The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 937 The first human chief in the history of the orcs

To this day, Nerela still doesn't know what the purpose of Bell and other humans is. In the previous week, he had not been idle all the time. With the help of the ancestor souls, he found some information about human beings.

According to intelligence, there are not only four Bells on this planet, but hundreds of others.

Nerela did not know the strength of other people, but according to the warnings of the ancestor souls, humans had very terrifying power, far exceeding the power of the Ogu tribe.

Therefore, since the other party has such a powerful force, why do they go to great lengths and even risk their lives to conquer their Aogu tribe?

Nerela didn't know, but fortunately, the soul of the ancestors had not sent him any dangerous signals so far, which meant that at least the situation was not too bad.

Therefore, since the other party was merciful and hoped that Victor could survive, it would be better to just admit defeat. That way, even if humans are found to have bad intentions in the end, the orcs will have one more powerful chief when they mount a desperate resistance.

"...I, I... lost."

Looking at the tip of the sword against his throat, Victor finally failed to grit his teeth and move forward.

As soon as the word 'admit defeat' came out of his mouth, Victor felt as if his energy and energy had been drained away, and his whole person looked much grayer. His body fell backwards and lay on the ground again with a 'thud'.

When the dust of the duel settled, a deathly silence filled the arena. Orcs, you look at me and I look at you. Except for the few orc shamans and orc team captains who had already anticipated the outcome, the other orcs were having a hard time accepting the current situation.

Their powerful chief was defeated? Their tribe's powerful [Bloodthirsty Blade] battle ax was broken?

Great ancestor souls, aren't they really dreaming? ?

"Win! Brother wins!!!"

Suddenly, a clear cheer, but it was not pleasant at all to the ears of the orcs, but felt very harsh, sounded from the front row of the audience.

I saw Shanna leap into the ring, cheering and pounce on her brother.

"Congratulations, brother!"

"Thanks, Shanna."

Bell hurriedly put away [Frostmourne] and caught Zanna who rushed over, with a joyful smile on his face.

Although everything is expected, winning a duel is always a happy thing. Moreover, he also unexpectedly discovered the 'anger' controlled by the orc warriors, which meant that the tools he was about to harvest were more powerful than he expected. Presumably, the subsequent development of [Menethil Star] will also be limited. It will go more smoothly.

After a short celebration, Bell and his party came to the last hall again under the hospitality of the great shaman Nerila. The only difference from the last time was that the position where Bell and others were sitting changed slightly, and the number of orcs accompanying them was reduced.

Victor was receiving treatment, and some of the orc team captains were busy outside to calm the emotions of other orcs and prevent anyone from rioting. Therefore, the number of orcs in the hall at this time is only about half of the last time.

"So, Chief Bell, what are your instructions to us next?"

Sitting next to Bell, Nerela asked Bell in an unclear manner.

Now that the other party has become the chief of the Aogu tribe through a sacred duel, no matter what the other party's purpose is, it must be time to meet him.

"First of all, I want to build a city here, and I hope you can help me."

Bell said.

During this time, members of the family have also collected a lot of materials on this planet, which should be enough to complete the infrastructure construction of a city.


Bell briefly mentioned the construction of a city last time. Although Nerela still doesn't understand the concept of "city", they have no reason to refuse just building such a non-dangerous thing.

"Secondly, I hope you can send people to convey information about us and the construction of the city to other orc tribes on this prairie, and tell them that I sincerely welcome everyone to [Mir City] ] Settle down and join us.”

With that said, Bell took out a personal terminal and threw it to the old shaman.

"This is called a 'Personal Terminal', which stores the location information of other orc tribes. In addition, if anything happens, you can also contact me through it."

After simply teaching the old shaman how to turn on the computer and some simple operations, Bell was too lazy to take care of the rest and let the old shaman study it on his own.

"But chief, in that case, we are likely to encounter hostility from other tribes."

As an experienced orc, Nerela simply didn't understand the thoughts of the orcs. As Bell said, sending a random messenger to your doorstep and asking the other party to surrender their whole family is simply a slap in the other party's face.

"It doesn't matter, you will be hostile sooner or later anyway, it doesn't matter if you do it sooner or later."

Waving his hand, Bell said that this trivial matter was not worth mentioning.

His goal was to conquer all the orcs, and he never felt that this process could be completed peacefully. All he has to do is capture the Ogu tribe first, so that he can have fewer casualties and more manpower in the subsequent conquest operations. As for those who are unwilling to join their side anyway, he can only kill them. .

"……All right."

As the saying goes, a dead Taoist friend will not die of a poor Taoist. The other tribes and the Ogu tribe were originally in a state of hostility, so Nerela did not have any special ideas about the fate that the other tribes were about to face. At most, for the sake of the fact that we are all of the same race, we can take time to observe two seconds of silence for each other before going to bed at night.

"By the way, tell Victor for me that I will have the tomahawk delivered to him in two days as promised to him before. Once his injury is healed, let him go to other tribes to try out the new axe. Let’s try it. It would be great if we could win a few tribes through the Holy Duel and bring them back.”

Not only Victor, but Bell also plans to equip other orcs with sophisticated weapons and armor.

In the next unified action of the orcs, Bell plans to use the Ogu tribe as the main body, and their wizards will only provide a small number of manpower to provide intelligence and spell support. Therefore, Bell plans to arm these precious orcs that he has just acquired to their teeth, and use the power of technology and magic to completely crush other orc tribes.

"On behalf of Victor, I would like to thank the chief for his gift."

Nerela stood up and bowed.

A weapon more powerful than the [Bloodthirsty Blade], Nerela had only seen it today in all her years of living, and that was the magic sword in Bell's hand. Now that Bell is willing to give Victor a powerful battle ax, Nerela is really happy.

At the very least, his new chief seems to be very generous to his own people.

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