The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 913 So what happened just now?

The laughter stopped suddenly, and the orcs stared at the scene in front of them with wide eyes. The familiar hall had disappeared without a trace, and was replaced by...

"Ancestor! What on earth is this!?"

"What happened!? Where are we!?"

The orcs were seen either standing up in shock, or slumping down on the ground limply. Their eyes were protruding out, as if their eyeballs were about to pop out of their sockets, and they looked at the huge creature in front of them in disbelief.

It was a ball, a colorful ball that was so huge that it was difficult to describe in words. There are mountains, rivers, oceans, forests, polar regions, and prairie that make the orcs feel extremely familiar and friendly.

"This must not be true..."

"Oh my God! What is that!?"

A louder scream rang out, and all the orcs turned their heads to look. Before the other party could explain, they noticed something unusual behind them from the corner of their eyes.

An orc turned around and saw two huge fireballs slowly rotating in the dark space in the distance. The fireball looked even bigger than the huge ball in front of it, with endless light and heat emitting from it. Just watching from a distance like this, the orcs had a feeling that they were about to be destroyed. A burned-out illusion.

"No! This must not be true! It must not be true! Damn it, let me go back! Let me go back quickly!"

An orc seemed to be unable to accept the huge world in front of him. He let out a slightly crazy cry in his mouth, pulled out the ax on his waist and hacked around wildly.

"Stop it! Salaman, are you crazy!"

Another orc who was almost hit by the ax rolled around a few times, away from the crazy orc.

"Salaman! Calm down..."

"Oh no! Ancestor! Please save us!"

Just when the orc chief Victor wanted to order Salaman to calm down, another scream came, interrupting Victor's words.

Victor turned around with a slightly numb expression. In a short period of time, he had seen so many unimaginable things that he didn't know were true or false. He felt that no matter how outrageous things he saw now, he would never see them again. Was surprised.

Unfortunately, Victor obviously overestimated himself. The corners of his eyes cracked open instantly, and two thin lines of blood spurted out. Even the powerful battle ax in his hand, which he had always regarded as more important than his own life, almost failed to hold it.

A huge gray-white, lifeless rock sphere suddenly appeared in the dark space not far from them. Although this rock ball is not as huge as the colorful and beautiful ball in front of you, it is still unimaginably huge compared to the tiny orcs.

Faced with such a huge size gap, even the bravest orcs cannot generate any sense of resistance in their hearts at this moment.

"Nerela! Use your magic to find a solution!"

For the first time, Victor gave up using the battle ax in his hand to open up a way forward, and instead sought the help of magic.

However, he obviously overestimated Nerela's magic level. Faced with such a massive disaster, the old shaman had no choice.

Nerela showed a wry smile and said:


“Excuse me, would any of you want a Coke?

And Shanna, girls don’t drink too much outside. Come and have a bottle of Coke. "

"Okay, brother."

Just when the orcs were trapped in the abyss, closing their eyes in despair and waiting for death to come, the extremely inappropriate words suddenly came to their ears, making the orcs shiver and subconsciously opened their eyes.

Then, the orcs were surprised to find that they and others had returned to the tribe's main hall without knowing when. They were still sitting where they were, and their weapons were still either on their waists or at their hands. Everything before seemed like a dream.

‘Plop~! ’

One of the orcs suddenly lost strength and lay on his back on the animal hide.

Compared with this orc, the other orcs are not much better. Their whole bodies were soaked in cold sweat, their fingers were trembling slightly, and they were unable to hold the weapon.

All the orcs looked at Bell, who was engrossed in eating as if nothing had happened. Then, after looking at each other, they all turned their attention to the tribal chief and the great shaman sitting at the head of the table.

There was no other way. After just experiencing a bizarre incident that subverted all three views, even the orc with the most fiery temper was like a frightened little white rabbit at this moment, not daring to show his fangs at Bell and the others.

Victor and Nerela, who were also in shock, could only grit their teeth and suppress the panic in their hearts when facing the expectant looks of the orcs.

"I don't know what you did just now, but what did you do?"

Before Victor could speak, Nerela asked Bell first.

There was no way around it. As an elder who had watched Victor grow up, Nerela knew very well about Victor's character. He was really afraid that Victor would speak carelessly and offend the ignorant human male in front of him.

To be honest, the first time Bell showed up, he felt a vague sense of threat from the other party. But this feeling flickered in and out, strong and weak, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

After all, even if he alone is not the opponent's opponent, he is now in their Ogu tribe. In addition to him, there are several other shamans and nearly a thousand powerful warriors in the tribe. No matter how powerful the other party is, it is impossible for them to cause trouble in their territory.

However, it was only now that Nerela realized that she was wrong, and how wrong she was.

As long as you are not stupid, you can tell from the other party's previous actions and speeches that it was the other party who took action just now. But the problem lies precisely here. Even though he knew it was the other party who did it, he still didn't know when and how the other party did that thing?

And the other party can make so many of them fall into the trap without any awareness or resistance, which means that if the other party wants to kill them, then they will probably not know who they and others are until they die. How did he die?

Compared to Victor and others who are warriors, Nerela, who is a powerful spellcaster, is the one who can best understand Bell's terror.

Faced with Nerila's inquiry, Bell acted as if he had no ears and continued to eat wildly, with no intention of answering the question.

Hermione looked at her husband and then at the many orcs in the hall, and question marks appeared one after another above her head.

So what exactly happened?

From Hermione's perspective, she could only see that one second these hateful orcs were still laughing at her loudly, and the next second they all froze in place as if they were under a petrification spell.

Then in the blink of an eye, these orcs all showed frightened expressions, slumped on the ground, looking at this and that, frantically using eye contact, but no one spoke.

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