The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 919 It’s the ‘Holy Mountain’ again! ?

Rather than saying that Bell and others discovered the problem, it is better to say that the 'problem' jumped on Bell and others' faces.

Not long after searching upwards around the entire mountain, two familiar figures appeared in front of Bell and the others.

"Who! How dare you break into the Holy Mountain!"

Two strong orcs shouted at Bell and his party.

While shouting, the fluctuations of magic power also surged on the two orcs. One of them had wisps of flames wrapped around his hand, while the other pulled out the bone knife from his waist, and the electric arc crackled on the blade. 'beat.

These two people turned out to be orc shamans.

"Holy Mountain!?"

Hearing this familiar word for a long time, Bell was so frightened that he almost turned around and ran away.

Even now, Bell still feels palpitations when he thinks about the scenes he experienced during the Spring Festival in the cultivation world. Even now, with the magic sword [Frostmourne] in hand, he is not sure that he can defeat the 'great terror' sealed in the 'holy mountain'.

By the way, wouldn't something similar be buried in the mountain below them? In that case, all the abnormalities can be explained. After all, it is not surprising for existences of that level, no matter what abilities they have.

"Speak quickly! What are your intentions in sneaking into the Holy Mountain! Also, who are you?"

It was the first time for these two orcs to see humans, and they were really curious when they saw these white, tender, slender and fragile guys.

"Uh, I mean, you two, let's not say the word 'holy mountain', okay? I'm allergic to these two words."

Bell rubbed the goosebumps on his arms vigorously and resisted the urge to split the mountain with a sword.

What? You ask him why he wanted to split the mountain?

Of course it wasn't to save my mother.

He just wanted to see if there was really any terrifying existence sealed in this mountain. If there is, then he will release the opponent and have a good fight. It's been a long time since he met an opponent worth fighting with all his strength.

This is called ‘life is endless and seeking death is endless’.

"Hmph! Saru, stop talking nonsense with them. No matter what the reason is, trespassing on the Holy Mountain is a capital crime! Kill them with me!"

As he said that, the orc shaman with the bone knife in his hand rushed towards Bell and the others, and the arc-wrapped bone knife struck Bell's head hard.

‘Ding~! ’

The bone knife collided with the sharp sword made of steel, making a crisp and soft sound. The arc on the bone knife wanted to spread towards the sword, and then paralyze the owner of the sword, but it was blocked by the scarlet light emerging from the sword, and finally failed. Return with success.

"Damn! Saru! What are you waiting for!"

Taking a step back, Kerr took a distressed look at his precious bone knife. Just the collision just now caused a gap in his blade. This made him look at Huang Quan with both anger and envy.

It would be great if he could have such a sharp and tough long knife.

Thinking of this, Kerr's eyes suddenly became hot.


Behind him, the gentle-tempered Saru had no choice but to let go of his pity and raised his hands after seeing his companion suffered a small loss after just one encounter.

The flames wrapped around his arms instantly converged towards the palms of his hands. In the blink of an eye, they gathered into a fireball as big as a human head. As his hands moved forward, it flew towards the location of Bell and others at high speed. past.

‘Boom~! ’

The sky was full of fire and exploded with violent roars. Faced with the scorching impact, Kerr had to retreat a certain distance again to prevent himself from being burned by the splashing flames.

Looking at the figures of the four Bells wrapped in red flames, Kerr felt a little worried.

Such a good sword, don't be blown up by this big fireball. I wonder if the swordsmiths in the tribe have the ability to repair it?

A sudden strong wind blew out the flames in the air and blew away the worries in Kerr's heart.

As the flames dissipated and the vision returned to clarity, the unharmed figures of the four Bells appeared again in the eyes of Saru and Kerr.

Waving his hand to disperse the barrier in front of him, Bell looked at his wife beside him.

"Hermione, how about I leave this opponent to you?"

Bell asked.


Hermione nodded, took two steps forward, and looked seriously at the orc who threw the fireball. From the power of the opponent's fireball just now, she could tell that the opponent's strength was not weak.

"Then leave the one with the knife to me."

As he said that, Huang Quan also took two steps forward, his eyes fixed on the orc holding the bone knife.


Zannah puffed up her cheeks and looked at the two orcs opposite her with dissatisfaction.

So why are there only two of these guys? It was so bad that she didn’t even get it!

Smiling and patting his sister on the head, Bell took Zanna's arm, walked aside and sat on a big rock.

In order not to further anger the two orcs who were already on the verge of an explosion, Bell deliberately did not transform into a chair to sit on. After all, taunting also requires strength. If you taunt too much, it will be easy to buff the opponent.

"Hmph! Later I will make you regret so much that you won't be able to cry even if you want to!"

Seeing that his enemy dared not take him seriously, Kerr's eyes turned red with anger. He vowed that he would make the other party pay a heavy price for underestimating him later.

"Speaking of which, I really don't remember the last time I cried."

Huang Quan sighed.

Of course, it's also possible that she doesn't want to recall those memories.

No more talking nonsense. After spending a long time with the Bell brothers, Huang Quan also got into the good habit of getting straight to the point and not talking nonsense.

Huang Quan instantly turned into an afterimage and disappeared. The next second, he appeared on the left side of the enemy. The long knife [Lion King] in his hand accurately slashed towards the enemy's neck.


Kerr was shocked. He did not expect that the opponent's seemingly weak body could burst out with such rapid speed in an instant. In desperation, he squatted down. While avoiding the attack, he twisted his waist and slashed the opponent's knee with the bone knife.

Since the opponent is good at speed, he will destroy the opponent's speed first!

However, the idea was very good, but before the bone knife hit Huang Quan's knee, Huang Quan put his left foot on the ground, brought up a gust of wind with his right foot, kicked Kerr hard in the head, and kicked him away.

‘Bang~! ’

Kerr was kicked away and crashed into the mountain wall, stirring up a cloud of dust.

According to the famous 'smoke does no harm' theorem, Kerr quickly stood up.

‘Kaka~! ’

A crisp cracking sound sounded, and Kerr's face was covered with a layer of earthy gray hard rock at some point.

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