The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 923 Where did Bell go?

"Don't worry, it's nothing. I just chatted with this guy for a while."

And successfully made the other person never want to chat with him again in this life.

Of course, there is no need to say the last sentence. Bell is not the kind of person who likes to show off, really!

"You guys wait for me here for a while. I'm going to catch up and see what this guy is. I don't know how long it will take. If I never come back, or if the orcs come, you don't have to stay here. You can go on your own. Just go back first."

Bell warned.

"Is there any danger?"

Hermione took Bell's hand and looked into Bell's eyes worriedly.

"Don't worry, even if there is danger, I will level it."

Bell is very confident about his current strength. No matter what kind of enemy he faces, he is confident that he can save his life.

Moreover, he is not alone. If he really encounters trouble, using himself as the coordinate, he will be able to summon a large number of helpers in a short time.

"Well, be more careful and protect yourself."

Hermione reluctantly let go of her hand and gave the last instruction.

"I will."

After kissing Hermione's forehead, Bell nodded to his sister and Huang Quan, then placed his palms on the stone pillar in front of him again and closed his eyes.

Based on the connection between the stone pillar and the mother of all things, as well as the remaining magical traces when the other party retreated from the consciousness space, Bell finally caught the other party's tail after carefully sensing it for a moment.

The breeze blew and stirred up the dust on the ground. In the blink of an eye, Bell had disappeared into the hall on the mountainside.

"What's wrong, Zannah?"

Huang Quan suddenly looked at Shanna beside him, who was staring at the magic mark on the back of his hand with wide eyes.

"Brother is no longer on this planet."

"What!? Then where did he go? On the moon?"

Hermione turned to look at Zannah in surprise.

Many fairy tales she read when she was a child said that gods lived on the sun or the moon.

The sun was obviously impossible, and Hermione didn't think life could live in that extremely harsh environment. Even the so-called ‘gods’ are equally impossible.

Then the only ones left are the three satellites of [Star Menethil].

"No, not on those moons. I don't know where exactly, but through the connection of the magic mark, I can feel that my brother is very, very far away from us now, farther away than ever before!"

Shanna said with a serious face.

So far, the furthest distance between her and her brother was when she was studying at Hogwarts last year, and her brother once went to Neptune to collect 'H1 particles'. And now, although she couldn't clearly tell how far away her brother was from her, she could clearly feel that it was much further away than Neptune's time.

This means that her brother is no longer in the Menethil galaxy at this time!

So who is this mother of all things? Her hands are stretched out so long! ?

"Then, what should we do!?"

After hearing Zanna's description, Hermione panicked a little.

Sure enough, the greater your ability, the more you can do things? In the past, when Bell was 'weak', he only made trouble inside the earth. Later, when he became stronger, he blew up the moon. Now that he is even more powerful, he has gone to the alien planet to cause trouble.

By the way, Bell won't really blow up an entire planet this time, right?

"Don't worry, brother now has almost unlimited magic power at his disposal. If he can go through it, he can also come back.

Hmm... Hermione, Sister Huangquan, you two go back to the [Williams] first. I will chase after you to see how your brother is doing. "

As she spoke, the magic mark on the back of Shanna's hand burst into dazzling light.

Although she said she was reassuring the other two, in fact Shanna was not very at ease in her heart. The unknown is the most terrifying thing. No matter how powerful the wizard is, he will instinctively feel panicked when facing the unknown.

Now that the little bear has been transformed by her brother, Shanna is actually not much inferior to her brother in terms of combat strength, probably. She believed that if her brother was really in trouble, she and her little bear would be able to help him.

And if her brother was not in danger, then she would just have fun. You know, she is also very curious about the identity of this big stone pillar.

"Wait! Shanna, you can't..."

Looking at the empty place in front of her, Hermione put down her hand helplessly.

"This brother and sister are like this every time! How can they do this!! It really pisses me off!!!"

Hermione gritted her teeth and stamped her foot.

Both of them are so willful. If something goes wrong with either of them, how will she explain to the other's mother when she goes back?

"Okay, don't be angry. These two guys haven't been like this for a day or two. You haven't gotten used to it yet."

Huang Quan smiled and held Hermione's shoulder, pushing her out.

She always felt that the ventilation system in this cave was not well designed and the air was a bit turbid. She would feel chest tight and short of breath when staying here.

"How can I get used to this kind of thing?"

Rather, Hermione has been trying hard not to get used to it. She didn't want to become as 'degenerate' as Belle.

"By the way, Sister Huang Quan, you and Bell are also connected. Can you sense Bell's location?"

Hermione suddenly thought of the unusual relationship between Bell and Huang Quan.

"I can vaguely feel that Bell is very far away from me..."

"Then Sister Huangquan, let's catch up quickly."

Hermione grabbed Huang Quan's hand excitedly.

"Hermione, calm down."

Huang Quan patted Hermione's hand dumbfounded.

"Not to mention that I have no way to stimulate such a huge amount of magic power. Even if there is enough magic power for me to use, I can't make such a long-distance space jump."

You can't even jump at close range...

Although the killing stone in Huang Quan's body can theoretically produce endless magic power, the conversion rate is still very limited without treatment.

And because the killing stone is located inside Huangquan's body and cannot be taken out, it is limited by the body's ability to contain and withstand magic power, so she cannot use the huge magic power unscrupulously like the Bell brothers and sisters.

Of course, correspondingly, she does not need to spend a long time in years like the Bell brothers and sisters to hone the magic source in her hands, control and activate [Frostmourne] and [Crazy Bear] bit by bit. strength.

In addition, Huang Quan's title of 'Wand Killer' has not been removed yet. Until now, she had not dared to cast the Apparition spell alone without the assistance of a wand, let alone take Hermione with her to carry out ultra-long-distance movement across galaxies.

The two of them will definitely get lost in the dimensional space. If you are lucky enough to remain alive, maybe you can be dragged back by Bell following the connection of the shikigami contract?

Who knows, she doesn't want to know at all.

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