The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 945 Can’t remember it, or maybe it never happened at all?

"In this case, please allow us to continue disturbing you for a while."

After thinking about it, her inner curiosity finally took over, and Nerela decided to look forward to the possibility in one month.

In fact, mainly because of the sophisticated equipment provided by Bell, whether it is the orc warriors of the Ogu tribe or the troll warriors of the Cuifeng tribe, their combat effectiveness has been greatly improved, and they are completely capable of crushing other tribes.

Not to mention, the shamans and prophets also received wands given by Bell, which more than doubled their spell-casting abilities. It used to take several seconds to cast a successful spell, but now it only takes a raise of the hand.

Therefore, even if they return a month late, the process of tribal unification will not be greatly affected. In contrast, it is more important for the orcs and trolls to have a deeper understanding of the human race and the power of the Menethil family.

"Of course there's no problem. I've said it before, don't be too rigid, just treat this place as your own home."

Bell said with a smile.

"Yes, Chief Bell, let's go out first and say goodbye."

After watching Nerela and Yaska leave, Bell chatted with his family for a while. After everyone went about their own business, he took Huang Quan to the meeting hall on the top floor of the central tower.

Speaking of which, this is the second time Bell has come to this meeting hall. The last time was when [Dalaran] had just been completed and put into low-Earth orbit.

Pushing open the door of the conference hall, a very spacious hall appeared in front of you. The overall tone of the hall is dark, with pillars as thick as several people's arms standing around it, giving it a solemn and solemn feel. There was a beautifully shaped long table placed in the center of the hall, and there were already 5 people sitting there waiting at the long table.

The door opened, and the five people looked towards the door. After seeing Bell who walked into the hall first, the five people stood up immediately.

"Bell, you guy, you go out to play by yourself without even taking me with you. It's so uninteresting."

Wang Shou emphasized with a smile.

Life planets beyond the earth, what a desirable existence. I wonder if there are any alien beauties up there? Anyway, Wang Shouqiang was not sensitive to the women of the two races, orcs and trolls.

"Please, I just have to go to work, okay? I'm almost exhausted during this period."

Bell rolled his eyes and was too lazy to pay attention to Wang Shouqiang, who spent his whole day 'idle', 'flirting with beauties', and 'not doing his job properly'.

"Little Luna, and everyone, long time no see, how have you been lately?"

After choking Wang Shouqiang, Bell smiled and greeted the other four people in the hall.

The five people here are exactly the 'Four Pillars' combination that Bell created on a whim. These five people are now responsible for the security issues in [Dalaran].

"Long time no see, Senior Bell. I've been having a good time recently. My only regret is that I still haven't found the Crescent-Horned Snorlax yet."

Luna responded expressionlessly and seriously.

"Yeah, really, that's such a shame."

Hearing this, the corners of Bell's mouth twitched unnaturally twice. He really didn't expect that after so many years, Luna still hadn't given up looking for those magical animals that didn't exist.

"By the way, Luna, since you can't find it on Earth, then maybe you can go to [Star Menethil] or [Star Luila] to look for it later."

Bell really couldn't bear to watch Luna search in vain for that Bent-Horned Snork day after day. Maybe there is a beast with the appearance that matches Luna's fantasy on [Plane Menethil] or [Plane Luila]. Maybe, then the other party's long-cherished wish for many years will be realized.

Of course, after the old long-cherished wish is fulfilled, whether Luna will suddenly have a whim and imagine some new magical animals is beyond Bell's control. All he could say was that he had tried his best.

"...Yes! Thank you, senior!"

Everyone could clearly see that Luna's eyes were wider and rounder. It seems that Bell's suggestion has inspired Luna a lot.

"You're welcome. You can go find Shanna later and act with her. Take your time, I believe you will get what you want in the end.

Okay, let’s stop chatting here. Everyone, please sit down and don’t stand all the time. "

After saying that, Bell pulled out the chair and sat down.

After seeing Bell take his seat, several people present sat back on their chairs.

"Master, I wonder if you summoned us here this time for something important?"

Hagen, the oldest of the people, ‘Curse Pillar’, spoke up and asked.

As one of the 'Four Pillars', although the other three are not as close to Bell as Wang Shouqiang and Luna are, as core members of the Menethil family, they also have a deep understanding of Bell's character. understand.

Bell's character may be described as free and easy at best, but in fact he is lazy and afraid of trouble. He is even worse than Wang Shouqiang who sits opposite him. Therefore, if something happens occasionally, I usually use my personal terminal to notify them directly, or call them to their residence to give them a few casual instructions.

Today, Bell actually gathered them all in the meeting hall at the top of the tower so solemnly. It can be seen that there must be extraordinary things to discuss with them.

"Yes, you are the main person in charge of security in various regions of [Dalaran], so I think you all should also know that many 'rats' have been reproduced in [Dalaran]."

When it came to business, Bell put away the smile on his face. He put his elbows on the table, folded his hands under his nose, and looked at him with a rare serious look.

"I'm very sorry, Master. It was our negligence that allowed those dirty rats to get into [Dalaran]."

‘Water Column’ Ainsworth apologized in a deep voice.

Ainsworth has always been very fond of the magical and beautiful magical city [Dalaran]. Of course, she also hopes that she can protect the beauty of this city. Therefore, she had long been very unhappy with the dirty and ugly 'rats' wandering around the city.

"No, no, no, this is not your fault, and I don't mean to blame you. So relax, Einz, if you keep frowning like this, your beautiful face will be full of wrinkles. "

I don’t know how it happened. Logically speaking, wouldn’t women in the general team be able to adjust the atmosphere?

As a result, the two women in "Four Pillars", Ainsworth and Luna, have always been mood spoilers. One always has a frown on his face and his expression is extremely serious. The other one goes his own way and behaves in a way that is difficult for ordinary people to understand.

In this regard, Bell, as the leader, is always worried about his female subordinates. He really hoped that the personalities of these two guys could be harmonized a little. Not to mention becoming as good as him (!?), at least they wouldn't look so weird.

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