The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 917 Where’s the promised trip?

"Then let's look for that delicious antelope by the way."

Shanna wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth and said happily.

I ate there before and didn't even remember the name.

"But we don't know what that antelope looks like."

Bell's face showed embarrassment and regret.

I was so busy eating before that I forgot to ask what the antelope looked like.

"It doesn't matter, I have already memorized their taste. If we eat them all, we can always find them."

Shanna patted her chest, as if it was wrapped around her body.

"That's right, then without further ado, let's start taking action now."

Bell was only 30% full from the pot of roasted lamb before, and now he felt even hungrier than before.

"Oh~! Hurry! Get in the car quickly!"

Zannah waved her hand and urged Hermione and Huang Quan to get in the car quickly. She couldn't wait to start this alien 'shopping and eating' trip.

"Bell, you are not going to declare war with other orc tribes, are you?"

After sitting on the flying car, Hermione looked at Bell with a worried look, fearing that the other party would cause trouble again if he disagreed with her.

"Don't worry, let's just observe from a distance and we won't get close."

Bell reassured Hermione.

It would be easier for him to wait until he conquered the Ogu tribe, provide weapons and supplies to the Ogu tribe, and conquer other orc tribes through proxy wars than to do it himself.

After all, it is easier to accept surrendering to one's own kind than surrendering to an 'extraterrestrial evil' like Bell.

Bell's main purpose for this exploration operation was to observe the way of life and traditional customs of the orcs, and by the way, to find out the strength and geographical location of each orc tribe, and to provide intelligence for the subsequent unified orc operations of the Ogu tribe.

In fact, Bell wanted to do this in the troll forest before. But unlike the grassland, exploration in the forest was obviously much more difficult, so Bell, who found it troublesome, left the task to others and went camping on the grassland himself.

"Bell, leave the rest of the duel to me."

At this time, Huang Quan, who had been silent until now, suddenly spoke up.

Huang Quan knows that Bell is very strong, especially in the past two years, he has been transforming at a speed beyond her understanding. Today, if Bell becomes serious, she would not even be qualified to fight with him.

But Bell's strength is based on magic after all. If she didn't use magic and just competed in close combat, Huang Quan still didn't think Bell could surpass her.

"Yes, Bell, why don't we let Sister Huangquan come in a week later?"

Hermione also persuaded.

It's not that Hermione thinks that Bell's close combat ability is inferior to Huang Quan's. In fact, Hermione, whose melee strength was basically zero, couldn't tell who was stronger in melee, Bell or Huang Quan. After all, these two people have never really competed with each other on their melee strength.

Compared to Bell, the reason why Hermione is more inclined to let Huang Quan play is mainly because she knows that Huang Quan, as an evil spirit, has super recovery ability that humans cannot match. Even the regeneration ability of werewolves or trolls. Compared with Huangquan, it is not worthy of exposure.

Moreover, if Bell was injured in the duel, they might not be able to leave the Ogu tribe safely. And even if Huang Quan was injured in the duel, with Bell in perfect condition, no one could do anything to them.

Hermione didn't really care whether she won or not. In her opinion, nothing was as important as her husband's safety. Therefore, no matter which angle you think about it, Hermione believes that Huang Quan is a more suitable candidate for a duel than Bell.

"This is really not what I want to do. In fact, I also planned to let Huang Quan play before, but everyone who was rushing to talk to me just rushed there. I have to not accept it, right? And now I have already agreed. It will not be good to change my mind. Well, that would damage my image of integrity."

When you come out to hang out, what’s most important?

Of course that is integrity!

Especially when faced with these simple orcs who value their promises, one cannot break their promise.

And the most important thing is that Bell is not worried about losing the duel a week later. Whether it was him, or Hell, or even Hermione, he would always have a way to make his side win.

It's just that you can't use magic in a duel. What a big deal. Just use it before the duel.

Whether it is permanent human body deformation enhancement or the manufacturing of weapons and equipment, these are all methods that can be used. If he really planned to use a magical outfit to ensure that the opponent could not break through the defense, then even if he brought his own little Al, he would still be able to kill the chief with his head.

And this kind of method is considered moderate and decent. Otherwise, if he really wanted to cheat in the duel, he would still be discovered by the orcs.

"Then... how about we call some more people. Call sister Jennifer and her people."

Hermione suggested.

As the saying goes, more people make you bolder. Even if everything goes well, if they have more people, they can still strengthen their momentum.

"It's a pity, Hermione, those people are so busy now that they don't even have to touch the ground. Even I can't bear to add more burdens to them."

Just kidding, if those guys found out that while they were carrying loads like dogs, Bell was actually taking his family to spend their leisurely time in peace, how unbalanced would those guys be in their hearts. That is not good. If you are not careful, it will destroy social harmony.

Leisure time always flies by. In the blink of an eye, Bell and his party have been wandering over this prairie for 5 days.

Even if [Menethil] is larger than the Earth, even if this prairie is really vast, and even if Bell and his team have to concentrate on observing the living conditions of the orcs, five days is enough. They explored every corner of the grassland.

By the way, they have also tasted most of the animals on the grassland.

"Brother, the mountain forest ahead is the last unexplored area."

Shanna glanced at the car map and said a little listlessly.

Although Shanna loved driving her beloved little speed car, she still felt a little tired of flying over the same area for five consecutive days.

Not to mention, they really aren't just playing around these days. Whether it is orcs or other animals and plants living on the grassland, they have been carefully investigating and recording these days. They have also captured and collected some samples and are preparing to take them back to relevant researchers for analysis. Overall, it's quite laborious.

"Is it finally over?"

Not only Zannah, but Bell also felt a little tired.

These days, they first flew around the edge of the grassland to roughly estimate the overall area of ​​the grassland, then divided the entire grassland into areas on the map, and then explored by area to prevent any omissions.

Now, finally, only the last area was left. Bell handed the personal terminal in his hand to Hermione in the back seat and stretched hard.

He decided that after exploring this last area, he would take a good rest in the remaining two days before the duel and return to the Williams to eat more delicious food to replenish his energy.

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