The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 931 An ordinary wizard

"Bell! You should focus on the duel that's waiting for you now. It's not too late to worry about other trivial matters after the duel is over!"

Hermione frowned and looked at Bell, very dissatisfied with her husband's lack of priorities.


Bell was extremely aggrieved. He didn't expect that even though he cared about 'real things', he would be criticized.

Bell turned his attention to his sister for help, hoping that Shanna could stand up and speak justice for him.

However, Shanna just shrugged and started enjoying her delicious lunch without saying anything.

Shanna had long been accustomed to this kind of interaction between her brother and sister-in-law, and she had long since learned to watch the fun without saying a word.

"...Okay, let's eat."

As her sister grew up, she no longer defended her brother in everything like she did when she was a child. While Bell felt sad, he could only silently accept this 'cruel' reality.


The meal ended in a slightly dull atmosphere, and Bell felt that he had not had this feeling of being unable to eat for a long time.

Facing Hermione's worried gaze, Bell was not unable to understand. Just like no matter how old a child is, he is still a child in the eyes of his parents and will still worry about letting go. Even though Hermione knows that he has enough strength to protect herself, she will still worry about him in the next duel. Injuried.

(Bell: ‘Why is this example so awkward?’)

After a short rest and digestion, Bell and his party were still there. This time they apparated directly to the outside of the Ogu tribe.

In fact, according to Hermione, there were so many orcs in the Ogu tribe, so they should bring dozens of fighting wizards with them. At least it can build up momentum.

However, Bell, who was considerate of his subordinates, ultimately did not agree to do that. After all, if a conflict really breaks out and a fight breaks out, it really won't make much difference whether it's a few orcs or hundreds of orcs in front of Bell who lets his hands go.

"Here they come! They're back again!"

Just after the Apparition appeared, Bell heard the shouts of orcs coming from the Ogu tribe not far away.

It didn't take long to see the gate of the Ogu tribe slowly open, and many orcs filed out, standing in front of Bell and his party with evil faces on their faces.

"You are here earlier than I expected. Preparations for the duel will take some time to complete. Please wait here for a moment. I hope you can understand."

The old orc at the head said pleasantly. There was absolutely no hostility towards Bell and the others from his face. It had to be said that Ginger was still very old.

"It's okay, we're not in a hurry, just take our time."

Bell waved his hand, indicating that he didn't care at all.

"Hehehe. If it weren't for our opposing positions, Bell, I would be very willing to make you a friend."

The old orc said with a smile, looking at Bell with a somewhat complicated look.

"Hahaha, you are too generous, uh..."


Hermione leaned into Bell's ear and whispered.

"Prophet Nerela..."

"It's the shaman!"

Hermione reminded silently again.

"Ahem, Nari is satisfied, why don't we sit down and talk?"

Even if he was as thick-skinned as Bell, he felt a little embarrassed at this moment. He tapped the ground lightly with his toes, and the earth squirmed and deformed. Under the wary eyes of the orcs, a table and several chairs transformed into the open space in front of him.

"It's such exquisite magic control. I feel like I have lived in vain for so many years."

Waving to the orcs behind her not to be too nervous, Nerela didn't care about the fact that Bell obviously didn't remember his name before. Still with a gentle smile on his face, he walked out of the crowd alone and sat down on Bell's transformed table. out of the chair.

"Is this the seat you humans use? What material is it made of? How can it be so soft and comfortable?"

Although she doesn't know how to use transformation, Nerela still knows some basic knowledge about magic. He could sense that the magic power inside these tables and chairs dissipated very slowly, which meant that the materials that made up these exquisite furniture must be real in nature. Otherwise, their structure would not be so stable.

“It’s woven and stuffed using fibers from a variety of plants.”

Bell replied with a smile.

Don't ask him what kind of plants he has, or how he uses those plants to make these materials. He is just an ordinary wizard who can only use magic to analyze and copy various items. As for how those items were made?

It's too complicated for him to understand.

"Plants!? This is so... surprising!"

Nerira's hand stroking the seat paused, and after taking a look at Bell and the others, the wonder in her eyes became even stronger.

He didn't think Bell would lie to him about this, that is to say, this smooth and supple fabric and the soft filling inside it really came from plants.

This simply overturned the old orc's knowledge for decades.

Orcs are a race that lives by hunting, and they hardly cultivate any plants. Therefore, whether the clothing of the orcs or the mats used to sit and lie on are made of the furs of various beasts, only some orcs who are weak and unable to hunt enough prey will become helpless. , choose to use plants to make clothes.

As time goes by, in the minds of the orcs, plants and weakness are gradually equated. Some orcs with more extreme ideas are not even willing to use tough trees, but choose to polish stones instead.

It was precisely because of this understanding that Nerela was very surprised when she learned from Bell that such exquisite items could be made from plants.

"If you like it, I can give you some furniture, accessories, etc. later. Believe me, many of the treasures in the eyes of you orcs may be just common items to us humans."

"Hehe, maybe."

Faced with Bell's slightly "arrogant" speech, Nerela did not angrily deny it in order to maintain the dignity of the orcs.

In many things, mere verbal denial cannot narrow the gap. Even after just two brief encounters, Nerela could tell from the details that compared with humans, there was indeed a big gap in the living standards and strength level of the orcs.

To be honest, Nerela was a little in awe of the human race, and at the same time, he also yearned for these exquisite furniture items. But even so, he would never surrender.

Even though he knew there was little hope, he would still try his best to seize that glimmer of 'life'!

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