The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 925 [Mountain Giant]

As the saying goes, ‘the unknown is the scariest thing’.

The experience so far has made Bell afraid of the 'Mother of All Things'.

Obviously, the strength shown by the opponent on their own territory far exceeds the little tricks performed in the 'Holy Mountain'. Moreover, Bell is still not sure how much of the opponent's strength is currently being used. Is there any more terrifying method that has not been revealed?

To be on the safe side, what Bell should do now is to immediately take his sister back to [Star Menethil], completely erase the holy mountain, and cut off the tentacles of the Mother of All Things. By then, as long as they are vigilant, the other party will not be able to cross the long distance and cause big trouble to Bell and others.

However, as the saying goes, it takes a thousand days to be a thief, but a thousand days to guard against a thief. Instead of guarding the mother of all things from sneaking into his own territory all day long, Bell would rather be the 'thief' himself and make the other party uneasy.

Raging flames ignited beside Bell. Just as Bell was thinking about his next strategy, Shanna had already used practical actions to help her brother make a choice.

Shanna raised her palms, and a huge fireball nearly ten meters in diameter appeared above her head. After a short period of energy accumulation, Shanna threw the fireball in her hand with all her strength. The fireball crossed thousands of meters in the blink of an eye and accurately hit the arm of a [Mountain Giant] protecting him.

‘Boom~! ’

A violent explosion resounded through the sky, with rubble flying, the arm of [Mountain Giant] was blown off by Zannah's explosion spell, and tens of thousands of tons of boulders hit the ground, causing the 'Earth Dragon' to roll continuously.

"No, is this guy so inexperienced?"

Shanna was surprised by the effect of her magic spell.

It's not that the effect of the spell is too bad, on the contrary, it's that the effect of the spell is too good, far beyond her expectations.

Even though the explosive spell just now looked bluffing, Zannah actually didn't use any superb spell-casting skills, nor did she inject too much magic power into it. At least for Zannah now, those magic powers are far from much.

However, with just such a ceremonial greeting, a [Mountain Giant] was blown up into a third-level cripple?

This...she said she didn't mean it. I wonder if anyone would believe it?

"Yeah, why are these guys so brittle? This shouldn't be the case."

Facing the reality that happened in front of him, Bell scratched his head in confusion and was puzzled.

These [mountain giants], judging by their stature and momentum, would probably not be able to walk sideways if they were placed on the earth. They are definitely creatures that stand at the top of the magic world.

(By the way, this thing should be a living thing, right?)

Even Bell was shocked for a moment by the opponent's domineering appearance just now.

In the end, who would have thought that these guys are all fake, and they are only for the good but not the useful one?

"Come on, let's go over and take a look."

After saying that, Bell's figure twisted and disappeared.

The next second, Bell reappeared on top of a [Mountain Giant], and then Zannah also appeared on top of the nearest [Mountain Giant].

The unexpected disappearance of the target caused several [Mountain Giants] to stop and look around in confusion.

"Well, these guys don't look too smart."

Shrugging, Bell squatted down and tapped the 'bald head' at his feet twice with his fingers.

"Brother, this guy doesn't look like he's alive."

On the other side, Shanna, who was also studying the [Mountain Giant] under her feet, gave her judgment loudly.

"Indeed, if I have to say it, it looks more like our magic stone statue."

Nodding, Bell agreed with his sister's judgment.

After a close encounter, Bell discovered that this [Mountain Giant] was not similar to the elemental lord on [Dark Star] as he had previously thought.

In fact, apart from looking somewhat similar, the two are completely different in nature.

The elemental lord has accumulated ice magic through long years, and finally transformed his core ice core into a powerful life form.

The current [Mountain Giant] has no elemental core in its body at all. Instead, its magic power is connected to the earth. It relies entirely on the continuous supply of magic power from within the earth to move freely.

The former is like a nuclear-powered submarine that can sail continuously for dozens of days, while the latter is an electric car that cannot run very far and needs to be recharged. The gap between the two is simply incalculable.

"Hmm... you always feel a little bored?"

Magic power seeped into the body of the [Mountain Giant] at his feet. Bell used his own magic power to disrupt the flow of magic power in the opponent's body and cut off the connection channel between it and the earth.

After a while, the [Mountain Giant], which was still searching for Bell's figure, collapsed and turned into a rock mountain again.

This is what happens if you don't equip yourself with a 'generator'.

“So boring!”

Shanna, who was originally very enthusiastic, became less interested after discovering the nature of these [mountain giants] who were strong on the outside and inflexible on the inside. She also injected her own magic power into the big guy at her feet. However, unlike the gentle method adopted by Bell, Shanna's method was much more explosive.

A series of crimson cracks formed under Zannah's feet, and soon spread from the [Mountain Giant]'s head to its entire body.

'boom--! ! ! ’

The explosion was far louder than any before. Even if the creatures on the other side of the planet complained about 'nuisance', Bell had no words to defend himself.

'brush! ’

The space was cut open like a piece of cloth, Shanna's head popped out, and after looking around, she emerged from the dimensional space.

Just now, she escaped the horrific explosion created by herself by hiding in a different dimension.

Another thin black line appeared next to Shanna. Bell pushed the space to both sides and walked out of the dimensional space.

"Sanna, actually there is no need to make such a big scene."

Bell brushed off the dust from his hair and said slightly helplessly.

He also didn't expect that his sister would turn on the ball as soon as she disagreed, which caused her to slow down a beat and a lot of dust fell on her body.

"But wouldn't this be easier? Not only can we eliminate these large stone statues, but we can also deal with the bad guys who are hiding in the dark and snooping."

Shanna had long been aware of the bad guys who were hiding in the dark and watching her and her brother.

Just kidding, first there was the lightning that fell like rain, then there was the violent tornado that connected the sky and the ground, and finally there was the [Mountain Giant] that was useless but very powerful. In this series of disasters that were comparable to movie scenes, Not even a single escaping bird was seen in the sky. Shanna didn't think those guys had fainted from fright.

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