The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 939 300 years is too long

"Has the teleportation device been constructed?"

Hearing that his sister ran back to Earth without saying a word, Bell felt a little empty for a moment.

"No, it's still in the final debugging stage. If nothing else happens, it will be officially put into use within three days. And Shanna...she, she went back by herself."

Speaking of this, Penello's eyes were filled with disbelief.

To be honest, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Penello would really not have believed that someone could move directly from the [Menethil Star] to the Earth across a distance of countless light-years by himself.

Even after seeing it with her own eyes, Penello still felt like she was in a dream until now. She seriously suspected that Shanna had actually found a group of actors to tease her.

"Going back by yourself!? This is really... amazing."

Bell originally wanted to blame Zanna for being too reckless, but when he thought that his previous behavior of moving to [Luila Star] had set a bad example, the words of blame got stuck in his throat and he couldn't spit it out. .

"Yes, it's really amazing. I didn't expect that Shanna would grow to a level beyond my reach after not seeing her for a few years. She suddenly felt so useless."

Penelo, who was immersed in wonder and disappointment, did not notice the suppressed and uncomfortable expression on Bell's face.

Shanna is already so powerful, so as Shanna's brother, it is not difficult to imagine what level of strength Bell has reached. Penello couldn't help but feel a sense of despair when he thought of the gap between himself and Bell, which was like a chasm.

"Ahem. Senior sister, apart from studying space spells, the most important thing that Shanna can do such a thing is to use foreign objects to obtain a large amount of magic power that can be squandered. If you are interested, I can come back. I’ll send you the relevant information and you can do your own research.”

For example, his own [Frostmourne], Zannah's [Crazy Bear], Hermione's [Ten Thousand Snakes], and his brother Al's [Power of Menethil]. Magic items of this level, Bell is I don’t plan to continue making it anymore.

After all, the power of these magic props is too strong. To put it bluntly, as long as it can exert half of the power of the above four magic props, then not to mention directly blasting the earth, at least it will take more time to destroy everything on the earth. The ecosystem is completely fine.

Of course, this is without anyone stopping you. As long as Bell was alive, he would never allow anyone else to do that.

But if it was just relevant magic knowledge, then Bell wouldn't mind teaching it to his good friends. As long as the other party agrees not to leak this knowledge to others, that's fine.

"But, can I do it?"

As a good friend of Shanna, although Penello didn't know the specific details, Shanna had always shown off her bear to her before, saying, "My brother helped me transform the bear again, and the bear now is super, super powerful." , it can also replace the magic wand, allowing me to cast super powerful spells. ’.

Over the years, Penello has also studied alchemy through the magical knowledge provided to internal members by the Menethil family. However, she unfortunately discovered that she had no talent in alchemy. Moreover, alchemy is too expensive, and she doesn't have that many magic materials to squander.

So after a brief taste, Penello finally focused all his energy on the study of magic spells. After all, the research on curses only requires knowledge and magic power. She can browse the knowledge in the Menethil family's internal network, and the magic power is automatically generated in the body. Both of them are free of charge, which perfectly meets her requirements.

"Don't worry, the relevant knowledge points are not difficult. As long as you spend more time and practice more, you should be able to make the corresponding basic magic props. The difficulty actually lies in obtaining the magic source. I can give it to you then. Help, the genuine magic stone may be difficult to get, but I can still get it for you with an ordinary ice core."

This kind of magic prop that can replace a wand and at the same time provide a large amount of magic power for wizards to use. The most difficult point to make is the magic core. You must know that except for Bell's own magic sword, the magic cores used in the magic props of the other three people are not ordinary magic stones. Instead, Bell used his previous experience of fusing magic stones, ice cores, and killing stones to fuse three magic stones together to create a super magic stone.

The production of this super magic stone is very difficult, and most importantly, very dangerous. Although it is not as good as the fusion of three different magic cores, it is normal for one to accidentally blow up a small satellite or something.

The stronger the energy of the magic core, the higher the requirements for the quality of materials and production techniques used to make magic props.

Therefore, if you just use ordinary ice cores as the core, the difficulty of production will drop sharply. Based on Bell's understanding of Penelo, he should be able to produce it independently after 3 to 5 years of hard work.

Of course, it is basically impossible for magic props of this quality to achieve inter-galactic space movement, but there is still no problem in improving the wizard's strength to a certain extent.

"Okay, then I'll give it a try. If I encounter something I don't understand, I'll ask you if you don't mind me."

Penello suddenly realized that this matter seemed to be very promising.

"How is that possible? As long as I have time, I will definitely answer it for you."

Bell said with a smile.

After speaking, he lowered his head again and carefully read the paper document in his hand.

"...300 years? It's too long."

Soon, Bell read the document in his hand from beginning to end. Penello had streamlined the document and carefully highlighted key sections, so Bell could easily access the key information.

Closing the file, Bell muttered softly, but he was not satisfied with the expected result at all.

The so-called '300 years' means that after rough estimation, it is conservatively estimated that it will take 300 years for the Menethil family to fully exploit the natural resources on the planet Menethil.

This is still under the premise of fully developing [Star Menethil]. If later, they discover other valuable resources in the universe, or encounter someone sabotaging it, such as: the rebellion of orcs or trolls, or other forces interference, etc., then this full development time is likely to be extended indefinitely.

The longer everything is delayed, the more likely things will go wrong. To be honest, Bell is not optimistic that the planet Menethil will be able to maintain a peaceful and stable environment for the next 300 years.

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