The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 912 From the stars...

"No, 'Earth' does not refer to this planet, but to the planet we were born on. In addition, the earth under our feet is actually not flat, it is a huge sphere."

Hermione felt a little headache.

You know, she entered Hogwarts when she was 11 years old. The teaching content at Hogwarts obviously does not include physics.

She did know some simple knowledge, such as: 'The planet is round', 'The planet will produce a gravitational force called gravity', etc. But a more in-depth knowledge of physics is really beyond her knowledge storage. If she couldn't answer the other party's question right away, wouldn't she be so embarrassed that she was sent to an alien planet?

But obviously, Hermione was overly worried. Before she could finish her words, there was a burst of laughter, which almost overturned the dome of the hall.

"Hahaha! Did you hear it? She actually said that the ground under our feet is a ball! Hahahaha!"

The other orcs who had been silent all along were holding their stomachs and laughing so hard.

"Miss Hermione, I think you must have made a mistake. The ground under our feet, how could it be a ball?"

Although Nerela did not laugh as loudly as his tribesmen, it could be seen from the expression on his face that he was also suppressing laughter.

At this moment, the old shaman couldn't help but deny his previous thoughts. These travelers are not smart people at all, they are almost mentally retarded. It seems that the inappropriate name "Earth" was probably chosen randomly by the people in front of me.

"No, the planet under our feet is really a sphere. If you look at the sun, moon and stars in the sky, they are all spheres. The planet under our feet is also the same."

Frowning, facing the orcs' ridicule, Hermione patiently tried to convey the correct scientific and worldview to the orcs.


However, Hermione's explanation only resulted in more rampant ridicule.

"Do you think we are all blind? The sun and moon in the sky are both disc-shaped, while the stars are just dots of light. Where are the balls?"

"That's right! Woman, I think you should quickly find a way to treat your eyes. Otherwise, what if one day your foot slips and you accidentally fall under the ball and die. Hahaha~!"

The orcs mocked unscrupulously. They now seriously doubted that the travelers mentioned in the prophecy of the ancestor souls were not these guys at all.

These guys were just a few mentally ill patients who were driven out by their own tribe, and they just happened to arrive outside their tribe today.

"You, you! The sun and the moon are not discs, and the stars are not points of light. They are all spherical. They only look so small because they are too far away from us. In fact, they are all very small. Huge, even bigger than this world!”

Hermione argued rationally.

At this time, she felt like she was riding a tiger with a hard time getting off. What else could she do? Does she need to admit to a group of primitive orcs that she made a mistake?

Do not make jokes! It would be better to kill her!


Nerela coughed a few times and signaled the other orcs to restrain themselves, otherwise the dome of the hall would be lifted.

You know, these days, building such a magnificent hall consumes a lot of magic power. He was already quite old now, and he didn't want to waste his precious magic power on building a house.

"Miss Hermione, you just said that you are from another 'planet'? I wonder, how far is your 'planet' from us?"

Since the opponent insists on saying that the ground under his feet is a ball, then just treat it as a ball. There is no need to fight with the opponent. In contrast, Nerela still wanted to know where the other party came from.

From the flying black box that the other party was riding in before, as well as the well-made clothes and the vaguely perceptible magic fluctuations, Nerela could know that the tribe the other party came from must not be underestimated.

Nerela suspected that the changes mentioned by the ancestors had a huge connection with the tribe from which the other party came. So he wanted to find out the location of the other tribe, and then maybe send warriors from the tribe to investigate secretly.

"The earth we were born in is very, very far away from here. Because it jumped here through a space spell, I don't know exactly how many light-years it is. To put it simply, it is as far away as the stars in the sky."

Hermione felt that it was not unreasonable for the other party to become the great shaman of this orc tribe. Unlike those silly big guys whose brains are full of muscles, this old orc with a 'kind face and kind eyes' must have believed her words.


The familiar but still harsh laughter came from the mouths of many orcs again. This time, even the chief of the Ogu tribe, who was sitting in the top position and always had a cold face showing off his cool, showed a change in expression for the first time, and looked at Hermione with a slight twitch in the corner of his mouth.

"Hey! Woman! Do you still want to say that you came from the stars?"

An orc captain asked Hermione with a teasing look on his face.

Although the Great Shaman of Nerela just asked them to restrain themselves, these crazy remarks made by the other party were so ridiculous that he couldn't bear it at all!

"...You can understand it that way."

Hermione was too lazy to explain to the other party that the stars in the sky were actually stars, and because planets did not emit their own light, distant planets could not be observed with the naked eye.

Anyway, it’s not much different, and this level of misunderstanding is acceptable.

"Hahaha~! Did you hear that! This woman actually said that they came from the stars!"

"Woman, tell us how you live on a star the size of your fingertips? Is it possible that you will all shrink? Hahaha~!"

"Come and show us how to shrink! Except for the dead leaf frog, I have never seen a creature that can grow or shrink!"

"Act one! Act one quickly!"

A group of orcs didn't even care about the barbecue and wine at hand, and looked at Bell and his group with hesitation, as if they were looking at a group of clowns.

"You, you guys!"

Hermione's chest was rising and falling, and her face was turning pale with anger.

This is the first time in her life that she has encountered such an unreasonable guy. This bunch of illiterate orcs is simply...even more hateful than the group of little wizards in Hogwarts who don't pay attention to class all day long and only think about mischief and mischief!

‘Click~! ’

The sound of the bottom of the bottle colliding with the table suddenly sounded. It was obviously a very subtle collision, but it suppressed the chaos and ridicule in the hall and was clearly transmitted to the ears of every orc.

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