



As soon as Shanna finished speaking, the whole world began to boil.

Looking around, I saw those giant trees shaking and pulling out their roots, twisting and twisting into two giant legs, and the branches twisting into hands, striding towards the Bell brothers and sisters.

At the feet of the [Treant], monsters as big as trucks and insects as small as fingernails all charged towards the Bell brother and sister like crazy.

Dark clouds spread rapidly from the sky. If you look carefully, you will find that what kind of dark clouds are there? They are clearly countless flying birds, and among them are sometimes mixed with many ferocious magical creatures of different shapes, some like giant dragons. , some look like flying snakes, and some don't look like anything else. In short, all of them look like they are not easy to mess with.

"Uh... this scene is much bigger than expected."

After scratching his head, Bell couldn't help but clicked his tongue.

As the saying goes, 'An elephant will be killed by too many ants'. Faced with the attack of this massive number of animals and plants, even Bell felt his scalp numb and had to use all his strength to deal with it.

"Hmm~! Brother, how about we withdraw first?"

Shanna was unwilling from the bottom of her heart to run away without a fight. But there is no way, there are too many enemies.

How could the Mother of All Things have gathered such a huge army in such a short time? If given enough preparation time, who knows if the other party would mobilize all the creatures on the planet?

If this is really the worst case scenario, God knows how long they will have to fight until they can eliminate all the enemies. Even though the magic power of the two brothers is almost infinite, their energy is limited!

Moreover, that kind of battle is meaningless. They might as well fly into space and directly carry out a devastating blow to the planet from the outside. That would save time and effort.

"It's too late, you should stay and become one with me."

Suddenly, Bell's extremely familiar voice came directly to the minds of the brothers and sisters. Immediately afterwards, the earth below and the sky above their heads surged with magic at the same time. In a large area centered on the Bell brothers and sisters, the space fluctuated violently, interfering with the two people's casting. Disapparation Charm.

During the previous period, the Mother of All Things had not just been watching the show. It had been analyzing the movement methods of the Bell brothers and sisters.

Because Bell arrived so suddenly, the Mother of All Things didn't realize how Bell appeared. But it witnessed the entire process of Shanna's apparition.

By analyzing the magic power fluctuations near Zannah when she appeared, the Mother of All Things found a simple and crude way to interfere with this kind of spatial movement, and immediately applied it to the Bell brothers and sisters.

"Is this the mother of all things? Why does its voice sound similar to my mother?"

Even though it was the first time she heard the voice of the Mother of All Things, Shanna immediately determined the identity of the other party.

Zannah was not worried about the mother of all things disrupting space. She wanted to retreat, not because she was really afraid of the other party, but because she didn't want to get into an endless entanglement.

Moreover, even if she really couldn't beat him in the end, she was confident that she could run away. The other party can disrupt the space, so why can't she sort it out? Moreover, she could also fly directly into the universe through other means of movement. She didn't believe that the other party's subordinates could keep chasing the brothers and sisters into the universe.

"That's because this shouldn't be the other party's real voice, but the auditory hallucination produced by ourselves."

Similarly, Bell was not shaken at all by the actions of the Mother of All Things.

Originally, he didn't want to simply retreat. He was very interested in the true nature of the mother of all things. Before he could investigate clearly, he honestly didn't want to leave.

"Sanna, stand behind me and get as close as possible."

His body dropped rapidly, and Bell stood on the ground again. Feeling the overwhelming hostility coming from the ground, Bell placed his right hand on the hilt of the [Frostmourne] sword at his waist, and slowly drew out the magic sword.

"Brother, come on! Kill this bad guy who imitates our mother's voice!"

Shanna looked at her brother excitedly, her big beautiful eyes almost shining.

She has always heard from her brother how powerful this [Frostmourne] is, but she has never been able to witness it with her own eyes.

Now, seeing that her brother was planning to take action, Shanna couldn't be more excited.

She clung to her brother's back, took out her personal terminal, turned on the video recording function, and looked forward to the next scene with a flushed face.

The light in the eyes of the goat-horned skull suddenly became brighter, and the runes on the sword were lit up one after another. The icy-cold wind roared in all directions with Bell as the center, causing the nearby ground to be instantly covered with a thin layer of Thin frost.

‘Huh~! ’

Taking a long breath, Bell exhaled the white mist mixed with ice shavings. It struck a small crater on the ground like an air sword. Visible to the naked eye, white frost condensed on Bell's hair and eyebrows, making the situation at this moment... He looked like the embodiment of frost.

After a brief deliberation, after the surrounding animals and plants had reached a certain distance, Bell finally grasped the hilt of the sword with both hands and plunged the magic sword into the ground beneath his feet.

Time seemed to be frozen. The roars of beasts that had just come one after another disappeared in an instant. Only the faint roars could be heard from the far end of the sky, making it difficult to tell whether it was real or an illusion.

After Bell inserted the sword into the ground, the huge magic power accumulated in the sword instantly rushed out with an unrivaled force, and spread to the end of the field of vision in an instant.

Looking around, densely packed ice sculptures stand between heaven and earth, as if telling a tragic epic. The delicate veins of the plants, the ferocious roaring expressions of the beasts, everything is so lifelike.

Although they are indeed all true...

The silence did not last long. After all, the birds in the sky were not as able to stand as the beasts on the ground.

After the body is completely frozen from the outside to the inside, the wings that stop flapping naturally cannot continue to provide the flying birds with buoyancy sufficient to offset their weight. Each flying bird, like a bomb dropped by a bomber, plunged to the ground and exploded into crystal clear ice shards all over the sky.

The plants and animals on the ground were completely destroyed. Under the bombardment of the birds, their ice sculptures were not spared in the end.

After the continuous roaring sound, large swaths of ice sculptures were blown to pieces, making the originally static epic scene suddenly become 'vivid'.

Although this place has become an extinct realm of life...

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