The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 940 So let’s play games

"It's been short, Bell."

Penello said.

You know, even after thousands of years of development, there are still many areas on the earth that have not been developed, such as deep mountains, deserts, and deep seas.

It is already a remarkable thing that the Menethil family can initially develop and utilize the natural resources on [Menethil Planet] in only 300 years.

"Not short at all! Not too short, not too short! It's too long~!"

Bell rolled around in protest, wondering if it was because he didn't wake up this morning...


Just kidding, 300 years! Bell didn't even know if he could live for 300 years. If this wasn't a long time, wouldn't he have graduated from Hogwarts in just one sleep?

In short, he was not satisfied with the result, very dissatisfied!

"...Then what do you want to do? Let me declare in advance that if you plan to do anything dangerous again, I will report it to Lady Elena."

Penello looked at Bell helplessly, as if looking at his stupid son.

And the most irritating thing is that this stupid son is also very capable of tormenting and causing trouble.

"We're recruiting people! If we don't have enough people, of course we have to recruit more people!"

Bell said matter-of-factly.

"However, if we want to expand recruitment on a large scale again, we must significantly lower recruitment standards. If this happens, it may cause chaos to various departments and reduce work efficiency."

Penello frowned slightly, not thinking that such a bad idea that Bell came up with as soon as he slapped his butt could really have any positive effect.

Speaking of which, we have to introduce the composition of the Menethil family.

First of all, except for a few immediate relatives of the Bell family, the only others who can be called members of the Menethil family are members of the Special Operations Team and a few other people who hold important positions, such as [William Stuart, the captain of the USS James, Snelly, the current Minister of Magic, and Penello, Bell's secretary, and others.

These people have all gone through rigorous tests and finally signed the most demanding lifelong contract with the Menethil family. They can be regarded as unrelated descendants of the Menethil family.

Apart from these 'family members', the rest can only be regarded as employees working for the Menethil family. They have only signed the most ordinary employment contract with the Menethil family, which is at most more complicated than the employment contract terms of other companies. Be a little harsher.

But because the treatment given by the Menethil family is very generous in the whole world, this small "flaw" still cannot extinguish people's enthusiasm.

In fact, at this time, there are many wizards who want to work in the Menethil family business. Even the Menethil family's business has ranked alongside the Ministry of Magic in various European countries, becoming the most popular workplace for young wizards after graduation.

Faced with the pursuit of so many wizards, it is certainly impossible for the Menethil family to accept all orders. You know, the number of people who are hostile to the Menethil family is no less than the people who are close to the Menethil family.

Therefore, no matter how lacking in personnel, the Menethil family has never blindly recruited people. After tireless research and improvement by the personnel department, the current recruitment standards were finally formulated, which basically achieved a balance in the flow of personnel among the various departments of the Menethil family.

Every year some people resign or are fired, and every year almost the same number of new people are recruited through the test, which always maintains the stability and vitality of each department.

It is no exaggeration to say that without an explosive growth in the total number of wizards, it is completely unrealistic for the Menethil family to continue to increase the number of employees.

"Of course, I know what you said. But senior sister, I have to say that your field of vision is still too narrow."

Bell shook his head, looking embarrassed.

"What's the meaning?"

Penello asked confused.

"It means that there are billions of human beings on the earth. As long as we can find tens of thousands of 'good Samaritans' among them, it will be of great help."

"But how can ordinary people...wait! Are you planning to recruit mercenaries?"

Penello looked at Bell with wide eyes.

Indeed, if you just develop the natural resources on [Menethil], then it doesn't have to be a wizard. Muggles can also do it, but at most it will be less efficient.

In particular, the mercenaries who have undergone rigorous training and are proficient in many thermal weapons and equipment are also extraordinary in strength and can complete many difficult and dangerous tasks.

"But Bell, is that really good? Governments of various countries won't allow us to do that, right?"

Penello's concerns are not unfounded. In fact, according to intelligence, no matter what it was before, the first imaginary enemies of Muggle governments in various countries have now become wizards, a group with magical powers.

And even among all wizarding groups, those who are particularly feared are undoubtedly Bell, who single-handedly opened the prelude to a new era, and the Menethil family to which Bell belongs.

To be honest, it is really hard to say whether there are more ordinary people in the current magic city [Dalaran] or there are more spies from all forces.

Under such circumstances, if Bell suddenly recruits a large number of Muggle mercenaries and purchases military weapons on a large scale, it is difficult to say whether the tense nerves of all parties will be completely broken and a fierce armed conflict will break out.

"Stop, stop, stop! What are you thinking? How could I recruit mercenaries?"

Bell rolled his eyes speechlessly.

This guy Penelo really thinks that [Menethil] is the earth, and a group of armed men can just walk sideways. You know, because of the different concentration of magic power, the natural world on [Menethil] is far more dangerous than on Earth. Light firearms with less power are actually not that useful in the face of some powerful magical animals.

For example, when dealing with forest trolls, it is difficult for light firearms to break through the troll's surface defenses unless they can hit a vulnerable vital part like the eyes. And even if the troll is injured, it has no real significance due to the troll's powerful self-healing ability.

If heavy weapons are used, although they can cause effective damage, they will also cause great damage to the natural environment. Bell didn't want anyone to set fire to his "back garden", so he had no plans to use heavy weapons on [Menethil].

"What I want to do is invite everyone to play a super fun game!"

Bell took out a golden bracelet and threw it to Penello, the corner of his mouth curled up in a pleasant arc.

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