The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 924 New Life Planet

‘Suck~ha~! ’

Taking a deep breath, Bell felt relaxed and happy.

When he arrived at [Menethil Star] before, Bell had been amazed by the rich magic power on it. But now, after arriving on this new unknown planet, Bell had to admit that he was still too young, and it was easy to get weird when he was rarely seen.

The concentration of magic power on this planet even exceeds that of Dalaran, the magical city carefully built by Bell.

Looking around, lush vegetation fills the field of vision. Since the gravity on this planet is only about half that of the Earth, the animals and plants here are several times larger.

Standing in the bushes and watching bugs the size of footballs crawling past, Bell got goosebumps.

‘Ji~? ’

A 'small' bird about the same size as Bell landed on a nearby tree. It curiously looked at Bell, a strange creature, and wondered if it was evaluating Bell's edibility.

"This is really, really incredible!"

Bell exclaimed from the bottom of his heart.

If he could discover this planet first, he would...not choose this planet as his base.

There was no way, this planet was good everywhere, but this earth made Bell feel uncomfortable all over, and he even had the idea of ​​blowing up the planet.

In Bell's perception, the magic contained in this land was very similar to the magic that flowed in the holy mountain on [Menethil] before.

Not only that, even the flow patterns between the two are almost identical. If nothing else, this...

"My child, you are here."

The familiar dizziness, familiar background, and more dazzling light strips appeared in front of Bell's eyes again.

"So I'm really not your child. If we have something to say, let's talk it over. Don't keep trying to get close to relatives, okay?"

Bell was speechless and held his forehead, expressing clear condemnation for the other party's behavior of always trying to take advantage of him.

"...Why do you appear here!"

The pattern woven by the light strips suddenly grew in size, filling the entire space in front of Bell, giving Bell the illusion that he was an ant standing at the feet of a giant.

At the same time, the graphics were so bright that Bell's eyes were filled with white, and he felt a stinging sensation in his eyeballs. Even if he closed his eyes, the light would pass through his eyelids and shine into his eyeballs, as if it was burning through Bell's retinas.

"I just followed you here to visit, so I don't have to lose such a big temper, right?"

Bell raised his right hand high above his head, with his palm facing upward. The next second, the light in front of him was instantly shattered, and the background cloth that looked like a starry sky also shattered and dissipated like broken glass.

‘Boom~! ’

Dense thunder and lightning struck down from the dark clouds that had gathered in the sky at an unknown moment, carrying the might of heaven, and accurately struck Bell's head.

An icy blue hemispherical shield emerged above Bell's head, blocking one after another lightning strikes.


Suddenly, Bell sensed something. He suddenly increased his magic output and controlled the shield above his head to expand instantly, encompassing a large area behind him.

The next second, a certain space behind Bell began to spin and twist like a whirlpool, and a beautiful silhouette emerged from it.

"Zanna!? Why did you come here too!?"

Bell was astonished.

Bell was not surprised that his sister could sense his location. After all, there is a magic mark connection between the two, which is the strongest connection spell in the magic world so far. There is currently no way to cut off the connection between the magic marks.

What really surprised Bell to the point of grinning from ear to ear, or rather surprised him to the point of grinning from ear to ear, was that his sister's current level of magic was actually able to move through space at the galaxy level by herself.

As far as Bell knew, the only person other than him who could travel across galactic space alone was his sister. Or maybe my own teacher Nico can do it too? Bell also didn't know that Teacher Nico kept seeing the dragon all day long, and he hadn't seen him for a long time.

"I'm here to help fight the bad guys!"

After staggering a few steps, Shanna took a deep breath to ease the discomfort in her body a little, then raised her head and looked at the dark clouds above her head with unkind eyes.

Sure enough, she came at the right time. In the dark cloud above her head, she could clearly sense the strange magic power and vague hostility contained in it.

"Brother, is that the mother of all things?"

Shanna asked.

"Probably not, the other party should be bigger... No, much bigger."

‘Pa~! ’

With a slight snap of his fingers, a violent gust of wind suddenly emerged with Bell and Shanna as the center.

The speed of the violent wind became faster and faster, and the scale became larger and larger, eventually forming a huge tornado that connected the sky and the ground.

Like a long whale sucking water, the thick dark clouds in the sky were quickly sucked in by the tornado.

The tornado was dyed pitch black by the dark clouds. From time to time, dazzling bright white thunder and lightning would be generated, struggling to escape from the shackles of the tornado and rushing towards Bell's head. It's a pity that no thunder and lightning can fulfill his wish.

Soon, the magic power in the dark clouds was exhausted, and Bell controlled the tornado to separate into breezes, blowing in all directions without causing damage to the surrounding environment.

Although Bell didn't like the land beneath his feet, he still had no prejudice against the animals and plants growing on it. Of course, this is when the other party is not hostile to him.

‘Boom~! ’

Another deafening roar came from afar, and this time, the earth shook along with it.

"Wow~! This is so awesome! It's bigger than my Crazy Bear."

Shanna looked into the distance and exclaimed.

Although strictly speaking, her Crazy Bear can grow infinitely. As long as there is enough time, it can theoretically be achieved even to the size of a planet.

But that's just theory. Shanna doesn't know whether it can be achieved in practice, and she has no interest in trying it.

The bigger the size, the better. If the size becomes too large, the magic power in the Crazy Bear's body will be divided, and the combat effectiveness will be reduced. Therefore, depending on the needs, Zannah will only be able to increase the size of the Crazy Bear to about 100 meters high at best. Any bigger size will not be worth the loss.

"This is really powerful, but it feels a little tricky."

Looking at the mountains standing in the distance, Bell rubbed his chin, thinking about whether he should fight or make peace.

To be honest, Bell didn't have much interest in the unknown planet beneath his feet.

At least not yet.

They had just discovered [Star Menethil], and the countless resources on it were enough for Bell and others to squander it for a long time. There was no point in coveting more.

Not to mention, there is still a big trouble on this planet. He still hasn't been able to figure out the other party's true form.

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