The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 942 Return to Earth

Early in the morning, outside the [Mill City] construction site.

Today, Bell came here early. Speaking of which, this was Bell's first time here. He had only heard Hermione mention the city's construction progress before, but had never come to confirm it in person. Thinking about it, it felt quite derelict.

"My dear, are you really not going back with me?"

Bell asked Hermione beside him.

The transmission device completed its final debugging work last night and will be officially put into use this morning. Bell plans to go back and arrange for personnel to perfect the settings of the gaming bracelet and mass-produce it. For the initial trial operation, just produce 10,000 first.

Why do you suddenly feel that this number seems a little unlucky?


These are all small things, the really important thing is that last night Hermione suddenly told him that she didn't plan to return to Earth with him and wanted to separate from him! ! ?

Okay, just kidding, it's just because Hermione can't let go of the office on [Menethil] and wants to stay.

"No, this time the old shaman of Nerela and Victor will go to the earth with you. Once they leave, the orcs will inevitably be leaderless and chaotic. I want to stay and watch them."

During this time, in addition to supervising the construction work of the city, Hermione was mostly responsible for communicating with the orcs, coordinating the distribution of supplies, and discussing the details of strategic advancement.

Thanks to Hermione's efforts, the process of unifying the orc tribe is currently progressing very smoothly. At the same time, Hermione's name is also spread among many orcs, becoming a person whose prestige is second only to Nerela and Victor.

By the way, for Bell, the chief, except for the original members of the Ogu tribe, the orcs who later joined him only heard of him by name and never met him in person. Therefore, Bell did not actually have much prestige in the hearts of the orcs. .

Bell didn't take it seriously either. Originally, he didn't need these orcs to worship him. In his opinion, it was enough for these orcs to live honestly and not cause trouble for him. It would be bad if his prestige was too high. After all, the future head of the family is his younger brother. As an older brother, it is always difficult for him to steal his younger brother's charm.

"...Well, you stay here alone, but you must take good care of yourself, pay attention to rest and diet, and don't be too tired."

Bell warned worriedly.

I wonder if every student will become a workaholic after graduation? Anyway, from Bell's point of view, Hermione was endless when she started working, and she ignored him as her husband.

"Don't worry, I will take care of myself. But you, remember to eat and sleep on time, and remember to listen to Lim."

Hermione said that it was clearly Bell who would completely lose track of time when he started doing magic research. He had to force her out of the laboratory every day before he would eat and sleep.

"Okay! You two, stop being so stupid here. I feel goosebumps all over the floor. The trolls have arrived, and the orcs are ready. Bell, the transfer array is still waiting for your instructions. .”

Penello rubbed his arms with a look of disgust on his face, interrupting Belle and Hermione, who were still trying to continue exhorting each other.

It's not like we're separated by life or death. We can see each other anytime we want. Is it so boring?

"Ahem. The troll has arrived too? It's early enough."

Bell was embarrassed and had nothing to say.

Like the orcs, the trolls in the forest are also very curious about the earth where Bell and other humans live. Therefore, this time, Bell went to the earth with not only the orcs, but also several forest trolls.

Under the leadership of Hermione, the group of people arrived outside the teleportation area on a familiar path. Here, Bell saw several familiar faces of orcs and trolls.

"Hello everyone, long time no see. Don't worry, we'll leave soon."

Bell felt that he had arrived early enough, but he didn't expect these guys to arrive earlier than him. Especially those trolls, they don't live close to here. Could it be that these guys didn't sleep last night?

Thinking of this, Bell stared at the eye sockets of the trolls carefully. However, the dark green skin of the trolls made it impossible for him to tell whether these guys had dark circles under their eyes.

It’s unclear whether trolls have dark circles under their eyes.

"Chief Bell, long time no see."

Compared to the trolls, the orcs of the Ogu tribe have more contact with Bell. Therefore, while the trolls just looked at Huang Quan behind Bell in awe and bowed silently, several orcs greeted Bell one after another.

Especially Nerela and Victor, who were standing at the front of the orcs, looked at Bell with an even more cordial look.

Of course, this is not because the two of them have developed Smoothmore Syndrome, but because they have obtained a staff and a battle ax from Bell respectively.

The orcs are a race that worships bravery very much. Therefore, the orcs regard weapons that can enhance their strength as their own siblings.

Bell's own strong strength, coupled with the fact that he gave the two powerful weapons after winning the duel, Nerela and Victor now feel convinced.

By the way, the great prophet Mu De of the Cuifeng tribe has passed away at this time and returned to [Frostmourne] to continue serving Bell.

"By the way, before setting off, there is one thing I want to tell you. The composition of the air on Earth is somewhat different from that here. You should be able to breathe normally, but you may feel uncomfortable at the beginning.

If you really feel uncomfortable at that time, don't stiffen up, remember to speak up, and seek medical examination and treatment. "

Compared to [Star Menethil], the air on Earth does not contain [Enhancing Element]. The so-called [Enhancing Element] is an unknown element unique to the air of [Star Menethil] that has a strengthening effect on living organisms.

Therefore, unlike humans who can quickly adapt to the air on [Menethil], Bell speculated that on earth lacking [reinforcement elements], it may take the orcs and trolls quite some time to fully adapt.

Seeing everyone nodding in understanding, Bell ordered the staff on the side to start charging the transmission device.

Soon, the charge was completed, and after Bell reluctantly said goodbye to Hermione, he took the lead and walked into the teleportation area.

The transmission device here adopts the latest research results of the Menethil family, abandoning the transmission cabinet that has been used for a long time, and instead applies the commonly used formation patterns for short-distance transmission to ultra-long-distance transmission.

Compared with the teleportation cabinet, this type of array teleportation has the advantages of fast charging speed, strong anti-interference ability, and convenient maintenance and inspection. Soon, the figures of Bell and others disappeared in the streams of light and were teleported to the earth.

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