The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 920 Two battlefields

After taking two quick breaths, Kerr raised his hand to wipe away the rock fragments on his face that had lost their protective effect.

Fortunately, he cast [Stone Skin Technique] at the last moment, otherwise the kick just now might have broken his handsome fangs.

"Woman! You will pay for your arrogance! You will all pay the price!"

With a roar, Kerr's brown-red skin became darker, and the whites of his eyes were completely dyed red. At the same time, a large amount of magic power poured into Kerr's body from the ground, making his aura even more ferocious.

‘Huh~! ’

Two white air swords were sprayed out by Kerr. He held the hand of the bone knife tightly. The snow-white bone knife turned into gray-white, revealing a solid and heavy feeling. The electric arc wrapped around the bone knife also violently It swelled from the original thickness of a hair to the thickness of a finger.

"For the glory of the Mother of All!"

Amid the roar, Ker exerted his strength with his legs, jumped over a distance of tens of meters, and slashed down with a knife in both hands.

Seeing the enemy approaching fiercely, Huang Quan did not choose to confront him head-on. She raised her long knife high and stabbed the enemy head-on.

The moment the long knife and the bone knife in his hand came into contact, Huang Quan suddenly twisted his wrist and stepped forward at the same time.

With a 'bang' sound, Ker struck the ground beside Huang Quan with his knife. Like a giant hammer hitting the ground, a big pit was created on the ground. The blue-white arc danced in the pit and made a crackling sound, but in the end it still failed to reach the target and could only dissipate regretfully. in the earth and air.

Following the wind pressure generated by the collision, Huang Quan floated lightly to one side. When the impact was exhausted, the moment she fell back to the ground, she tapped her toes and turned back at high speed to rush towards the enemy who was thrown into the pit to recover.

‘Whoosh! ’

A few strands of black hair were scattered.

Touching a large chunk of hair that was obviously missing from the top of his head, Kerr was almost frightened out of his [Bloody Rage] state. Just a little bit, really just a little bit close, his skull would have been ripped off!

At this point, no matter how proud Ker was, he had to admit that he was no match for the strange female creature in front of him. But guarding the holy mountain was his duty, and he absolutely could not retreat. Therefore, Kerr could only hope that his companions could quickly defeat the opponent and then rush over to support him.

So, what situation is Kerr's companion, Saru, facing now?

He is not as good as Kerr...

Both have close combat expertise, and when faced with Huang Quan, Kerr could still manage to fight back a few times. However, Saru, who specializes in spellcasting, was restrained when facing Hermione, who also had a spellcasting expertise. He could not even fight back.

"How is that possible! How come your spell casting speed is so fast!"

Saru could swear that even the most powerful shaman in his tribe could not cast spells as fast as this strange female creature in front of him. It can be said that the other party has no time to cast spells at all. All magic is done with just a wave of the hand, and the power is quite impressive.

The spell's counterattack was 0.1 seconds slower, which was a huge difference, not to mention that he was several seconds slower than the opponent. How can he fight?

In desperation, Saru could only imitate his companions, drew out the short-handled war hammer from his waist, and wanted to rush over and smash the opponent's head.

However, he is not good at close combat after all. Under the opponent's continuous magic suppression, it is difficult to even get closer.

After rolling and hiding behind a huge rock, Salu, who was at his wits' end, had no choice but to rely on the power of the holy mountain like his companions.

"The great mother of all things! The loving mother of all things! Please lend me your strength and turn the boulder in front of me into a guardian angel to protect me from my enemies!"

After praying devoutly, it seemed as if there was someone in the holy mountain at his feet who really heard the orc shaman's request. The originally calm magic power in the mountain suddenly began to boil. A large amount of magic power was injected into the boulder. After a sound of rock friction, the boulder turned into a tall earth element. With a wave of his hand, he threw a rock condensed by magic power, forcing Hermione to dodge for the first time.

"Hahaha! Surrender under the power of the Mother of All Things!"

Hiding behind the earth element, Saru laughed and began to condense the fire element in his hand again.

The orc shaman is best at communicating with the power of elements. Among the four elements of earth, fire, water, and wind, Saru is best at communicating with the fire element, followed by the earth element.

When the flames condensed into a big fireball between his hands, Saru did not rush to shoot it this time. With the protection of the earth element, he has enough time to cast spells. This time he wanted to prepare a more powerful spell to kill the enemies in front of him in one fell swoop and prevent the other two guys who were watching the fun from intervening and besieging him.

Earthy yellow light spots were generated in the center of the flames, and then spread towards the entire fireball. Soon, the scorching fireball turned into an even hotter lava fireball.

The crimson lava is rolling violently inside the sphere, constantly accumulating power, waiting to be poured onto the enemy.

"Feel the wrath of the elements can, poof, poof~!"

Looking at the lava ball that suddenly dissipated in his hand, Saru felt a tearing pain in his chest, and a large mouthful of blood spurted out, spreading into a cloud of blood mist in the air.

Slowly turning his head, Saru looked at the enemy who suddenly appeared behind him, his eyes filled with disbelief. He opened his mouth tremblingly and spoke with grief and anger:


【All petrified】!

The gray-white light flashed away, and then Hermione looked at the tall earth element warily. She relaxed when she saw that after losing the controller, the earth element also stopped moving and fell to the ground scattered into rubble.

This earth element is poor in other aspects, except for its really strong defense. She just hit the opponent with several destructive spells, but none of them caused any effective damage. In desperation, she came behind the orc through apparation, and fired a counter-spell to eliminate the lava fireball in the opponent's hand that exuded an extremely dangerous aura.

Originally, she wanted to remove the opponent's spell first and then defeat the opponent. Unexpectedly, the opponent's control over magic power was so poor. Just one interruption of the spell caused the magic power in the body to run wild and completely lose the ability to resist.

No matter what, it's always good to be able to defeat your opponent easily. With a flick of the wand, Hermione took away the war hammer from the opponent's hand, and then Hermione turned to look at another battlefield. There, Huang Quan was cutting off the enemy's weapon with one stroke, and then kicked the enemy in the stomach.

This kick was very hard, and Huang Quan also used a unique force-generating technique to completely penetrate the enemy's body, so that the orc was not kicked out, but knelt on the spot.

Rubbing her belly subconsciously, Hermione suddenly felt a little pity for the orc who was fighting Sister Huangquan.

Although she has never been attacked by Sister Huang Quan, according to Bell, who has experienced it many times, the feeling after being hit by this technique is not an ordinary sour feeling.

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