"How's it going, Bell? Have you observed anything these days?"

Hermione took the personal terminal handed over by Bell, which was showing an overhead view of the orc tribe. As your finger slides, the screen switches continuously, showing scenes from different tribes.

"Hmm...I can't tell. I feel like I understand you better than before?"

Bell said hesitantly.

"But no matter what, at least we have figured out the location. When the time comes, we will show these surveillance pictures directly to Nerira. I think he will be able to see more information from them."

Bell has now seen through it. Originally, he was not a folklorist. What he was better at was the analysis of magic materials and the production of magic props.

Now that the [eye] has been inserted, the rest should be left to professionals to analyze.

"Wait a minute! Shanna, look at the plants on that mountain, do they look a little strange?"

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, Bell noticed something unusual on a lonely mountain in the distance.

Although he is not proficient in the field of plants, he has been investigating various plants on this grassland with his sister these days. In terms of understanding of the plants here, he can barely be regarded as a semi-expert.

Therefore, although he couldn't tell what was wrong specifically, when he saw the vegetation on that mountain, he felt an inexplicable sense of dissonance.

"Where? Let me take a look."

As the potions master and herbalist expert in the group, Shanna has always been responsible for plant issues. She looked in the direction of her brother's finger. After observing carefully for a while, her delicate eyebrows couldn't help but wrinkle.

"There's something really wrong. Let's go over and take a look."

Saying that, Shanna controlled the speeding car to turn around and fly straight towards the lonely mountain.

She found that the types and density of herbs on that mountain obviously did not conform to the laws of natural growth. There are too many magical plants, and several of them obviously do not grow in the nearby area.

Clearly, the vegetation on this mountain shows traces of human interference.

But the question is, who did it?


It shouldn't be.

Based on their observations these days, Bell and others have learned that the orcs are a very pure nomadic people. The orcs are not proficient in planting at all, and they do not like to eat food other than meat. Logically speaking, orcs should not be able to grow relatively delicate plants such as herbs.

But except for the orcs, they have not found any traces of other suspected intelligent creatures on this grassland these days.

You know, their investigation can be said to be very careful. Unless the other party lives underground or is very small, they should not be able to avoid their detection.

Shaking her head, Shanna slightly increased the speed of her speeding car.

No matter how much you think about it, it is better to conduct an on-site inspection. When you get to that mountain, you will definitely find some clues.

The speeding car stopped and four people got out of the car one after another. However, as soon as they stood on the mountain, all four of them frowned in unison.

"There is something unusual here, please be careful."

Not paying attention to the plants on the ground, Bell took out [Frostmourne] and hung it on his waist, while softly reminding several others. Although even without his reminder, Shanna and the three of them had already raised their vigilance.

The moment he touched the ground, Bell felt that the magic contained in the ground of this mountain was extremely active, and its concentration was far higher than that of normal land. And the most important thing is that after a simple attempt, he found that he could not communicate with the magic power in the ground at all. It was as if these magic powers had their own owners and refused to be touched by outsiders.

This is very strange.

You know, the magic in nature is all in a state of freedom, or chaos. Even the wizard's magic power cannot be controlled for a long time after it is dispersed outside the body. Either take it back into the body, or use magic words, formation patterns, etc. to store it. Otherwise, the magic power will return to its original state and return to nature.

Like now, a whole mountain, including a part of the land at the foot of the mountain, all the magic in it is in an orderly state, and there is no sign of returning to chaos. This situation is simply like these Magic power exists in the body of a wizard.

"Could it be said that this mountain is actually the corpse of a certain magical animal after it died? But that shouldn't be the case. It can't be that the corpse has turned into a mountain while the body still retains activity, right?"

Bell scratched his head in confusion, unable to understand the bizarre situation in front of him.

"Is it possible that this mountain is actually alive? Just like the ice elemental creatures on [Dark Star], this mountain is actually an earth elemental creature?"

Hermione made her own guess.

"It doesn't look like that."

Bell shook his head.

He raised his foot and stamped it down hard. Powerful magic was poured into the mountain, disrupting the flow of magic in the nearby area. However, the flow of direct magic power resumed, and there was no movement on the mountain.

"Obviously this mountain has no independent consciousness, no, it should be said that it does not even have the most basic instincts."

Can a creature that doesn't even have instincts really be called a creature? And it's hard for Bell to imagine how the other party can restrain the magic power in his body when he doesn't even have instincts?

"Let's explore this mountain carefully. Maybe we can find some clues."

Bell said.

If this situation of being able to maintain an orderly state even after the magic power leaves the body is really caused by a certain creature, then Bell must find the other party and try to see if he can, or rather Can wizards master this method?

If wizards can really master this method, it will be subversive to the entire magical world. This means that the strength of wizards will have an unimaginable improvement.

For example, if you build a position and store your own magic power and even magic spells in the position, then when the wizard is in your own position, you will have nearly endless magic power and the powerful ability to cast thousands of curses.

And for Bell, who has the infinite magic power provided by [Frostmourne], the meaning is even greater. From now on, he will no longer be restricted by materials. He can use his huge magic power anytime and anywhere to create all kinds of powerful magic props out of thin air. It would be trivial to rub nuclear bombs with his bare hands.

Naturally, the other three people had no objection to Bell's proposal. They keep a certain distance from each other to ensure that they can provide timely support after encountering danger and at the same time maximize the search efficiency.

Even though the mountain was not small in size, it could not resist the exploration of four powerful wizards for long before it reluctantly revealed its secrets and completely ruined Bell's previous training plan.

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