The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 934 The generation gap between civilizations

“Ah bah! Bah!

Ouch~ My back hurts so much. "

Climbing out of the rubble and dust, Bell bowed slightly and reappeared in the eyes of everyone with his teeth bared.

He hasn't been injured for a long time, and even the extremely difficult daily training every morning can no longer cause him any substantial damage.

Therefore, after being beaten again after several years, Bell felt...a little bit relieved?

Cough cough cough!

Bell doesn't have any weird quirks, really! It was just the long-lost injury that gave him a feeling of "returning to youth" (although he was still very young now) and made the blood in his body boil again.

"Human! Without magic, this is all you have! I'm so disappointed!"

Here, after seeing Bell getting up, Victor roared angrily. At this moment, he felt that he had been preparing for today's duel for a week, as if he had been fighting against the air.

You must know that although the orc shamans mainly use spells to fight the enemy, every shaman is a master of close combat. Their combat skills even exceed those of the hunting team leader.

Some shamans specialize in using spells in close combat, and their combat skills are not inferior to that of the chief. The representative figure among them is the current great shaman of the Aogu tribe— —Nerela.

When Victor was young, he had consulted Nereira on combat skills many times. The other party's teachings benefited him a lot and indirectly helped him become the chief of the tribe.

This is also the reason why Victor still respects Nerela after becoming the chief.

Considering the situation of the orc shamans, Victor had previously speculated that Bell's strength should not be weak even if he did not use magic. To be honest, like everyone else, he also thought that his chances of winning this duel were not high.

But as the chief of the Ogu tribe, now that the tribe needs him to stand up, he must stand up and fight! Last night, he had even written a suicide note and asked Nerela to take care of his wife and infant son.

The result is this! ?


Bell was stunned by Victor's roar.

So what is the situation now?

He, the one who was beaten, hadn't said anything yet, so why was it that the villain complained first?

Bell's little temper was immediately unbearable.

"Damn! You still have the nerve to say that! Didn't you agree that you can't use magic in the duel? Where is the referee! Someone committed a foul here! Is there anyone in charge?"

Bell was angry.

He didn't expect that these orcs all looked simple and honest, but in fact they were so shameless.

Before the duel, he had repeatedly told him that he could not use magic during the duel, but as soon as the duel began, the insidious guy on the opposite side gave him a hard blow.

What does this mean?

Are the bullies coming from ‘out of town’?

Do the many bully the few?

Bell said that in his entire life, he has never suffered such a great injustice! If the other party didn't give him an explanation today, believe it or not, he would just have a cloud-penetrating arrow and a thousand troops... He would just call a big space battleship over and defeat this broken tribe with one shot!

"Ah? Victor didn't use magic just now. What he used was a power called 'rage'. Only the best warriors can awaken and control this power, thus greatly enhancing their combat capabilities. "

Facing Bell's incomprehensible look of grief and anger, Neri, who was responsible for presiding over this sacred duel, felt his scalp numb and hurriedly explained.



Bell was speechless. He said it was difficult for him to communicate with these ignorant natives.

God is so angry! Think of him as a 3-year-old child!

That's obviously the magic power after its nature changes, okay! In essence, it is still magic!

Just like every human being has more or less magic power in his body, every orc also has magic power in his body. Moreover, the average level of magic power in orcs is much higher than that of humans.

Although some orcs have a lot of magic power in their bodies, their activity is too weak to be controlled freely, making it difficult for them to become shamans. In the constant battles, these orcs stimulate the magic power in their bodies again and again, and eventually the strong anger generated in the battle will be injected into the magic power, thus causing the magic power to transform.

In fact, this phenomenon also exists in humans. The fighting spirit of ancient knights and the internal strength of knights are also products of the transformation of magic power. However, after entering the modern era, with the development of science and technology, the general environment became peaceful and stable, and knights and knights were completely submerged in the torrent of history.

There is a fight going on here right now, and Bell has no intention of discussing the relationship between the anger and magic power of these orcs, Mopu. Since the other party says that this is okay, then it is okay, and he does whatever he wants.

Ice-blue light loomed in Bell's eyes. His skin suddenly became much paler, but his aura increased dramatically, even causing the noisy arena to become silent for a moment.

In fact, being allowed to use anger in a duel is a very beneficial thing for Bell. If we were to be purely competitive, it might take some effort for Bell to defeat Victor. But when it comes to using magic power, Bell said that he was not targeting anyone, he was saying that everyone here...except for the three people in his family, they are all rubbish!

"Ah hit~!"

Bell's figure suddenly disappeared with the wind, and then appeared diagonally above Victor as if teleporting. He clenched [Frostmourne] with both hands and struck down with a sword.

Although he has never used magic like this, with Bell's current magical attainments, it is not difficult to do this. In fact, Huang Quan's way of using magic power is closer to anger, but the control of magic power is much more refined. Bell often competes with Huang Quan, so he is no stranger to this kind of manipulation method.

Strong wind pressure came from above his head. Before Bell's sword could reach him, the pressure from the sword had already made Victor feel breathless and sluggish in his movements.

I saw Victor lifting the battle ax in his hand upwards and facing Bell's sword.

The fighting skills of the orcs are summarized and honed in thousands of hunts. Therefore, compared to the swordsmanship taught by Huang Quan to Bell, the fighting style of the orcs is much more primitive and rough, and they are generally direct and head-on confrontation.

‘Bang! ’

The swords and axes intersected, making a fierce roar. The next second, Victor's legs were suddenly plunged into the ground, his arms were shaking slightly, and he gritted his teeth to resist Bell's slash.


Furious, Victor pushed upwards with all his strength, pushing Bell away when his kinetic energy was exhausted.

Staggering and pulling his legs out of the ground, Victor looked down at the battle ax in his hand, his eyes filled with disbelief.

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