The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 932 Preparation time

"Old man, it's boring to wait around. Come and have a bottle of Coke."

Seeing that the old orc was silent and wondering what he was thinking about, Bell took out two bottles of Coke from his pocket, threw one of them to the old orc, then opened the other bottle, raised his head and said, 'ton ton ton~ 'Get up.


Reaching out to catch the Coke, Nerela looked at the dark-colored liquid in her hand that was boiling like lava, and hesitated for a moment.

When they first met before, he had seen Bell drink this drink called 'Coke', but at that time they were in a state of shock when they realized the truth of the world, and they had no time to pay attention to it. Just a drink.

Now, Bell took out the drink again and threw a bottle directly to him. Even though this was the second time he saw Bell drinking this liquid, after observing it up close, he still couldn't help but want to ask:

‘Is this stuff really drinkable? ’

After hesitating for a while, his inner curiosity finally took over, and he couldn't let humans underestimate the bravery of their orcs.

‘Bah~! ’

Unscrewing the bottle cap, Nerela imitated Bell's movements, put the bottle mouth into her mouth, and then raised her head 90 degrees.

"Dun~puff——! Cough cough cough!!!"

The old shaman who drank carbonated drinks for the first time accidentally choked in his throat. Black liquid spurted out from his nostrils and mouth, covering the exquisite tabletop with a dense layer of brown-black water. beads.

"Well, you can drink it slowly. If it's not enough, I still have some here."

Bell also didn't expect that the other party would be so bold when he drank Coke for the first time. Generally speaking, when you taste an unfamiliar drink for the first time, shouldn't you take a sip first to taste it?

After waving his hand to disperse the barrier in front of him and clearing the liquid on the table, Bell took out a napkin and handed it to the old shaman.

"Cough, cough, cough, cough~! Thank you."

After taking the napkin, Nerela wiped the liquid on her face randomly, took a few hard breaths, and finally recovered.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for staining such precious fabric. I will compensate you."

Only then did Nerela realize that the cloth he had just used to wipe his mouth was so exquisite. It was softer than the cloth used on the chair he was sitting on, and it was also very absorbent.

"Don't worry, it's just an ordinary napkin. By the way, what do you think of the taste?"

Bell looked at the old shaman with interest. Compared to a napkin that no one would pick up if it was thrown on the floor, he was more concerned about the other person's views on Coke.

"Hmm... the taste is a bit strange, but it's not unpleasant. Especially now that the weather is a little hot, I just drank the Coke and felt a sense of comfort and pleasure from the inside out."

After Nerila thought about it carefully, she spoke with emotion.

"Haha! Just like it, don't be polite, I have a lot more here, drink whatever you want."

Bell laughed happily and was about to take out more Coke to share with the old orc.

"No, no need, this bottle will do."

Nerela hurriedly stopped Bell's move. They were not having a banquet now. Their tribesmen were nervously and seriously preparing the duel venue in the back. The great shaman of his tribe was here chatting with the enemy. What was going on?

"Speaking of which, Bell, it seems that you are very confident about the upcoming duel."

You know, another contestant participating in the duel, the chief of their Ogu tribe, Victor, has not shown a smile for a week.

After spending a few days recovering from his injuries, Victor devoted himself entirely to training preparations, striving to adjust himself to the best condition during the duel.

For this reason, during this week, even the hunting activities of the Ogu tribe were reduced to a large extent. The warriors took turns going to the training ground to train with Chief Victor.

Originally, Nerela felt that Bell would probably be in a similar state. However, after meeting him, he realized that they were almost the same, but completely different and completely opposite.

From Bell's face, he couldn't see even a trace of nervousness or seriousness. Instead, the other party exuded a lazy atmosphere from the inside out.

Obviously, the other party didn't take the upcoming duel to heart at all!

Seeing this, Nerela, who was already worried about the upcoming duel, felt her heart sink even more.

"Certain? Of course it's very... I mean, I'm actually not sure, really. After all, in battles, no one knows what will happen in the next second before the actual result is known."

As the saying goes, 'leave a thin line in life so that we can meet each other easily in the future'. After the duel is over, everything will naturally be clear. There is no need to taunt him here now.

Moreover, even though Bell looked careless now, he was still very concerned about the upcoming duel.

As he himself said, battles are constantly changing, and the outcome is always undecided before the winner is truly determined. From ancient times to the present, there have been countless strong men who, despite having an absolute advantage, were overturned by weak enemies at the last moment and died with their eyes open. Bell didn't want to be one of them.

"Bell, before the duel begins, I would like to remind you one more time. In the sacred duel of our orc tradition, the use of spells is absolutely not allowed. Otherwise, not only will it be regarded as cheating and you will lose, but you will also be punished. To the contempt of all orcs."

Nerela looked at Bell seriously and reiterated the precautions for the duel.

"Thank you for the reminder, I will keep it in mind."

Bell said with a smile.

I don’t know how long time passed. Finally, an orc warrior ran out of the village and came behind Nerela. He lowered his head and whispered something.

Then, Nerela stood up, looked at Bell and others, and said solemnly:

"The duel venue is ready. Please follow me."

Following the old shaman, Bell and his team, together with all the orcs in the Ogu tribe, walked towards the rear of the tribe. After passing through one narrow alley after another, Bell and others finally saw a rough arena appear in front of them.

From the outside, the arena should be transformed from a small hill. The orcs completely hollowed out the center of the hill and carved out auditoriums around it.

After entering the arena through the only entrance, Bell discovered that all kinds of messy magic had been cast inside.

There are strengthening magic that enhances the hardness of the ground and mountains, inspiration magic that improves courage and desire to fight, gain magic that enhances endurance and weakens the bleeding effect, and some orc-specific magic that communicates with the souls of ancestors, etc., there are many Bell couldn't quite understand it either, and could only roughly distinguish the magic effect.

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