The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 941 Games change the world

"Huh? Game?"

Looking at the exquisite golden bracelet in his hand, Penello's head was filled with questions, which almost filled the living room.

What is going on? Why are you still going on and on about playing games?

By the way, maybe Bell was infected with Internet addiction by Fina, right?

"That's right! It's a game! And it's an unprecedented, exciting, large-scale, casual puzzle... (10,000 words are omitted here)... In short, it's a super awesome, super fun epic massive multiplayer game Online online gaming!”

Bell jumped up from the sofa in excitement. He was very proud of this creation of his, even more proud than forging [Frostmourne].

"Uh...can you make it simpler?"

Seeing Bell who was so excited that he couldn't contain himself, Penello subconsciously moved away. Since Internet addiction is contagious, she must be more careful in the future to prevent herself from being infected.

"Have you forgotten? Didn't I say before that I wanted to use 'H1 particles' to create games in reality?"

In fact, using the gaseous magic material discovered on Neptune - 'H1 particles', the relevant research departments of the Menethil family have built two real-life playgrounds on the earth. It is said that the feedback has been very good, and every day it is full of players who want to experience virtual games in reality.

"So you plan to build a few game fields on [Menethil]?"

Of course Penello still remembers what Bell said back then. In fact, she is also a frequent visitor to the two real-life gaming venues. She often borrows the benefits of internal staff to go to the gaming venues to play two games to relax.

But the question is, does that have anything to do with the [Menethil Star] development issue they are currently discussing?

"No! I want to build a very large real game based on the entire [Star Menethil]!"

Bell said that just building a few playgrounds or something like that, a petty approach, can no longer satisfy his current ambitions.

After so many years of collection and accumulation, the amount of ‘H1 particles’ stored in the family has now reached a very large level. Even if Bell hadn't insisted, William would have stopped mining 'H1 particles', a magic material that has no use for the time being.

So, with enough materials and territory, Bell can finally realize his long-cherished wish for many years - to make games!

"...Well, that's a good idea, so Bell, let's continue discussing the issue of planet development."

Penello said expressionlessly, and tried to straighten Lou, who was crooked by Bell.

"What's that look in your eyes! You put on that bracelet, you'll understand what I mean when you put it on!"

Bell glared at Penello rather unhappily, and he promised that the other party would be shocked later.

At Bell's urging, Penello put on the bracelet and bound the bracelet to herself according to Bell's instructions, and then...

"Activate, [Pioneer]."

Penello read out the activation command.

The next second, Penello leaned back and fell on the sofa, and then a handful of blue light mist emerged in the open space beside her. The light mist formed a vague outline of a human body.

"W-What is this!?"

Penello's surprised voice came out from the outline of the human body, sounding slightly distorted.

"This is the pinch system. Because it is still preliminary, I haven't had time to set up the novice guide yet. Don't panic, just follow my instructions step by step."

Under Bell's explanation, Penello quickly mastered the method of pinching people. In fact, this is not difficult for wizards who deal with magic every day.

After about a minute, the light mist was seen shrinking and gathering inward under Penello's operation, forming a solid human body, and the color continued to change, and finally the appearance and body shape became exactly the same as Penello's body. .

The only difference is that the current 'Penello' is only wearing very simple white clothes, which looks like the style of European medieval clothing.

"This is amazing! Bell, how did you do it?"

Penello moves his new body in novel ways. Although the total amount of magic power in this body is very rare, in contrast, the body is very light and flexible, as if it can fly over walls and walls with just a slight jump.

"To put it simply, it is to extract your mental power through the game bracelet, and then aggregate it into a new body through the 'H1 particles' connected to the bracelet."

Bell explained with a smile.

"But in that case, wouldn't it consume a lot of 'H1 particles'?"

Penello looked at Bell.

Although 'H1 particles' are currently of no use, it is still a magic material after all, and it is also a very difficult magic material to collect. Isn't it such a waste?

"In fact, it doesn't take much. Have you ever felt that your body is very light? That's because your body is not solid now, it's just an outer shell."

As he spoke, Bell poked Penello with his finger, and with a little force, a small red hole was poked in his body. As Bell retracted his finger, red light particles scattered from the hole, which looked quite beautiful.

"In addition, after these 'H1 particles' are scattered, they will be recovered and reused by the bracelet on your wrist."

Penello looked down and realized that on the wrist of his current body, he also wore a golden bracelet that was exactly the same as the gaming bracelet.

Although it is difficult to detect with the naked eye, Penello can sense through his mind that after leaving the body for a period of time, those red light flakes will turn into a colorless and transparent state and converge into the bracelet.

"Okay, now it's time for you to choose a career."


Penello looked at Bell in confusion.

"Yes, profession. Since you are a wizard yourself, you have two options.

The first is to inherit the profession of a wizard. You can use all the spells you have mastered, but you can only use the magic within this body to cast spells.

The second is to choose several professions set by the system. At present, I have only set two professions: warrior and mage. By the way, although the mage profession is very similar to the wizard, there are many differences in subtleties, which is worth experiencing. "

"But there is too little magic power in this body. It will be exhausted after just a few spells are cast."

Penello estimated that if she cast the spell with all her strength, the poor magic power in this body might only be able to support her to cast a crushing spell.

"That's because you are only at level 1 now. When you increase the level by doing tasks, fighting monsters, etc., this body will get more 'H1 particles', which will increase the magic power in its body.

By the way, due to current technical limitations, even if it reaches the full level, the total amount of magic power will probably only be equivalent to the level of an ordinary graduate who has just graduated from Hogwarts, but for the time being, it is enough. "

The strength that a graduate who specializes in combat can exert is actually very strong, enough to carry out land reclamation activities on [Menethil].

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