The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 922 The Mother of All Things

For wizards, this level of carving and magic is still very difficult. Bell does not believe that the orcs can make such a huge and exquisite stone pillar. Otherwise, he will roll back to the earth now and never come out again in this life.

‘The universe is too dangerous~! ’

Ahem, just kidding.

What really allowed Bell to conclude that this stone pillar was not an orc creation was actually the content carved on this stone pillar.

After observation, Bell discovered that on this huge stone pillar, only a small area at the bottom showed the image of an orc, while the other 99% depicted animals, plants, and natural scenes. change.

Moreover, although he is not very sure, Bell always feels that the scene recorded on this stone pillar does not look like [Star Menethil], but has a... more magical feeling.

Obviously, if it were a sculpture made by orcs, it would be impossible to arrange oneself as a "walk-in". Not to mention the protagonist, it would have to be a supporting role at the end.

After carefully sensing it for a while and feeling that the stone pillar in front of him was not in danger, Bell stretched out his hand and slowly placed it on the stone pillar.

The stone pillar feels unexpectedly warm and smooth, not as rough as it looks at all. A sense of intimacy arose in Bell's heart for no apparent reason, making him feel as if the stone pillar in front of him was his own relative.

'Are you kidding? I'm not a monkey, so I don't have a big stone relative. ’

Shaking his head, Bell got rid of the ridiculous thoughts that suddenly occurred in his mind.

‘Buzz~! ’

However, the next moment, Bell felt his brain buzzing, and then his vision went dark.

After rubbing his forehead to relieve the dizziness in his mind, Bell looked around and found that he seemed to have left the mountainside hall where he was before.

The main body around is darkness, and the darkness is dotted with sporadic light spots, just like the stars in the night sky.

The spots of light gradually increased and grew larger, as if the stars were falling. When some light spots expanded into fist-sized spots, these spots began to swim around, and finally converged into a band of light in front of Bell. Strips of light are wrapped and woven to form an ever-changing pattern.

The warm, friendly feeling just now appeared again, and this time it was much stronger than before. Bell felt as comfortable as if he was back in his mother's belly, wrapped in amniotic fluid.

"Here you come, my child."

The gentle and sweet female voice echoed in Bell's mind, making him almost think that his mother Elena was secretly following them and running to the planet Menethil.

"Uh... no, you may have mistakenly admitted that my mother is 'Earth'."

The other party can identify his son randomly, but Bell cannot identify his mother casually. Otherwise, if he is misunderstood as the kind of guy who likes to recognize his 'godfather' and 'godmother', then he will not be able to clean himself up even if he jumps into the Yellow River.


Maybe it's because you've been dealing with those simple orcs who are easy to fool? Faced with Bell's unconventional answer, the light belts paused for a moment, and then continued:

"Of course I know you are from Earth, my child. But that doesn't matter. Everything in this universe is my child, and I will give you the same care."

‘I believed you, you idiot! ’

Bell curled his lips indifferently.

He didn't believe that the other party really knew that he was from Earth before. Obviously, he said this after he said the name of the earth. Otherwise, this guy would like to talk about what the earth looks like.

"who are you?"

Bell didn't know what to call these light ribbons that looked like messy threads.




You can't say that people are just things, right?

As if sensing the doubts in Bell's heart, she heard the female voice in her mind say:

“You can think of me as a human being, or you can think of me as an orc, a troll, a beast, a flower, a tree, a mountain or a river.

I am the mother of all things, I gave birth to all things, and I am all things. "

"Such a dick!?"

Bell exclaimed.

Of course, even though he said this, in his heart he was very disdainful.

‘The mother of all things. This name sounds like an evil god. Why don’t you call her the mother of the black goat? ’

It's not that Bell has any prejudice against the other party. In fact, Bell did not discriminate against the loa of the trolls or the ancestral spirits of the orcs. The problem is that the mother of all things in front of her is really a little clumsy in her methods.

Not many people would like that kind of hint that makes people feel warm and friendly, and subconsciously wants to get close to the other person, right?

Bell himself didn't like it anyway. Not only that, he was disgusted. If it wasn't for the purpose of exploring the other party's secrets, he would have kicked this annoying guy away.

"...No, I am not d...great. In fact, I love each of my children deeply. As long as I can watch them grow up, I will feel sincere joy."

The mother of all things wanted to curse her, but she almost spit out that dirty word too.

‘So what kind of a crappy place is the Earth that could breed such a fucking species! ? ’

Bell, who had no idea that due to his own reasons, had directly led to the murder of the whole earth, he continued to talk nonsense to the other party:

"Then how do you give birth to all kinds of creatures and... things?"

This is really not Bell's curse. It's what the other party said just now. "High mountains and flowing water" were also conceived by the other party.

This is outrageous! Do you really think that Bell’s nine-year compulsory education is in vain?

"...Child, I'm a little tired. Let's stop talking today. Go back, kid, and don't hurt those orcs. They are also your compatriots."

After speaking with a hint of impatience, Bell felt his mind buzzing again, and then his vision went dark, and he returned to the bright hall at the belly of the mountain.

"Brother, what just happened?"

Shanna asked.

At this time, Zannah, Hermione, and Huang Quan were all looking at Bell worriedly.

Just before, as soon as Bell put his hand on the stone pillar, they saw the light on the stone pillar suddenly shine, enveloping Bell's whole body. After that, no matter how they shouted, there was no response from Bell. If Bell's aura hadn't remained stable and powerful, and the magic power in the stone pillar hadn't shown any further suspicious fluctuations, Zannah would have exploded the broken pillar whose identity was unknown.

Shanna has no idea about artworks, so she won't have emotions such as "reluctant to destroy" just because the pattern on this pillar looks better.

So what if the pillars are beautiful, can they be eaten?

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