The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 914 Even if food and accommodation are included!

In the silent hall, only the sound of chewing echoed, and for a while, the atmosphere became very awkward.

After a while, seeing that Bell still ignored the old orc's intentions, Hermione, who didn't want the atmosphere to continue to be awkward, had no choice but to take over the conversation.

"Yes, it's what you think."

Although Hermione didn't know what thoughts were running through the other person's mind.

"Then, what we just saw is the land under our feet?"

In fact, when she first saw the huge colorful sphere, Nerela was inexplicably reminded of the land where she and others lived. Especially when he saw the vast prairie, there seemed to be a voice in his heart telling him that this was the homeland where their orc ancestors had lived for generations.

"Well, yes, that's it."

Although Hermione didn't know what the other party had just seen.

"Oh my God, is that true?"

"I think it should be true. I don't know why, but as soon as I saw it, I felt that it was all true."

"However, if the world we live in is really a ball, then don't the guys below have to firmly fix their bodies to the ground every day to prevent them from falling? Or should we say they are fixed to the ceiling? ?”

"Those guys must have had a hard life."

As soon as Hermione gave a positive answer, the orcs in the hall immediately became uproar.

As the saying goes, hearing is believing and seeing is believing. After witnessing the previous scene with their own eyes, they were almost confused by the reality. At this moment, the orcs couldn't help but not believe Hermione's 'fantasy'.

And the most important thing is that they inexplicably want to believe it.


Listening to the incoherent speeches of these orcs, Hermione, who had basically guessed what had just happened, couldn't help but feel speechless. I have to say that these orcs have quite rich imaginations.

While the orcs were talking about each other, Nerela and Victor also gathered together and whispered for a while, and then Nerela continued to speak:

"Miss Hermione, you said before that you come from the stars in the sky. I wonder if we can visit your star?"

Although even on the planet they are on, the orcs have only explored a small area. But the curiosity born from the instinct of intelligent creatures still makes Nerela want to go to the earth to take a look.

By the way, they can also observe the situation of humans to facilitate their decision on how to contact Bell and others in the future.


Facing the old orc's unexpected request, Hermione was at a loss.

If it was an affair on this planet, then as the 'diplomatic ambassador' of the Menethil family, she could barely make the decision. But when it comes to the earth, it's hard for her to directly agree or reject the other party.

After all, she is really not qualified to represent the earth or humanity, and she can't think of anyone who has that qualification.

In desperation, Hermione had no choice but to turn her eyes to Bell for help, and then kicked Bell hard.

There was no other way. Apart from the words he just said, this guy was as quiet as if he was being controlled by someone using the Imperius Curse from beginning to end. He just immersed himself in eating barbecue.

She only took two bites of that delicious plate of roast lamb, but Bell was so lucky that the entire pot of roast lamb was eaten to the bottom!

Bell raised his head, glanced at Hermione innocently, and rubbed his calves that were itchy from being kicked.

So it was obviously the other party who asked him not to speak, so why is he now blaming him? This is so unreasonable.

And the most important thing is that the mutton roasted by the orcs tastes really good. Although the orcs do not have a variety of exquisite and delicious seasonings, but because of this, they pay more attention to bringing out the flavor of the ingredients themselves.

A handful of coarse salt, paired with delicious lamb, grilled until it's charred on the outside and tender on the inside. It's a bite that leaves you with endless aftertaste, and you can't even speak.

‘Gudu~Gudu~! ’

After taking two sips of Coke to get rid of the grease, Bell took out a napkin and carefully wiped the grease stains from the corners of his mouth and hands, and then said slowly:

"Of course you are welcome to visit the Earth if you want to. You know, we humans are a very hospitable race.

However, before that, two conditions must be met.

First of all, the earth is very far away from here, far beyond your imagination. Therefore, if we want to travel to and from the earth, we must first build a large teleportation array.

Secondly, for now, we do not plan to open the private territory of our Menethil family to the outside world. Therefore, if you want to use our teleportation array, you must swear allegiance to our Menethil family. "

"Orcs will never be slaves!!!"

After hearing Bell's last overbearing request, Victor, the chief of the Ogu tribe, smashed the wooden table in front of him with a slap. He stood up with a tomahawk in hand and glared at Bell, as if he was about to rush over and kill Bell with a jump chop. posture.

Seeing the roast mutton that Victor had knocked over and spilled all over the floor, Bell sighed with regret twice, then looked at Victor and said warmly:

"Food and accommodation are included."

"What a joke! How dare you insult us orcs, I will fight you to death!"

With an angry roar, Victor was so angry that he wanted to rush over and hack Bell to death.

After seeing their chief's actions, the other orcs no longer thought about the strength gap and other issues. They all picked up their weapons and planned to rush over to help.

"Wait! Don't even make a move!"

Nerela quickly reached out and grabbed Victor's arm, and shouted to stop the others' actions.

The eyes of a group of orcs were red and they were breathing heavily, but they still obeyed Nerela's command and stopped.

Generally speaking, in the orc tribe, the prestige of the chief is higher than that of the shaman. Shamans are similar to spiritual leaders, but the actual control of the tribe is still in the hands of the chief.

However, the Ogu tribe had just experienced a change of chiefs not long ago, and Victor had only become chief not long ago. For the time being, his prestige was not enough to overwhelm Nerela, who had been the great shaman for many years.

In addition, Victor also knows that he is young and although he is powerful, he inevitably lacks experience, so he is often willing to listen to Nerela's opinions. This leads to the fact that in the Aogu tribe at this time, Nerila's The right to speak is very important.

"Mr. Bell, I wonder what your so-called oath of allegiance is specifically asking us to do?"

Nerella asked.


Victor looked at the old shaman in anger and surprise, not expecting that the other party would ask such a question.

"Be patient, Victor. We orcs and humans are two different races, and there is a big gap in common sense and customs. Perhaps the same word has completely different meanings in the two races. Maybe. Ask things clearly first to avoid misunderstandings."

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