The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 916 One-week appointment

Silence returned to the main hall. Only the occasional groans of pain from the corners of the mouths of the orcs prevented the place from seeming so dead. The old shaman lowered his head and thought, sweat dripping down his face without even realizing it.

Seeing this, Bell did not urge him, but sat leisurely on the soft animal skin, giving the old shaman plenty of time to think.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, the old shaman raised his head, looked at Bell solemnly, and said:

"You want us to surrender to you unconditionally, but that's impossible. There is no coward among the warriors of the Aogu tribe. Even if we know we will die, we will fight until the last man."

The sonorous and powerful words of the old shaman echoed in the hall, and the blood of the other orcs who were lying on the ground boiled with enthusiasm, and they let out weak war roars to cheer for the old shaman.

Hearing this, Bell not only wasn't angry, but showed a smile. He looked at the old shaman and asked:

"So, what are the conditions?"

Since unconditional surrender is impossible, that means that as long as the corresponding conditions are met, these orcs will surrender.

Then the problem is simple.

Isn't it just to do tasks to gain reputation? He is familiar with this.

"According to the tradition of our orcs, if you defeat the most powerful warrior of the tribe in a one-on-one sacred duel, you can become the chief of the Ogu tribe. However, during the battle, you are not allowed to use spells, otherwise you will be defeated. defeat."

Nerela said in a deep voice.

He admitted that the opponent's magical ability was very strong, even stronger than his understanding, but this did not mean that the opponent's physical combat ability was equally strong.

You must know that spells and melee combat are two completely different fields. It is not easy to achieve extraordinary achievements in both fields.

By the way, no one in the orc tribe would challenge the shaman in this traditional sacred duel. As beings who can communicate with the souls of ancestors, shamans have a very transcendent status in the tribe. Challenging a shaman would be considered disrespectful to the ancestors, and no orc would do that, nor would they be allowed to do that.

"no problem."

Bell agreed simply and neatly.

He thought that the other party would put forward some harsh conditions, such as finding herbs to treat an incurable disease of a certain little orc in the tribe, killing many monsters, or even killing a certain evil dragon.

Is it just a one-on-one duel?

This shouldn't be too simple, okay? Even if they can't use magic spells, don't forget that they still have a melee expert here.

"One more thing, the strongest warrior of our tribe is injured now. It will take some time to recover from the injury before we can fight in a duel."

Nerela glanced at the miserable tribal chief Victor, who was lying on the ground, and added hurriedly.

"Of course. How about a week? I think a week should be enough for him to recover from his injuries and adjust to his condition, right? If it's not enough, I can also kindly provide some healing potions here to ensure that the injuries are healed."

Bell said.


Victor stood up despite the injuries on his body.

At this time, Bell had canceled the spell on everyone. The orcs either stood up alone or supported each other, and all stood up.

"In one week, I will take your head!"

Victor raised his battle ax and pointed it at Bell, his body full of energy, even stronger than before when he was not injured.

"Uh... okay then."

Actually, Bell had no intention of going on the field to challenge the opponent in a duel. After all, there are specialties in the profession, and professional things should be done by professionals. So he actually planned to let Huang Quan play.

But in the current atmosphere, it was really hard for Bell to say to the orc chief: 'Sorry, I don't plan to fight you. The woman next to me is the one who wants to challenge you. ’.

If he really said that, then these orcs would probably despise him for the rest of their lives.

In desperation, Bell had no choice but to take over the game for his younger brother.

"This is a healing potion that can..."

"No need, our tribe has its own treatment methods."

Victor waved his hand to interrupt Bell's speech, dismissing the potions that Bell took out.

Just kidding, who knows if the other party will do anything in those potions. In addition to offering sacrifices and communicating with ancestors, shamans also have one major responsibility: to treat the warriors in the tribe. Victor estimated that with the treatment of the shamans, his injuries would heal in about five days. He would have two days left to improve his condition and prepare for the battle, which was enough.

"Oh well."

After shrugging, Bell took back the potion he had just taken out.

If the other party doesn't want it, he can't force it on him, right?

"Now that the matter has been settled, let's not continue to bother you. Let's meet in the afternoon a week later."

With that said, Bell stood up, said hello to the orcs, and then walked out of the hall first.

Hearing the sound of the hall door opening, the orcs who had been waiting outside for a long time immediately put down their things and cast concerned eyes towards the hall.

Bell nodded friendly to the orcs, and then continued to walk outside. As he walked, he was still observing the living conditions of the orcs.

Generally speaking, the living conditions of the orcs are not as good as the troll tribe that Bell and others encountered before. Although there are fewer dangers on the prairie than in the dense forest, the natural resources are also not as abundant as in the forest.

The orcs are inferior to the trolls in terms of the sophistication of their buildings and the quantity of food reserves. However, precisely because of the difficult conditions, orc warriors are generally stronger than troll warriors, and they seem to be better at group combat.

In short, both have their own advantages and disadvantages, and they are both very magical races. Or it should be said that all intelligent races are the darlings of nature, and they all contain endless mysteries within their bodies.

"Brother, where should we go to play next?"

After leaving the Ogu tribe without any hindrance, Shanna took out her beloved little speed car again and jumped into the driver's seat eagerly.

"Let's investigate the situation in this prairie in detail in the next few days and find out where other orc tribes are."

Bell said.

Unlike the Cuifeng tribe, Bell has not yet been able to conquer the Aogu tribe, so no one can give him a detailed explanation of the situation in the nearby area. Therefore, Bell and others still have a dark eye on this grassland and the race of orcs.

Anyway, the site for building the city has been selected, and construction can begin in a week. Bell, who had some free time for the time being, planned to explore the prairie personally, and also have a camp or something, so that he could have fun and business at the same time.

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