The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 921 Magical Stone Pillar

If Saru could speak at this time, he would definitely accuse Hermione of hypocrisy with tears. Saru didn't know how Kerr felt, but he knew that he was really almost hurt to death. This was the first time in his life that he had suffered such severe pain.

Moreover, regardless of the subjective feelings of the two orcs, in terms of the severity of the injury, it is true that Saru was more serious... by a lot.

Although Kerr looked much more embarrassed than Saru, Kerr's injuries were really just some superficial injuries. Even if he left them alone, he would basically recover after lying down for two hours.

And if Saru is left alone and left to lie down for two hours, then he can collect the body for this guy.

Glancing at the two orcs who were being transported in front of him, Bell slowly revealed a smile and took out two bottles of healing potion from his arms.

The healing potions saved in the Ogu tribe can finally be used. In this way, he could directly observe the effect of human healing potions on orcs.

He thoughtfully fed the two tool men with his own hands... ahem, they were two injured people. After taking the healing potion, Bell put his palms against their chests, carefully feeling the changes after the potion entered the orcs' bodies, and recorded them in detail. down.

Generally speaking, although the body structures of orcs and humans are somewhat different, healing potions can still be effective. At least it didn't turn into poison.

However, I don’t know if it’s because of the difference in body structure, or because the orc’s physique is far superior to that of humans? In short, the therapeutic effect of the magic potion is not as good as when it is used on humans, it is only about 60% of the normal efficacy.

Of course, 60% is not a small amount. After all, the magic potions that Bell can carry with him are the best of the best.

In less than a minute, the bruises on Kerr's body were eliminated, and Saru's breathing became calmer.

Experiment... ahem, after the rescue was completed, Bell placed his palms on the foreheads of the two orcs and checked their memories respectively. Then, Bell's brows couldn't help but frown.

"What's wrong, Bell? Is the problem serious?"

Hermione asked.

She didn't know why, but she had been feeling an inexplicable discomfort ever since the orc she was fighting summoned the earth element. It was as if everything around her was repelling and hostile to her.

"It's not serious, it's just a little strange. What the hell is this 'Mother of All Things'?"

Withdrawing his hand, Bell glanced at the surrounding scenery.

Of course he felt what Hermione felt, even more deeply. If it weren't for the unclear situation, he would have simply blown up this 'holy mountain'.

‘As expected, those who call it Holy Mountain are very evil. ’

Moreover, don’t the orcs worship their ancestors? Along the way, every orc tribe they discovered worshiped the soul of the ancestors of their own tribe. Why did an alien who worshiped the 'Mother of All Things' suddenly appear?

They are so badass, do their fellow tribesmen know?

In addition, according to the memories of these two orc shamans, the 'Mother of All Things' is also real, and is even much more powerful than those ancestor souls who can only dream.

"Forget it, there is no real meaning in thinking more here. Let's go and investigate on the spot."

After casually throwing aside the two unconscious orcs, Bell took the lead and walked towards the location in the intelligence he had just obtained.

Not far from where the two orcs appeared before, Bell walked to a piece of grass and stood still.


A series of rough orcish words came from Bell's mouth. Because it was the first time he spoke the Orc language in person, it was inevitable that the pronunciation would not be standard. After Bell repeated it several times, the open space in front of him was slightly distorted, and a deep cave appeared in the eyes of several people.

"Let's go in and see what the 'Mother of All Things' is."

After saying hello, Bell stepped into the cave without any hesitation.

According to the memories of the two orcs, there were no traps set up in the cave. After all, with the protection of two orc shamans and the hidden magic at the entrance of the cave, the orcs were confident that no one could invade the cave.

Every 10 meters or so on both sides of the cave, there is a torch burning with magical flames. The magic of the fire is provided by the mountain, ensuring that the flame does not go out and provides enough light.

Bell looked at the torch in front of him for a while and felt that the flames on the torch were not lit by the orcs.

The magic of the orc shamans was slightly cruder than that of the troll prophets. It was hard for Bell to imagine that these orcs could cast such exquisite magic.

However, this cave should have been dug by the orcs. Through the light of the torch, the marks of knives and axes on the cave wall can be clearly seen.

The cave was very long, and after winding for nearly a hundred meters, Bell and his party finally reached the end. Based on the distance calculation, Bell knew that he and others should have reached the center of the mountain.

The light in front suddenly increased. When Bell and his party walked out of the passage, they found themselves in a wide hall. There were not many decorations in the hall, only an altar was built in the center. Above the altar, floating a huge stone pillar about 1 meter thick and nearly 10 meters high. The stone pillars emitted bright light, replacing the lighting effect of the torches, illuminating the hall in the middle of the mountain.

Ignoring the 'big light tube' that was so bright that it could blind people's eyes for the time being, Bell looked at the overall structure of the hall.

To be honest, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be hard for Bell to believe that the orcs could complete such a huge project. Are those orcs really not dwarves disguised as dwarves?

"Brother, come and take a look. This stone pillar doesn't look like the work of the orcs."

At this time, Shanna, who had already run to the altar and looked at the magical stone pillar curiously, suddenly said hello.

Hearing this, Bell quickly walked up to the altar. After the magic covered his eyes and filtered out the dazzling light, Bell immediately understood why his sister said that.

Previously, Bell was unable to see clearly under the cover of light. Only then did he realize that this stone pillar was engraved with exquisite patterns all over its body.

Bell has never seen such exquisite patterns. Even if he has no artistic ability, he can definitely say that even if this stone pillar were placed on the earth, it would be the top-notch work of art.

Even when he focused his eyes on a certain picture, he could feel that the picture seemed to be moving and describing a magnificent epic.

Bell knew that this was not his illusion, but a kind of illusion magic that could directly transmit the image imprinted on the stone pillar directly into the mind of the viewer. Some pure-blood families in the wizarding world will also use similar methods to pass down family history, but because it is too difficult to make, basically only the top pure-blood nobles will use it when recording the great achievements of their family ancestors.

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