The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 938 Excellent Secretary

"Chief Bell, I don't know about the visit to Earth that I mentioned last time..."

Nerela is still very curious about the earth, the planet of human origin. No, it should be said that he is becoming more and more curious now.

The other party has said before that if you want to go to Earth, you must join the other party first. Now, they have passively joined the opponent's camp, and they should also have the benefits they should have, right?

"No problem. After the teleportation array is built, you can go to the earth to visit and travel. However, in the early stage, the teleportation array needs to transport a large amount of materials and personnel. With limited transportation capacity, too many orcs cannot be sent to the earth. You'd better Let’s select a few representatives first.”

Bell said.

Moreover, the orcs, who have no understanding of the earth or wizards at all, will inevitably need someone to receive them and teach them some relevant common sense when they first arrive on the earth. If too many orcs went there at one time, it would be easy to cause trouble, so Bell planned to come little by little, and after the first wave of orcs returned from 'learning' on Earth, these orcs could then spread knowledge to other orcs.

"Okay, I'll go do the screening right now."

There was a sense of uncontrollable excitement in Nerela's tone.

That's Earth, a completely different world. When she thought that she could travel to another world in this life, Nerela felt as if her aging body had regained its vitality again, and there was endless energy all over her body.

At this moment, Nerela suddenly felt that it seemed that Bell becoming the chief of the Aogu tribe was a good thing?

"Don't be so anxious. The construction of the teleportation array is not that fast."

Bell said amusedly.

Even when all the materials are ready, it will take more than 2 weeks to build a large-scale transmission device across galaxies. Considering the debugging and verification of the equipment, it will take at least a month before it can actually be put into use.

After finishing talking about the business, Bell and the others chatted about some family issues with the orcs, which deepened their relationship and understanding of each other. At least through this small talk, Bell has firmly memorized the names of the several orcs present, and there will no longer be the embarrassing situation of forgetting each other's names.

It’s just that you may not be able to distinguish the appearance...

‘Ding dong~! ’

"Please come in~!"

Hearing the unexpected response from the house, Penello opened the door and walked into the small villa built by the lake.

"Bell, you guy is finally willing to show up."

As soon as he entered the door, Penello couldn't help but complain to Bell, who was slumped on the sofa not far away.

During this week, she came here every afternoon to look for Bell, but no one responded to her every time. Penello, who knew that Bell was conducting experimental research, had to return without success and then start again the next day.

"Senior!? Why are you here?"

Bell looked at Penelo who walked in in surprise.

"...Please! I'm always here, okay! Did you make your brain stupid by doing the experiment?"

Penello said angrily. If the other person wasn't her boss, she would really want to kick this guy hard.

"Hey!? Is that so?"

Bell tilted his head and thought carefully. Was Penelo on the Williams when they came before?

10 seconds later…

"Well, sorry."

When you can't remember something, just smile.

"You guy..."

Penello glared at Bell fiercely. From the other person's attitude, she could tell that this guy really didn't know that she came with him in the first place!

However, facing the giggling Bell, Penelo was finally defeated and only listened to her helpless words:

"Forget it, I have a lot of it, so I won't argue with you. Next, this is an evaluation of the [Star Menethil] development plan. It was made a week ago and I never had the chance to give it to you."

"Thank you, sir."

Bell caught the paper document thrown by Penello with a playful smile.

"Why do you need to use paper? Can't it be sent directly to my personal terminal?"

Bell looked at the stack of documents in his hand, which was not too thick, in confusion.

"Because there was news from the earth before, saying that the transmission of information on [Menethil] will put a lot of pressure on the terminal server on the earth, and every message will consume a lot of magic power in the server. Therefore, the head of the family ordered , before the construction of the terminal server on [Menethil Planet] is completed, members on [Menethil Planet] must minimize the use of personal terminals."

Penello said.

The document she gave Bell today was not qualified to occupy precious communication resources, so she printed it on paper and sent it to Bell personally.

"There is such a thing."

Bell nodded, lowered his head and flipped through the documents in his hand.

"By the way, what's the date today?"

Once he is addicted to magic experiments, it is easy to forget the time and date. This is Bell's long-standing bad habit.

"August 27th."

"It's already the end of August? Time flies so fast."

Bell sighed.

It seemed to him that it had only been a few days, but it turned out that a month had passed since he came back from the Aogu tribe?

After winning the duel that day, Bell officially became the chief of the Ogu tribe. After returning to the base in the evening, he handed over the task of communicating with the Ogu tribe and ordered the official start of the city's construction project.

After that, Bell stopped caring about related matters. After a short rest for a day, he devoted himself to his research again, and after spending a whole month, he finally completed his idea today.

"By the way, where are the others? What are they doing?"

To say that Penello's arrival was quite a coincidence, Bell actually just came out of the underground laboratory not long ago. After taking a shower and sitting on the sofa, he didn't even have time to send a video to his sister and wife.

"Zanna is back on Earth. I heard that her friend Lena was engaged and invited her to attend the ceremony. You were also invited, but you were busy doing experiments, so Zanna didn't bother you.

Hermione is in [Mill City], and she is currently mainly responsible for communication and coordination with the Ogu tribe.

As for Huang Quan, he went to the Cuifeng tribe to help. I heard that the trolls encountered a very difficult Loa and couldn't handle it, so they sent a request for help. "

It has to be said that as Bell's secretary, Penelo did a very good job. She always knew what Bell was most concerned about and understood it in advance. Whether it's something at work or something trivial in life. It's no wonder that Bell has always been reluctant to replace Penello.

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