The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 933 Instant kill! ?

Since the magic in the arena is either effective for both parties, or is purely for fun, Bell just glanced at it and stopped paying attention. Instead, he focused on the magic in the center of the arena. On the majestic figure.

"Hey! Well... long time no see."

Bell forgot the other party's name again, or in other words, he never remembered it.


Two long, thick lines of white air spurted out from Victor's nostrils. He just glanced at Bell, then closed his eyes again to rest, trying to improve his already peak state to a higher level.

"All right."

Bell, who was asking for trouble, shrugged, and then turned his attention to the surrounding auditorium. There, the orcs were lining up to enter in an orderly manner, and it looked like it would still take a while.

After waving to Shanna and others who were standing in the front row of the auditorium and looking at him, Bell followed Victor's example and closed his eyes to adjust himself.

Time passed slowly, and the noisy arena gradually returned to silence. The orcs either looked at Victor excitedly or looked at Bell with hostility, waiting in silence for the duel to officially begin.

Finally, after seeing that all the tribesmen were in place, Nerela nodded to the orcs on the high platform on one side.

‘Dong~dong~dongdongdong~dong! ’

I saw a strong orc on the high platform whose arms were thicker than his thighs. He picked up two large drum hammers over 1 meter long in his hands and beat the animal skin drum in front of him hard.

The dull sound of drums echoed in the arena. When you hear it, you can't help but feel your blood boiling and you want to have a hearty battle right away.


After the drums sounded, the auditorium instantly boiled. The orcs roared with blushing faces one by one, startling Bell who was concentrating with his eyes closed.

Opening his eyes and looking around, Bell was surprised to find that some of these orcs were cheering him on?

What type of situation is this? He didn't remember that he had arranged an internal response here.

Or is it that the Ogu tribe is hedging its bets and showing favor to him in advance?

In fact, what Bell didn't know was that not just anyone could participate in the traditional sacred duel of the orcs. You must know that this is a duel under the watchful eyes of the ancestors' souls. If the participants in the duel are too weak, wouldn't it be a blasphemy to the ancestors' souls?

Therefore, every sacred duel is a top priority for the orc tribe, and every warrior who is qualified to participate in a sacred duel is also a strong man recognized by the entire tribe.

The orcs respect and worship the strong, so even if they are on opposite sides at this moment, the orcs will still pay due respect to Bell and cheer for him.


Suddenly, Victor, who was standing opposite Bell, let out a thundering roar that even drowned out the shouts of thousands of orcs around him.

Victor was seen staring at Bell with red eyes, and his right hand slowly pulled out the two-handed battle ax pinned to his waist.

"Human, take out your weapons! Otherwise, you have no chance!"

Victor never disdains sneak attacks. As the chief of the Ogu tribe and the most powerful warrior of the Ogu tribe, he always crushes his enemies head-on.

"as you wish."

Before he finished speaking, Bell also drew out the magic sword [Frostmourne] from his waist. A biting chill spread from the blade. For a moment, the feverish atmosphere in the arena seemed to have cooled down a lot.

"An evil weapon, just like you."

Glancing at the long sword in Bell's hand, even though Victor was just a warrior and not a shaman with sensitive perception, he could still sense the evil aura contained in the sword.

"It's evil somewhere. Don't you think this sword is super handsome?"

The last time he came, Bell saw several skulls of beasts in the hall. So these beastmen obviously like to use the skulls of beasts as decorations, so what qualifications do they have to accuse him of being evil?

This is such a double standard!

"Hmph! Let's stop talking nonsense here. I want you to know the consequences of humiliating the Ogu tribe! Octa——!"

Victor raised the battle ax in his hand and shouted.


From the four directions of the arena, four orcs blew their horns at the same time, announcing the official start of the holy duel.


Victor exerted force with one foot, and even the ground strengthened by magic was still trampled into a deep pit under his huge force.

Like an arrow leaving the string, Victor's figure turned into an afterimage and appeared in front of Bell in the blink of an eye.

With a height of 2.3 meters, he is a rare tall man even among orcs. Standing in front of Bell, who is only 1.85 meters tall, he is like an adult lecturing a child.

The muscles of the thick arms were tangled, and the veins were coiled around the arms like steel bars as thick as fingers. Victor roared and struck down with an axe.

‘Boom~! ’


A large pit appeared where Bell had been standing before, and Bell himself was directly knocked out by the ax and smashed into the surrounding mountain wall.

The unexpected 'instant kill' move stunned the orcs in the audience. Especially Nerela and the other orc team captains, who knew Bell's powerful strength well, opened their mouths in disbelief and suspected that they were dreaming.

Of course they hope that their chief can cut the enemy in half with one axe, but to be honest, they have been relatively pessimistic in their hearts this week, but due to the majesty of the chief, no one of them dared to show it. That’s all.

After a brief silence, there was an explosion of cheers and abuse. The cheers were of course given to Victor, while the targets of abuse were Bell and the orc squad captains.

It was these orc team captains before who swore that the enemy this time was so powerful and fully qualified to engage in a sacred duel under the gaze of the ancestors' souls.

It was precisely because of the guarantees of these team captains that no one raised any objections.

The result is this! ?

I'm afraid these team captains have some misunderstanding about the definition of powerful. It seems that after they return, they should put the matter of competing for the position of squad leader on the agenda.

"Calm down, Hermione, Bell is fine."

Just as the orcs were in chaos, Huang Quan on the other side held down Hermione's shoulders forcefully, preventing her from rushing into the ring.

"But, what is going on?"

Hermione turned to look at Huang Quan beside her, her face full of worry and confusion.

This shouldn't be the case!

Even if the opponent is powerful, Bell shouldn't be unable to catch even one move!

"I don't know either. Let's see what happens."

Shaking his head, Huang Quan was also confused at this time and couldn't figure out what was going on.

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