The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 927 A beautiful misunderstanding

"Okay, so awesome!"

As far as the eye can see, there is a vast expanse of white ice and snow. The howling cold wind stirred up ice crystals all over the sky, reflecting the colorful brilliance under the sunlight, making it look inexplicably sacred.

"elder brother?"

Standing in the only open space that was not invaded by ice and snow, Shanna looked at her brother in front of her in confusion. The ultimate move has obviously been used, but why does the magic power fluctuation in my brother's body increase instead of decreasing?

Without responding to his sister's question, Bell lowered his head, and the magic power fluctuations in his body became more and more violent.

If Shanna stood in front of Bell at this time, she would be able to see that Bell was clenching his teeth and the veins on his forehead were protruding, looking like he was struggling.

The muscles on his body were tense, like the roots of an old tree coiled around Bell's body. He used all his strength to pull up [Frostmourne] inch by inch.

As the sword body left the ground, countless streaks of light emerged nearby, and then, like baby swallows returning to their nest, they rushed into the magic sword.

It only took less than a second to insert the sword, but it took nearly 5 minutes to pull out the sword. Bell finally pulled the sword completely out of the ground. At this time, all the countless streams of light around have been absorbed into [Frostmourne].

These streams of light are the souls of animals that have just died.

Yes, there are only animal souls. Those big trees that can walk and fight freely like tree men have no souls, just like the previous [mountain giants].

More dazzling light than ever before bloomed from the body of the magic sword, as if a small sun suddenly appeared on the ground.

It can be said that from the time [Frostmourne] was forged until today, this magic sword has always been in a semi-finished state. Because according to the magic text inscribed by Bell, a very powerful ability of this magic sword is to enslave the soul and use the power of the soul to continuously strengthen itself.

But there have always been too few souls in the magic sword, and there are even fewer decent souls.

For example, the soul fragments in the fused killing stone, as well as the weak souls of wild beasts and domestic animals collected by Bell, cannot squeeze out any magic power at all.

For [Frostmourne], it even has to consume its own magic power to strengthen these weak souls that can be blown away in one breath to ensure that these souls have the most basic combat capabilities.

It can be said that no matter how many livestock souls are collected, it will not be able to strengthen [Frostmourne], and it may even delay it. It is completely worth the loss.

But today is different.

This planet has an ultra-high concentration of magic power, which makes the animals on the planet generally strong and strong. Even those ordinary animals have soul strength that far exceeds that of domestic animals raised by humans on Earth.

Not to mention, the proportion of magical animals among the animals on this planet is very high, and the souls of these magical animals are very high-quality 'bait'.

Since its birth, today, [Frostmourne] can be said to be a feast for the eyes. After returning, with a little development and adjustment, Bell will be able to have a terrifying undead army in his hands, and he will no longer be afraid of being attacked.

After all the souls that crowded the sky entered the magic sword, the surrounding area became deathly silent again. Seeing that her brother was still standing there without saying a word, Shanna did not disturb her anymore, but quickly set up an isolation barrier around her to prevent that annoying mother of all things from suddenly appearing again. , interrupting his brother’s thoughts and perceptions.

For a moment, there was only the howling of the wild wind between the sky and the earth, as if mocking the enemy's weakness and incompetence.

I wonder if he has exhausted his talents, or is he planning a more terrifying attack? A long time passed, but the mother of all things did not show her face again, and Bell seemed to be frozen, standing still without any movement.

Finally, just when Zannah began to worry about whether her brother had been bitten by the previous curse, Bell made a move.

I saw him inserting the magic sword back into his waist, and then slowly raising his hands together, as if he was holding some treasure.

Lines of magic beams flowed out of Bell's palm and gathered together above his hands, forming a seed-like magic core.

Under the continuous infusion of magic power, the 'seed' quickly took root and sprouted, and soon a black flower bud grew at the top of the rhizome.

The flower bones bloom slowly, revealing the dark purple petals inside. When this magical flower fully blooms, a black mist exuding an extremely ominous aura emerges around the flower. The flowers soon wither and fade, completely turning into ashes.

Not only the flowers, but also the plants below quickly merged into the black mist and completely dissipated.

The replenished black mist expanded a lot in volume. They gathered towards the center and directly gathered into a black flower bone. Then, the flower bloomed again.

Blooming and withering circulate continuously in Bell's palm, explaining the mysteries of life and death. After an unknown amount of time, Bell put his hands up and brought them to his mouth. He took a deep breath and blew gently on the flower bones.

The flower bones seemed to be real plants. Under Bell's blow, they flew out and fell to the ground.

【Death and withering】!

"No!!! Stop it! What on earth are you going to do!?"

The wind and clouds in the sky surged and quickly formed into a huge face similar to that of a human being, and let out a sharp roar towards Bell.

The mother of all things cannot sit still.

Originally, it didn't take Bell and Shanna seriously. These two people are strong, but they cannot pose a fatal threat to it. The reason why it prevented the two from leaving before was actually because it was afraid that after the two returned, they would bring more reinforcements next time.

It had no previous understanding of humans, or even the existence of this kind of life. Bell and his party are the only humans it has ever come into contact with, so it can only use these four people to infer the strength of the entire human population.

This also led to a big misunderstanding about the Mother of All Things. It mistakenly believed that among humans, strong men of Bell and Shanna's level were probably not uncommon.

The Mother of All Creation is not afraid of two people, Bel and Zannah. But if tens of thousands of human beings at the level of Bell and Shanna emerge, the Mother of All Creations is worried that she may become the ‘elephant’ among the ‘elephants that are killed by too many ants’.

That's why when it was on [Menethil] before, it had a brief contact with Bell and found that it couldn't seduce him, so it retreated so neatly.

That's why after Bell unexpectedly chased him to his hometown, he wanted to keep the two of them by any means.

However, human beings once again exceeded the imagination of the mother of all things, and it actually lost! ?

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