nerila, the great shaman of the Ogu tribe, suddenly received an early warning from the soul of the ancestors.

The souls of the ancestors told Nerela that on the next day, today, a group of travelers would come to the Aogu tribe. These travelers would bring huge changes to the Aogu tribe and the orcs. No one knows whether this change is good or bad. Everything needs to be made by the orcs who are still alive.

"This is not a good place to talk. Dear guests, please follow me to sit in the tribe for a while. We have prepared a welcome banquet for you."

Nerela extended her hand to signal Bell and others to enter the tribe.

The many orc warriors standing behind Nerela all moved to both sides, creating a not-so-wide passage.

In fact, after receiving the early warning from the soul of the ancestors, Nerela immediately summoned several other shamans in the tribe, as well as the tribe's chief and several hunting team captains to discuss how to deal with the upcoming attack. Travelers and the changes that can happen.

Since the content of the warning was really limited, Nerela couldn't explain it. So, after a messy discussion, everyone decided by a show of hands to send away the so-called travelers as quickly as possible. Don't let it cause any trouble on the territory of the Aogu tribe.

After all, for the Ogu tribe, which occupies a large area of ​​fertile grassland, they have nothing to worry about eating and drinking. The number of members of the tribe is increasing every year. The surrounding beasts and orc tribes do not dare to face the fierceness of the Ogu tribe. I was living quite comfortably, and there was really no need to face changes of unknown significance.

It was precisely because they felt that the higher-ups did not want to see Bell and others that many orc warriors put on a defensive posture as soon as they saw Bell and others.

However, it is very normal to be wary when facing unknown intelligent creatures. On the contrary, if you show a heartfelt and warm welcome, it will appear to have ulterior motives. Therefore, the Great Shaman of Nerela did not try to change the warrior. their attitude.

"...Okay, excuse me then."

Hermione turned her head and looked at the silent Bell beside her, and then at the group of tall orcs with unkind eyes in front of her. Finally, she agreed to the old orc's invitation.

As the saying goes, a man of skill is bold, and Hermione felt that even if the old orc threw a cup as a signal and three hundred 'axemen' attacked in a group, they would still be able to escape no matter how bad they were.

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