The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 943 Plan A failed

‘Bang! ’

"Ah~er~! Brother is back~! Did you miss him~!"

Kicking open the door, Bell rushed into his living room like a wind.

As the person with the highest authority in the central tower, Bell could know the location of anyone in the tower if he wanted to. Therefore, he already knew the whereabouts of his family members as early as outside the tower.


I saw a small figure running on hands and knees across the sofa, over the coffee table, across the carpet, and rolled and crawled to Bell's feet.

Seeing this, Bell quickly bent down and picked up his younger brother who was resting at his feet with his head down and his feet up.


The little one hugged Bell's head and kissed her fiercely, making Bell's face very itchy.

"Hahaha! Al is so good!"

Facing his enthusiastic baby brother, Bell kissed him back with the same force, making the little guy burst into cute laughter.

After the long-awaited interaction with Little Al, Bell looked up at the other person in the living room.

"Mom, I'm back."

Bell greeted his mother with a smile.

"Hmph! You brat, you still know how to come back! You've been away for nearly two months and you didn't even know you came back to see me."

Elena rolled her eyes dissatisfied.

However, even though she was complaining, the look of joy on Elena's face could not be hidden.

"Uh... Isn't it too far away to come back?"

"Stop coming! Shanna can come back on her own, but will you come back?"

To be honest, when she learned that her daughter had moved back from the distant [Menethil] by herself, Elena was so shocked that her eyes almost fell out.

This simply overturned her 40 years of knowledge!

"Uh, um... I mean, because I have too many things on hand to keep busy, so I don't have time to come back."

Facing his mother's complaining gaze, Bell shrank her face behind Al and explained forcefully.

"Bell, let me tell you, you must not imitate your father. He has almost turned into a social beast now. All he can think about is work all day long. I am so angry that I want to beat him."

Speaking of this matter, Elena became extremely angry.

The men in my family don’t know what’s going on. They are all busy with this and that all day long. My father, my father-in-law, and my husband are all busy. If even the eldest son becomes like that now, Then she would really be hopeless.

"Well, there have been a lot of troubles recently. It's understandable that my father is a little busy."

It was rare for Bell to say a few kind words for his father.

There's no way, you know, if your mother does this, she's no less serious than Shanna. Thinking back then, when Shanna was still young, Bell was almost hit by his sister and vomited blood several times. He didn't want to hear the bad news one day that his father was seriously injured by his mother.

By the way, should he mention this matter to his father so that he can pay more attention to practicing magic spells?

I have to practice the Iron Armor Curse anyway.

"By the way, Mom, how are the various industries of the family being consolidated now? I took a look when I came back today. The infrastructure of [Mir City] on [Menethil] has almost been built. It's OK. The transfer has begun.”

Bell didn't want to continue to dwell on those dangerous topics, so he decisively raised a question that he was more concerned about.

"Not ideal."

Elena shook her head, and the smile on her face faded.

"what happened?"

Bell was very confused about this answer.

Logically speaking, after the Menethil family withdrew, it was equivalent to handing over many benefits to other wizards. Others should be happy before it is too late, so why are they still reluctant to let them go?

"It's the employees, most of them are unwilling to transfer."

Elena said.

Whether they are wizards, fishmen or horsemen, everyone is born and raised here. As the saying goes, it is hard to leave the homeland, let alone moving to another completely unfamiliar planet. Everyone is very resistant to this.

"...I see, it seems that I thought of things too simply."

"Bell, this is not your fault. Your original intention is for everyone's good."

Seeing her eldest son lowering his head and looking very disappointed, Elena hurriedly spoke out to comfort him.

To be honest, Elena herself is not very willing to move to another planet. As the saying goes, 'a golden nest and a silver nest are not as good as one's own doghouse'... It is indeed offensive to say that the earth is a 'doghouse', but That's not the point. The point is that even though [Menethil Star] is good in this way, Elena still prefers Earth.

Of course, she would not say these things in front of her eldest son. At this time when most people were opposed to her eldest son's decision, she had to stand behind her son and give him support.

"Mom, you misunderstood, I am not lost."

Bell was just thinking about something, but he didn't expect that his mother would be so flustered. This made Bell feel dumbfounded, but also felt warm and comfortable from the bottom of his heart.

"I did not consider everyone's thoughts. This is indeed my negligence. Since everyone does not want to leave the earth, then we will not leave. But in this case, some problems must be solved immediately."

Originally, Bell would not want to pay attention to some trivial matters on earth. After all, after they shift their focus to [Star Menethil], even if those guys want to cause trouble for them, it will be difficult to find an opportunity to do so.

But now, since the transfer plan is planned to be terminated, some small troubles must be completely resolved before they become bigger.

Of course, although the transfer plan has been terminated, it does not mean that the development plan of [Star Menethil] will also be terminated. No matter what, if they can have a safe and stable escape route, they will be able to be more liberal when doing things in the future.

Although William has always hoped that his cheating eldest son could restrain his hands a little when doing things...

"Bell, your father asked me to tell you before, no matter what you want to do, try not to make too much noise again. If you don't do something as dangerous as blowing up a military base, just don't do it. Try not to do it as much as possible.”

As Bell's father, William knew his eldest son very well, not much less than Elena.

Therefore, the moment the transfer plan reached a deadlock, William knew that when his eldest son came back, something would definitely happen again.

It's definitely impossible to stop him, and he doesn't want to.

(William: 'Let you bastards trouble me all day long!')

But the means can still be considered more carefully.

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